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... I ABERDARE HORTICULTURALI IAND POULTRY SHOW. I, The annual showi held in connection 'with the Aberdare Horticultural Society took place on Thursday at the Aberdaro Market-bali. This year a fresh feature %was introduced by thes addition of an exhibition of Poultry, pigeons, and cage birds. on, The town was festively decorateid in honofur of .eat the occasion, and the ruarket-hall itself was% ...


... THE (GLAMORGANSHIRE I AGRICULTURAL SHOW. I TUIL OPENLING TO-DAY. d: irk _ir nd [BY OUat OwY nLP'0BTEILJ cl ?al SWANSEA. WaDnEsnxY EvSsno. I ;as The praparations for the Gliuorganeshire Agri. ' he cultural Show at Swansea are naw practically ir he conmpleted. TlIe Victoria Pack has undergone a hi ?? complete transformation at the hands of the con- 9 .a- tractor, Mr. William Randell, of Stoke ...


... re MISS ESMERALDA AT THE THEATRE ROYAL. As premised last week, the production of M is S Esmneralda 'at the Cardiff Theatre Royal on Mon- day evening was a distinct success. As a melo-i dramatic burlesque, it was of thu best; the music -and, by-tire-wPay, the augmented orchestra was conducted by Herr Meyer Lutz, the cow poser- was rippling and pleasiug; and tile huge Gaiezy crowd that ...


... THE CARDIFF DANCING( ACADEMY. PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE~ eMAUGISTRATES. 1-1S UA MMONE LD FO R NOT HAVING A v., 10 LICE-NCE. I At Cardiff Police-cootz on Friday (before M~r T. NY, Law is, stipoediary; the Mayer, Alderman s( Jaeobs,: Dr.Painre,andillajor Slcper) Mr. Frederick 01 Sumtmers, of 1, Rowe-street, Roath, was summoned IL *by 'Mr. John Xenkins, accounitant, Philharmnontic Chambers, St, ...


... CARDIFF AM USEMEN TS. a TH'EIEATItE ROYAL., i A very fair house assembled at the Theatre 5. Royal no londay niglht to witness tihe production t of the well-known drama by Messrs. R. C. Carton y and C. Raleigh, The Pointitnran. The plot is a well conceived, and tihe piece itself obtains full ,ostice at tbe irinds of Miss Agnes Hewitt's com- y pny; but there were several slight hitches in the ...


... CARDIFF INTERNATIONAL EXSHIBITION. OPENING BY THE MAYOR. PUBLIC PROCESSION. DESCRIPTION OF THE EXHIiBTS. , The Cardiff International rradas Lnd ?? i Exhibition, the nature of which has already baeen i fully described i1n preliminary notices, was formaJy; opened on ?? afternoon by bhi worDnMI |l the mayor (Alderman T. Windsor Jacobs). in utu) c , matter of weather - that all-important factnr,!: ...


... THEATRE ROYAL. Above the ordinary run of dramas is The Shadows o' a Great City, running at the Thbatre Royal this week. The plot is a most finely-wrought one, but as it was represented upon the Cardiff boards some time last year, It will be unnecessary to do more than refreeh past memories by a sketch of it.. The robbing and consequent ruin of a family, the S&andishes, the imprisonment of an ...


... CARD)IFF AM1U, S E) I 'ANTS. 'PiI'L'A. A0,' 'T'rIt'i,: i Rx I 111K I)OY I ?? ACti;r ;eeir {g Leoc'r-q's ner'CE isu' Ojntioev T1'tpi, I! rats put. on ist is- fbi 'die It' -Vtl1 ' t; G dkfi, 1 ?? ?? evei iriog by Va.n ?? a1lid t.Iree li:.igi iS (C0 ?? oal y , i i ?? eiopiiltit.'n ?? r)'l I) ileL i, ijS C if let li., ?? ¶1,1 blcI, ?? OiC nCrgl9 i Iitip i;i£ .1 'i'M IV.PV 5, S j Ciil'- f'r ...


... 14-. BAMATE-UR PHOTQ- I ?? X;X. ?? ?? ,-OUTHCOMING- EXHIBITION AT! CARDIFF. The first exhibition in connet with lbs -Cardiff'Amateur Photogntphio Aasoefatlon. will, by the khfdi-.permission of tlse Mayor 04r. T. IV. Jaeobs), bte iheld in the -Assmbly-roomss at the Town-halU, Cardiff, early in October next; and it is- ?? to note that already the committee have received letters from, several of ...


... FAl6S 1UU.1t I'ECI:MBEP. 1Cantou (Cardift ?? Ltlslswlel2 . 13 n ,r Igsbrtyhde I ?? ?? 3 e,9 ibroke . .. . 1S. _ Bre kvk i ?? ,,1 rus. 3&1.i 6t Trccti, lttaysde . 3 ?? 19' Puwis1 i4 7 .. ?? .. 17 ?? ?? St. Druvid~a * Altrton ?? 17 DO PenLyboznt ?? , , ?? S tvre e (Ftetr . ;9 B S-tlidtel S ?? e .WeEm l .9 19 };Kl . i t Ctligu _ ?? , , tr lg t ?? ?? Alltvii ?? * , 9 Cerobiliv , . .. 2 1 5e ~Li ...


... i'v. Jo ~ C OAMIC OPERA AT THLE TILEATIIE I I Fptewt ROYAL. it 'e~ta, %wthits bright and crisp dialogue, Mt is highly melodious and sprightly mjusic, 2%nd its Jo or- Pretty dresoes, is tiagain at thle Cardiff Theatre I'dRolasdnooewohsntytwtesdtiC oneo of this mostsuccessful arid popular of present uni ,dj day comic operas, should by no meanas fail to ax 'iL emnbrace the opportunity that. is ...