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... A LAMPLTEETER'S STORY. * ?? ece w r Mere7-femishe5 te-efol~ow ?? tac.s :-Johw -naley- of Brdgwatr. hap3yn. m i go dI forinne deserves to be nrd- pt,~ Hwaving - 5;cal among us -all his life, and held t fhe positick of lamplighter for over twenty-niie year,' his name. and, face wre familiar to eserybody in BrHe . He is liked bbyall, and it'i se to say one. may go here, there, or 7o01der, and ...


... TEE SCIENCE AND ART MUSEUm. I . ~ ~ __ + During Christmas week the recerded attent | dance of vi-ltorS of tlie Museum Was as followas: j -Sunday before Christmas Day, 595; Monday, 24th, 449; on Christmas Day the AMuseumi was, of course, closed; Wednesday, 25th, St Stephen;'s 'Dcv 1,020; Thursday, 27th. 8ta; and Friday, F 28th. 44-making a total for those days of 3,364 ' perss. During the ...


... I , LTMRATUMr: r I ?? vim AND TUB, ENGLISH3 )ASTE1I3ES By FrncisAdn Gasquet. John nodges, Henrita street, Coie4 Garden, London. This is tbe first volumeaof a ecrie The aithor is a monk of the Order of St Benedict. He ww; for a tire Prior of the Monastery of St Gregory, Downside, BathI The work wus undertaken at the wisa of the present Pope. The preface to it is a modest one, represening the ...


... v A4N -Drp- - a~ ~ ~~4IT ?? Earl of oztw ar Wtow yesterday fro tglssd. The Hon W L Piunket arrived town yegterfaefrom EnglnMd. Sir E WV Stafford arrived t . Yesterday from Egld.£at General and M3rs; Lyons Mon; ,T rnve4 at Eingstown Yeterd yfrom I a4ior -Hughes (The Cameroli,, at hingstowvn Yesterday ?? il't-v Surgeon Hlughes (Medical 9 l r ingatolwn yesterday frozn E.1gr.Mdn a Timothy ...


... pA4SfIONAND VAE ITBTIES. Ladr Edmnund Talbot arrived at Kings'0;, yesterdaiy from England. Captain Siaclhe arrived at Kingstow-n t-- terday from Engiand. Mr. and Hon Mrs Farrell arrived at R 1ingatown nyestcrday from England. Sir ?? Maxw-ell arrived at KR . lstaw1 yesterday from Englandl. Surgeon W Gwen, Bengal 3 S, arr~ve.: King-town ?? irontl EIglanl. L f ord and Lady George Hamilton have ...


... The Leineter Hall was crowded on Saturdav I a night, and Mr. J Ml Sullivan haa every reason to feel gratilied at the encouragement and support which have been so far extended to his enterprise. _ The artnists on this occasion included Miss Hen- don Warde, Mrs Scots-Fenuel, Signor Abrarnvff, and Mr. Isidor dte l,ara. M'iss Warde pozsesaes a l plesaant contralto voice, and she sang very nicely ...


... FASHION AND VARIETIZ& VICEREGAL COURT. The ?? have arrived at the Castle_:-Earl of Listowel, K P, and Countess of Listowel, Lady Ross. more and Miss Naylor, Ladies Louisa and Alice Howard, Mr, lis, and Meiss Blakiston Houistom Their-Excellencies the Lord Lieutenant and the Mar- cieness of Londonderry entertained the followin at dinner last evening at the Castle:-Rarl of Listowel, K P, and ...


... I FASHION AND VARIrTIE. I VICEREGAL COURT. Their Excellencies the Lord Lieutenant, K a, and the Marchionessof landonderry gave a dinnev party last evening at the Viceregal Lodge, to which the following had the honour of receiving ?? Ron the Lord Chancellor, Viscount Chelsea. Eon M4iriam Thel. lesson, Geeneral the rlu' C and Miis Thesiger. Colonel the Hon F and Mtrs Boscawen, the Eon H Coventry ...


... FAsSE ION- AND VRIETIES | Lieutenant-Colonel Lefroy arivei! Kingstown ?? Englandl. Lord Ashbourne has left etert England. Lady J Van Koughnet has left KiuKW for England. Pierce Maahony, 1 P. and 3M- !!II have left Kingstown for En-g.nd. James Tuite, 31 P, has left KingritsE England. Donal Suflivanl, 1 P. lhas left KR4i' for Engiand. W J (Corbet, 31 P, has left Kiai; VM England. Colonel ...


... Yesterday there was an afternoon performance by pupils in the Academy House, Westlaud-rowv commencing at a quarter-past three o'clock. There was a numerous attendance of visitors The first piece was an organ solo consisting of J S Bach's long and difficult, prelude to his B minor fugue. which w.-L played by Mr. Vincent O'Brien with great accuracy and steadiness throughur, the pedal passages ...


... -THEAR 11I EXXIBI -- 4 N. T- = - I I I; Il A ?? I London, Fiday. .Of a the. exhibitins with ?? mi search of amusement rea.pvided during the pre- selltseson, ?? Olympia seem 'most prominbenly before the public and an mdi- catioi (of this is fiubd hi the frequency with which the rih Exhibitio figein the cartoons of the popular illu3tated paps Them ber of -visi- :tes is rapidlon the increej An ?? ...


... FASHION AND FABIEZIES. Mrs John Locke has left Kingstown forl England. The for. Judge Ricbards has left. Kings- town for England. Samuel Reddy, 4th Regiment, has left Kingstown for England. Surgeon P B Tuthill, Medical Staff, has left Kingstown for England. The BHon Mrs Farrell arrived at Kings- town yesterday from England. Colonel J fl Graham arrived at. Kingstown yesterday from England. ...