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... I THE THYATRES. I I Yet another stage version of The Mystery of 1a Hansom Cab was placed before the public at the Alexandra. Theatre last evening, and there were not wanting on behalf of the large audience those signs of approval wbich, in spite of obvious incongruities and absuirdities, decree long life to a piece with a stronglrynielo-dramatic turn. The actors of the leading male ...


... THE AEW OPERA_ PAUL JONES. As a superb display of all that is pleasant to the eye, the production of l3at night at the Court Theatre is far inadrance ot anything that can be called to miind. The three scenes prepared by Mir. Robson are among the most beautiful that even hi5 brush has produced, and their glowing of the delicate tints and wonderfully worked in details formed a veritable triumph ...


... ALEXANDRA THEATRE. c Mr. Mansell is evidently determined to takr efll I advantage of Liverpool's love of opera The first fortnuht of his rule at the Alexandra Theatre in- T troduced us to the Russian National Opera Oem- . panv, a combination alike remarkable for the inerit of its vocalists and, with one ex- g ception, the absolute novelty of its repertoir. t WVth such recommendations its ...


... THE LIWYE. I EDI-TED BY A BARRISTER AT LAW. 'No. CXXV. wh ser bef ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS, delt WrhLn. h ALGOA BiAy.-We Would recommend the following rul: form of will in lieu of the one you have sent us. we sho presume from your letter that you wish to give all I ,mal, property to your wife and children equally; if ree to the will should be as follows 1This is the last nh will- of me - ...


... | - ALTRINCMHAI AORICEJLTIURAL S HOI. Tie 27th aiznjal show ol the Altrineham AxriouI- tural So i7ty was held on Thtar-,~v at tovdon . -IThe weather was all that could be .1s' desired for suniC an occasion, aid the attelidance 'was 6onseqnuently unusiually larIe. Tim show of ibis Beityis always a comiprehensive ono; as oie oE tho memb'er said duirinrr the; day, it affords an opportunty tgr .ll ...


... Mr. nnd Mrs. TKenala appeared in Thle Iron- tsnter at the Theatre Royal on Monday. in presence f aL crowvded aldience. M~rs. Iedal has uever found , better character than Chlire for the disilay of her 111Dinretqilents. The ripene4s of her peculiar genins is ,,Dc-picuons in every tonelh, and she controls the pae-inn of the part vith a strong, steady power ; WY w,71,hatever unav be said of ...


... |HEART. A-ND- XOME..j BY A. LADY CONTRIBUTOR. Thle inaugural thddlxk of the Manchester branch of Tb the Teachers' Guild, hiq4a in Ow~ens College, muht be Hlost pronounced a gre1a~t~00e5 'cordtiality towards the liVeI3 scheme was alhosvi. by sepakers connected with ~widely formi different departments :pt.ednceatio'n, and by others who have are not teachers then ilus. but may be saldto repre- ...


... PEOPLE'STFREE CONCERTS. In the presence of Sir W. B. Forwood, Justice Granthamrn larshall Hall of the Assi&e Court. and an audience which filled all parts of the build- ing, the Mesiabh' was giren on Saturdayat St. Geutrge'e Hafl. While ample credit must be allotted to Father Xucrent and his oolleazilues for the best intentions, the advisability of giving such a free nnd open perorfrronce ...


... I I , _-f I Our proverbially chanefud climate enables us to regard wirth comparative indifference the absence of the old time atmospheric conditions of Yule Tide, and-the weather is counted of little concern in the festivities attendant upon the season which habit has associated with frost and snow. Yester- day, iniLiverpool, the air was as mild au in spring1 but-tbe raia and sleei which fell ...


... Pro Paris m hear that the Albert Goupil I collection, which he bequeathed to his brother- r in-law, ML Gerome, the artist, will probaly he t , sold at the HMtel Dronot next month. The r t objects will be exhibited as they stand in Albert r 1 Goupil's studio .partment, and the articles to bc -sold carried to the Eotel Drouot day bsr clay. s It is stated that an offer of L '28,003 byeen d made ...


... ART NOTES 1 1 -. i The exhibition of the Liverpool Society-of Painters in Wate-colours, at the Walker Ast Gallery, closed on Saturday. We regret to learn that the sales were nder £200. The artists who sold drawiang were W. J. J. C Bond, 1; J. Towers, 1; B. D. Sigmund, 2; Jolan Pedder, 2; Emma Walter, 1; Iee Rogers, 1; James L Watta, 1; Helena 3lagure, I; M L Seffi, 1; Kate Macauly, 1; Mary ...


... the [8 ROYAL COURT TREATRE.-CARL ROSA shi kr OPERA. out e In view of the magiificent performanc, of Snc *e Meyerbeer's ' Robert, given on Monda evnnthe could hardly be realised that the artists t n2engag~ed bad undergone three month',, more or less, au a of bar ]ahour ince thy were heard in Liverpool. s e Everybody seemed to be trim and fresh, and the Cl ,j big opera might; have been a ? ...