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... * ' it is in Literature as in Finance-much Paper and ouch Poverty may coexist. * r. Sutherland Edwards has put together a couple of volumes of gossip in his so-called history of TIIE Pann DoNxA. The book consists chiefly of a number of slight but brightly written sketches of the queens of song who have appeared in England duruig the last two hundred years. Whether or not the Prima Donna ...


... :I ETERA iRY A.RRIVALS. -- It is in Literature as in Fice-oonmch Paper had :much Poverty may coesiat. Nearly forty years have elapsed since Sir Henry Layard startled the world with the story of his dis- coveries in the East on a spot to which history and 'radition alike pointed as the site of ancient Nineveh- the birthplace of the wisdom of the West. tlie period in which Layard began his ...


... HER1FORD MUSICAL F STEVAi.I (E'n ous COonazo~n; T) ; 's ' , siday, I This isathe last day of the preantfetivmi. many people have come m from the rural districts, being ?? by the performance of Bandel's masterpiece, The Mesish, which -has always been included in the proceedings at the Three Choirs Festival. It is notable that the year in whieh the oratorio was first performed in Hereford ...


... ART EXHIBITO A . OABIR , . . ?? : R EXHIBUON 8 AT SCA.BBROI. LORD RIPON ON ARTISTIC EDUCATlON. pnox ouns owu RIloaTn}l Mindful of the preceptwhich teaches that charity should begin as home, Scarborough does not keep all her good things for imported strangers. Some months must yet elapse ore the excitement and profits of the season can be enjoyed, so that any means of recreation which is pro ...


... LITERA T RE. NEW BOOKS AND) NEW EDITIONS. aite Mal Mr. Hulcomboe' careful and diligent study of GteBxL 'nc DimadiOULm (1) has brought him to the conclusion that -in! from xi. 14 to xiii. 21 . in. LukBe' Gospel originally Stood Fill I immediately before viii, 22-that is, between Christ's r preaching by parables and the voyage across the sea, events which Mark says took place on: the Samie day. ...


... Last evening being the eve of the birthday of Scotland's national poet, the Leeds Scottish Vocal Society honourdd| the occasion by giving a concert in the Albert Hall, where a fairly good audience assembled. The first por- I tiou of the programme consisted of selections from the lyrics and songs of Burns; the second of miscellaneous compOsi- tions, part-songs, duets, &d. Thoroughly well known ...


... AN ACTRESS BURNT TO DEATH. Information received on Saturday in Liverpool reports the destruction of Cain's Winter Garden Variety Theatre, in Steubenville, Ohio, and the burning to death of Miss Annie Devoe, a variety actress, whose charred remains were discovered after the flames had been extinguished. The fire broke out about five o'clock in the afternoon of the 16th int., just after ...


... THE ISLINGTO& DAIRY bHOW. The annual show of the British Dairy Farmers' Associa- tion was opened yesterday, at the Agricultural Hall, Lonflon. The entries of dairy cattle were 276, as against 317 last year; 53 in the milking trials, as against 60; 132 of cheese, as against 156; and 298 of butter. as against 488. The adjuncts of the show, such as pigs and goats, are much the same as they were ...


... CATTLE, SHEEP, AND HORSE FATES. BARNtsLEY.-Average attendance of farmers arid dealers. Business and prices were alike irregular. nioderatc show of sheep; quality various; Cheviot and li(,rrid ewes 30s. to 40s. each, Downs and Leicester owes 40s. to 60s. each, lambs 25s. is 40s. each. Altogether sheep were higher in prico than at iast fair. The same remark replies to cattle. Calves and young ...


... NOVEMBER ?AGAZTNES. I Tho paper in the TWestmaiete. 1weto to which meet ' readers will direct a first glance is Mrs. Nona Caird's further contribation on tho ma~rrage question. Ideal Marriage is the subaect dealt withl, and whatever may he said ot tho aug ationa and conclusions acivanoed, it wilbe admitted that the &rgument is set forth wvith power and clearnless. 'ihe number opens with an ...


... RIPON COTTAGE HOSPITAL FANCY FAIL Yesterday a fancy fair and garden frie was opened in the Victoria Hall, Ripon, by the Marchioness of Rsipon, in aid of the Ripon Dispensary Cottage Hospital. It seems that Ripon has had a dispensary since 1850, but, though there is ample hospital accommodation, it has only been used for in-patients on a limited scale owing to the lack of funds; but medicines ...


... The Congress reassembled yesterday morning, and Mr. W ?? CANA, B.I., celivered his presidential address in the.Appliad Art Section. There was a large audience. H13e commenced by speaking of the difficulty which art finding a place for the sole of her feet in thesedays of industrial pressure. Mechanical ingenuity bad taken the place of art, because in the great tide of commercial ...