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Lancashire, England


Manchester, Lancashire, England

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... i EDITED BY A BARRISTEIR AT LAW:. No. CXXIII. be ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. P bi all WILLS. ?? E. F.-As the monely was settled upon you by T mnixriaze astti' ment you certainly cannot disp?55 of hi it br will, unless in pursuance of someo power in the ml settlement enabling von to do so. t F. 1H. D.-Under the will of S. Dl her Ron T. D. Of became entitled to all her real and perlsonal property ...


... THE LIWYE. I EDI-TED BY A BARRISTER AT LAW. 'No. CXXV. wh ser bef ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS, delt WrhLn. h ALGOA BiAy.-We Would recommend the following rul: form of will in lieu of the one you have sent us. we sho presume from your letter that you wish to give all I ,mal, property to your wife and children equally; if ree to the will should be as follows 1This is the last nh will- of me - ...


... | - ALTRINCMHAI AORICEJLTIURAL S HOI. Tie 27th aiznjal show ol the Altrineham AxriouI- tural So i7ty was held on Thtar-,~v at tovdon . -IThe weather was all that could be .1s' desired for suniC an occasion, aid the attelidance 'was 6onseqnuently unusiually larIe. Tim show of ibis Beityis always a comiprehensive ono; as oie oE tho memb'er said duirinrr the; day, it affords an opportunty tgr .ll ...


... Mr. nnd Mrs. TKenala appeared in Thle Iron- tsnter at the Theatre Royal on Monday. in presence f aL crowvded aldience. M~rs. Iedal has uever found , better character than Chlire for the disilay of her 111Dinretqilents. The ripene4s of her peculiar genins is ,,Dc-picuons in every tonelh, and she controls the pae-inn of the part vith a strong, steady power ; WY w,71,hatever unav be said of ...


... |HEART. A-ND- XOME..j BY A. LADY CONTRIBUTOR. Thle inaugural thddlxk of the Manchester branch of Tb the Teachers' Guild, hiq4a in Ow~ens College, muht be Hlost pronounced a gre1a~t~00e5 'cordtiality towards the liVeI3 scheme was alhosvi. by sepakers connected with ~widely formi different departments :pt.ednceatio'n, and by others who have are not teachers then ilus. but may be saldto repre- ...


... AOION AGAINST VANITY FAIR.! I Baron Pollock, with a special jury; had before him ?? case of Carr and another v. Bowles. Mr. Joseph William Comyns Carr and Mr. Charles Hal]6 sued the editor a-ad pro~prietor of Vanity Fa- to reco~verdamages fdrlibol. The defendant pleadeO, admitting that certain statem'euts made Vero inacourateand that Ftn apology had been made. Ile also paid into court tea ...


... ,I - ATIONALO!CIETY OF PROFESSIONAL, I MUSICIANS. The foliowing iq A list of the certificastes awarded to tho enccessful oandidates ant the recent examinaftio in ryocl and instrumental music, bol at Manihet December 3, 4, 5, and 13 aend I4 h XL5Wr wer 3Mr. Samuel Midglsy, of Bradford, and Mr. Arthnr Page, ?? of Nottinighal. The list is arranged in alphabetical order- SINGING. ADVANCED G-RADE. ...


... DGOSIP WILI T CHIDREN I BY 4'UNCLE OLDUAB; One of Lafghtsway's agreatest friends among the birds ie 'the prefty little wren. She likes it because of the li., cheerf i way in wbioh it 01 fite to and 'fro and in and 'ont a mong the B bushes and the be4erows; she likes it because at of the cieverness it sows a in selecting a place for ts nest, a holes in E bauk, a hollow in a. tree, a h ...


... TflE LAWYR. 1 RDM~D BY A BARRISTER AT LAW. - R No. CXIX, maul AN~SWERS 'TO CORRESPONDENTS. ntd WILiLS. IB~A.ROW.-We Would recommend yon to vest all W., your property in two trustees upontxust for sale and 1875, coniversioin at your death, and for division of the Pro- mom ceeds among the persons you wish to benefit. The the following is a concise form of will - This is the last offici will of ...


... I GOSSIPITH THE CHILDREN. I BY UNE OLDLE_ . It is quite a long while dince I had a visit from Ramblegrumble. The smoky old. giant, however, caine in this morning. When I turned and saw him in my room he as chuckling and rabbing his hands with glee, Suh a lark, he said; snch a larki Was it a very pretty bird ? asked Laughawar, who was Iying. on the h'arthrug, resting her rosy little ...


... UHEARTH AND HOXM E, BY A LADY CONTRIBUTOR. am glad to learn that the Somerville Club is to be ed 3r3.' Flbrbiog Baxter his 'been appointed rehoc0. e- 'r te t the new club, wfhich will be opened on MXrch 25, at the new roomS, 231, Oxford' street, LOaddo. Tbo' original club vraformed in 87, and Drovidoda plane where women ingn gd in digereit iidsof wdr'k, and:'bavini different kinds ld meet ...


... | t; ,i : :; C:HtI B r mu A: S.., , .- i A reibarkablentildne.as6oF atrmeephdte has preqvaile in .for Romp time ?? Day iii this i'&Y Ith and neighlb'irliood was shorn ofmany old assusiatibf5.' at There were no frostisor cnow. no ohimbreerse.or biting mel blasts on Christhaq Eve. We had the air of a sofl da.y. in the early ltutumn, anti it seemred likely that Christ. (or mnae Day would follow ...