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... LITERA-tTUEh -.ZOTBEri ?? 2721 BOOKS. Messrs Macmnillan & Co. have issued this * W' neti a reiv edition, thoroughly revise2d, of tlhe .al 3 Green's ''Short Iistory of the Eag. I ?? POte.''-Messrs Loscgmans, Grecn & Co. * I.v.e pu.blished 'Greek, the Languarge of Christ and His Apostles, by the Rev. Alexandur 1 hoibert, AD.D, Pxroeussei of JU1i1olnty, St Anudrew;-: c ssrs J. -isbet 9& Co., ...


... AVONDALE AGRYCULTURAL SOCIETY'S SHOW. This society's show tool place yesterday in one of the park adjoirnisg the Avondale Manse. The number of entries was euual to former yenre. The club dinner, took p~zace i a the field, and was Presided over by Mr Ternent of Ryelaul. ' the president of the society. Mr Cowan, secretary, carried out all the arrangements with his usual good tact and abilty. ...


... GLASGOWWNTERNATIONAL - EXHIBITION- . LETTER FROM' THE PRINCE OF WALES. i The LorelProvost.sf-o Glasgowr yesteiayt 5 received the following letter:- ,DalzeslJfotherwell,.8th May, 18t8. A Dear Lord Provost,-1 am- desired by the it Price and Princess of Wales to request yoru to hate the goodanss to convey to your fellow-citizeus I the expression of their Royal- Highnesseeewrm s2. thanks for the ...


... TIHE :APJIL .MAGAZINES. I Jsl-' -- - COCC), DS OTI CF. obbi the most elnjoyable item in the VbS. ihis metonthl is apaper by that most -o esayis-5 Dr Augustus Jessepp. t ,. Ir once More ito Autuay, and shows F } ci eo t~lc, ple~asures of being snowed-up i t \.ext in poeit of readableness we vrould s i T \pthWV ^Arnold s contribution. Siri ; t;brow sonme ligh t upon the state of . 'jsi, ir ...


... ITALIAN OPEBRA AT THE GRAND THEATRE. IL TROVATORE. di :When Mr Augustus Earris detemined not to tb give -La Traviata this week, we could have i wished that he had chosen one or other of the cc grand oneras least frequently performed. Boito's ' ,Mephitophele Jay to his hand, and has t !already been protdaced by his company. Wag- tb ner as 'Lohengria is another opera too seldom T .heard. ...


... ORCDqSTRLT. CONCEPi'. , us be eos of the ?? ?? 3. ?? ,ietee ?? eriiei; cat 1 eeemoiejoiao' 'jr-ileeora ?? ?? CIL 64e. There , Fo,,0; Shti; TlVeh') l Inil'a cli 7. VWelo So1cn1 Soeo'S-MLauiqus.aitw- ?? Mat Lk1-irS ?? .DW3 T'ic ninthi xid last orchestral concert weas res. *mat-irele for the first production here of a new vll oeetto, magnificently played by 'Franzc so, Odie, for the firfl; ...


... GC LASGOW INTERNATIONAL EXIIIBITVION The attendance at the Exhibition ye3terday reached the handsome total of 63,922. The courts were pretty well peopled all day, but in the evening, when the reduced rate of admission came in force, the crowding became excessive. There was no music in the grounds, the band of the Coldstreams, who were to have occupied the south band-stand, having apparently ...


... MISCELLANEOUS BOOK& : - I r Musical Memories. By William Spark, Mus. Doo., &c., organist of the Town Hall, be Leeds, author of Henry Smart: ;His Life and fe Works, &e. (Londoa: Swan Sonneaschein & tCo. 1888. )-A long professional career, dsuring wbich he has bee; brought into csntact with A most of the musical celebrities of the last fifty a I Gr sixty years, has supplied Dr Spark with ma- ...


... MILTON aouS. ss D.srs D. Thail & Co. have this year devots'r the beck of the ground fleer of their premtsee ia Cowcaddens to their annual Christmas Fancy Fair, Here they hasve arranted a very interesting grotto constructed oF cork. bark, ferns, and other greeu plants, and with a small 'lake in the centre, iroma which a tiny fountain seads sn oraamental spray- Of water up to a heighlt of about ...


... - me 1 Figure subjects largely~ determine the popu- out 'larity of an exhibition of pictures. This perhaps pet ifis a pity, but it is none the less true. Portraits de ...


... DR CHARLES HALLE IN I ED INBURGH. ,e CHAMIBER MUSIC CONCERT. Ut 1 Qnin'ette-1aneiforte and strings- op. 44 . ..S S nion 2. Solntu foe pi.o d olln. A r or5 ?? BC ' . 5. Solo itnootorts, Caprica Brtllit ?? ?? OIUendrllou is Snlesae nod ?? in E minor . Mrendetso;e, 4. Solo ?? in 0 minor . .pohr. I lb Solerzaini D ?? ?? , ,. C 5. tir.n . Sept ..r, , , , ., tBsehecm3 r Contrary to the cusoomn ...


... SUTMMER FLOWVER SHOW. The local horticultural seoiety having been taken tfor the nonce under the all-absorbing patronage of the Exhibition Executive, a summer show of tflowers, osc., was opened yesterday uinder some- e what novel conditions within the gates of the I greater show at lelvirgrove. Thanks to thei3 more powerful auspices a sum of not less than £500 ; is being distributed in ...