... LITERARY COMPETITION,. --bi PRIZES to lize Value of ;£2 WEEAL F ?? be goven. IST PRIZE, 15S.; 20ND, 10s. ; 3RD, 7S. 6n. ; 4TH, 5s.; STH. 2s. 61.Ci NOTICES TO CONTRIBUTORS. h] M. A. S. (Ann's Hill, Gosport)-Your contribution Is l underconsidoration. C.0. (Playfair-road, Soutlisea)- Uncle Ingot appeared about six months since. IS L.I. (Marmsion-road, Southsea).-You have 6mitted to Hi torward ...


... I Mr. H. W. Lawson, M.P., presided last night at the thirty-fourth annual dinner of the Cit' of London Prac- ticzl Master and Foreman Tailors Mutual Benefit society at the Holborn rtstaurant, and in submitting the toast of the evening, said the old-fashioned tailor, who could take a garment in hand and begin and finish it, appeared to have gone out of fashion. In connectl'n with the recent ...


... GLOBE THEATRE. A crowded audience welcomed the revival of The Silver King at this house on Friday night, and Mr. Wilson Barrett's represen- tation of the strangely oppressed hero, Wil- frid Denver, once more called forth most enthusiasticapplanse. It is apart which makes great demands upon the actor, but Mr. Barrett rose to the occasion, and by awaken- ing the sympathy of the spectators held ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS DRURY LANE. AUGUSTUS HARIS~t, LESSEE AWD MAFAGEK. R I IR EV ENI NG. AT 7 .LA ?? at 11.5). T nsad peautrdaA, Henry amto Aciu5Harris. BOX ncepedalfrmto to. TfHE ARMADA at 3RRY LAE T1Winifred Emery, msdaNjo. and Miaud Milton; I.o~~yO ILolcO iwr Gardiner, Vintor StovenoAie~ooiHneLrie .Dw son, Mervinl)31Winer. Fle P ]Basil West, W- Uridee .Oacsu ?? ?? W. S. Parkes. H. ...


... . DIVURY LANE. A:176TUSi; HARRIS, LINs9eE AND MfANAGESE. VBBY EV E NI NG, A.T 73 .1(concluding at 11.51. a newgrand ptatlrdmA T II B A R A D A a Romance of 158; Ronpy Hamilton ana Ang00toN 6ari. * ?? open ddily from 10 e6 rn I ARmAADATh at DR11111LANE.' an4 hitricnd dratmo nad the. ugi E5Vs ofthei Wount.y Ws nihtidc F an:Ceilns. ar ?? h H'1 E ARMADA -ITheioiopas eortoiseed upon thie Ofa ...


... .FASHION ASD iARELES, | I 1 . Lord Alex;and&r Psg t-ll-s left Kingstowit for England. Lord Lurgan las left Kiingstown for Eng- land. Lady A. Vane Tempest has left Kingston for England. Captain.3athews, A P C, has left Kings- town, for fngland. -V G Black, Derby Regiment, has left Kingstown for England.- Peter MA'Donald, j P, has left Kingstown for Engibind. Lieutenant E .aA'ey, R N, has left ...


... NOVELS AND STOPIES. G-lenairlie; or, The Last of the Grieines. tb Bv Robhaa F. Hardie. (Oliphant, Anderson, & 14 Fesrrer.j-~isS Hardy's brightly-writtena and sk'iifuily-con cived story is row included in the ok popular two shilling army. Those who fear t that the rich, pithy Doric is in danger of dying is cut may hod cvmfort ii the fact that Gle ra airize's popularity is due to the ...


... rOETfRY AND VERSE. -The Works of George Peele.' Edited by A. H. Bullen, B.A. In twro volumes. (London: John C. Nimmo. I8883-In these days of successful reprints, and especially of dramatic reprints, it is difficult to realise that less than 50 years ago literature of this kind was so lightly thought of. except among a very few scholars, that its publication was often attended with risk and ...


... 11 - 4 1 1py-~r.v R EAkL LITTLE of I0 st ?? ch ildren Of recent enl ratiS ?? ohad a snore. gcnmlne' T ~ ti~ ?? Hogsten'1urafltt'5 novel, oth .rfsLor E'1 oe;. It is a story of Is:r -he isoret ~it ..s the further merit -? ,j~ ches have a mleaning by It £5s sanz that novelists do 01A 5 ?? 0>~s, Comparativelv y iisrefreshing c AJ ?? the effort, MN tofind that m thanL the averape ;ch- Ig'~ ~Sot. - ...


... MUSIC AND THE DRAMA, (iho t OUR SPECIAT CORRESPONDZENT.) London. Sunday Night. lr 1'etcitt's ?? Across tre Sea, originally prod'uced at Manchester last August, was perforined for the first time in London last uiglht at the Princess's Theatre. A mc-lo. dranma pure and simple, such as this is, affects 4 chiefly the sough but honest sentiments of the pit and gallery, who last eveninhg shouted ...


... P }OhY-GLAsooW.-The twenty-second annual exhibition andl competition under the auspices of the Por Glazgo' Horticultural Society took place yesterday in the Town lIJ. There were 130 exhibits fewer than last year, but this is fully accounted for by the unfavouuable nature of tbe weather both for the growth of greenhouse and herbaceous planzi3 Theexhibitsin potplants were tastefully laid out on ...


... 1IDTSIC AND THE DRAIMA. (y ) owN C~i ?? .j Lonidon, Sunday Night. reeaaw season of French plays began at the' LRwN'2! last night, where, pending th1 r d c ~ e tidra s La _Maseotte in trench, Y~ IStreappeared in La Grand Cu as s3parkling music is, ta fe ?? to excite anay e Latest SCt flOW that the Franco- ti d~ the petty prineipalties inI Ie ?? - merry parody of tho ?? ermian Courts hits m ...