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... 1.: .- I-- . A: - I-- - TM BALL' ATf vn~xmsoN HOUSB' Aa 4sb e-h ?? Pieirs fo this a week- The ee_' lbyee ~At Z ' at ' e en Wedmsia ev e a tlhe brigts ad. lietlat fasta ffI tur tor log s~it in the fiu old hiNted. walh, ?? amy dvai entertain. smuts hwe from ixap to time Mm Keny, wife of Wm lordshio 3westaxy (whe. by the wa, is a. mmober ci the &og Bar, an a y soureoe- ge- tlena tboq). acted The ...


... FASHION AND VARETIS. , g . _ . 0 m~~~ , 0Lord Dunraven arrived at Kingstowu yes. ''day from En-jand. , The Ifon Mr. and Mrs Donaldson arrived ,at Kingstown yesterday from England. s Sir John and Lady Dillon arrivea at Kineds lown yesterday from England. AH Colonel and Mrs MCJintoeck arrived at f~liingsto~w yesterday trom England. ] fS T'he Ho B. J Plunker amrrved a Kings.o r~,toswn yesterday ...


... FASHION AN-D ARIETI$. 1 Iadt Stuart has arrived at kinstown from Rgagisid The Marqus 'of Lansdowne has arrived at Kingstown from England. William O'Brien,. M P,. has -arrived at Kingtown from England. Colonel T ?? S gatn ikou Englad. . Williasn Redmond1 P, ha&- aved at Kingstown from Englasn J E Redmond, m Pi has arrived at JCapt 'strange, -Be 3, has arrived at Rmeten fro nL ?? Capt Hudson has ...


... FAS ION AND V ARTLYzY. *Lady Mathew arrived at Kinlgstowl vi. Xterd~y frou: E~ngland. * ; The Right Hon Mr. JUstice Mone a family arrived at Kingstoosen y sterday fer n land. Sir John Ball Greene, C B, arri;-f ^ ;ingtow-n ?? trom Enghlnd. Surgeon-'Major N M Creery usrivec ,i Bngstov. n ye-terday from l;g! and. iEngrlnI Fitzgerald has left ; :- H C Godlev. 4&.h RegIniort, lies , Kingstovwn for ...


... I.- MR. IT-WIGS CONOIWET. I The erowr whopawred in the , S Satrday night to hear the with the nom of Mr. Ludwlgenoyed amsical treat of a kind that lhs seldom been afforded, and the special character of whichlent to it surpassing Imtiemet. Our national msieti a treasure in the Posses|iof which we should indeed be justly prj roud, and it. may with equal truth be added that there are few Jabourer ...


... j I ?? I - i is 1 . R Fir. Michael Gums and = gr.Augustus Harris had put forward no other claim to gratitude for irvivig Italian operas in -Dublin, the production of Aida last night at: the Gait7 would have been sufficient to. make one feel indebted beyond meaaure to their enterprie. -No one who hoard the work can help wondering how- it has come I about that-so little has been known Said, or ...


... FASHION AND TABIETIE&. Lady A Brooke and Miss Brooke have lea Kingstown for England. The Hon Browne Guthrie has left Kings. town for England, Major and Mrs Watsor have left Kings. town for England. Major Hutton has left Eingstowu for Bug. land. Captain and Mrs Roche has left Kingstowul for England. The Hon Henry Beurke arrived at Kings- town yesterday from England. The Marquis of Ormnende ...


... -i E - IOV MSAND YVABIBTIES. I. , . .: I X - . I Dr Mj 3 Malxe, Mrs Malone and Miss HKavanagh, arrivesat 1}ingStown yesterday from Eng.- laud.. captain Serimgeour has arrived at Kings- town £rom England. Captain and Mrs Ecdes and suite hava ar- rivedat Hingstowa from England. D Dr Mapather has arrived at 6 Mlerrion square from S2 Cavendishbsquare, London. Colonel Henderson has left ,Kingstown ...


... FLOWER. SHOW, I mote than thq fioitfs made the Le o r -c entre of ettr e e ote rdy . bate w macar in such a ,place a fairer g thde one or (in spring) -more faded ofD g e other. The flowers leaked .11 . blighted5 and done up, as if they hgd t the Dight on the stage. The ladies were radt blsoming' nd in done up the doing azazingy twell. The Lord Lieutenart cd the Marchiofes3S of Londonderry ...


... TASIIION AND VARLEIES. Captain Riall has left Kingstown for Eng. land. The Rigrht Rev bishop M'Evily has left Rfingstown for England. Sir Howard Grubb, F R S, has left Kings- town for England. Sir Percy and Lady Grace arrived at Kings- town yesterday from England. Sir T Milner artived at Kingstown yester- day from England. Sir John M'Kerlie and Miss M'Kerlie ar- rived at Kingstown yesterday ...


... 1'AIS11ION AND VARIETIES. I + t or ci Oroctsre arrived at Kin-gstown I. antudn and Mrs NV H Irvine and famlily urare '4 at Xinf tgtolvn ?? fromt England. t 'to Jt;Ci:!rnd Staucy, Bishop of sai!,. U ur;ti arvived at ls-agstosA yesiterdav fro nt Cap'l ti~ George Quinnti has left K&trgstewarn for Log luznd.] Dr IJ M'We'noev, sur?aiual AssistaLnt .0ater MiE-ricord0i,e llsiioejt, w5ii Meidical ...


... I ?? AIDPOEMS; Sand BOefeLD. By WlSLj~ Beeves sad T murer . Lc JFew Irish poete are more truly racy fth tran the Sweet sisger of Bdas y, as soil t to ean tle old town on the Erne. hore s years have passed since his Moregs th Z - ~respeets, finoem, a lonst, eld, i published in Frasce, Aqegcaz It afildg tention far outside the shores of St. ?? swhilst partisans on both sides ef the Ch A sailed ...