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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... FLOWER SHOWS~ BALLATUR.-The thirtieth annoal exhibition of the B Ballater Royal Horticultural Society took olace in ta the Albert Memorial Hall yesterday afternoo i. The it show was opened by Rev. James R. &fiddleton, of Glenmuick, who referred to the object of the society in encouraging the amateur gardener and the pl labouring man in the cultivation of his plot of garden B ground, whether ...


... LItBATURE. BrTAC cins Semcirc To rBooa EARTH KOsw, LEDGE, Paw II. (London: Blackia & Son.) I iEvery schoolboy now is required to know at least the elements of physiography. Hitherto, I the wailt-of a really useful test-book has been I a serious drawback both to teachers and to students. Most of the pupils who prepare for such examinations as those of the Science and Art Department have not the ...


... THE SMITHFIELD FAT STOCK . I 0 SHOW. ARRIVAL OF EXHIBITS. (Fsso3c OCR OWN CORRESPONSDENT.) LoNDioz, Saturday evening. For days past the inhabitants of London have been S I Pr reminded of the approach of the great event of the season, so far as cattle is concerned, by the illustrated J1 handbills wbieh are exhibited in prominent places all at over the city announcing that the cattle sho* takes ...


... TaE LADY OF THIE FOnEST. By L. T. Meade, author of Scamp and I, &c., &c. London: S. W. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster drtw. A very readable tale related in a charming and unexaegerated style. The plot is not complex. In an ancient family, owing to a quarrel, the eldest son in bygone days has been die- inherited, but there comes a time >iwhen the reigning squire has to go the way of L all ...


... JEWELLERY ROBBERiY1 AT ABE3RDEEN *k a NCIXtrNG STnrTOLE AND S.!ART CA'TURt. rrots Rarly on Saturday momning tltshop T{. ,ders Daries & Co., London, Birininghian, and Sheffleld the warehousemen and fancy sinds dealers, 22 Nether. was kirkgste, Aberdeen, was broken int', and a lirce .t he qiihiitity of watches and jewellery carried away. raid 'Aboua a quarter pasttwo o'clo, k a man ...


... I -- y '(FoURTH NorICs.) THE FORTN16RTLY RtVIEvw (London: Chap- | i man & Hall, Limited).-The nest number of ii the Fortnightly Revi'w opens 'with an a atteimpt to revive the naval scare. If any-thirn If will bring ruin on the country it is the un-B wisdom of the sensation-mongers. Foutding b their pleas upon false, absurd4 or contradictory P statements made for the sake of Attracting the . ...


... AMUSEIM\ENTS. H1~1I 'M11 RTY TRUEATRY- .;AC U-iN -`ViW. Bo.%. -.a ieI hou-c s-ers 3Icjesty' aTheatre wasI * ti-nrtiiiijed to Mlessrs Georcle Simls I Pt-flt~t's latest mrelodeamra, entitled il h l~-ix. a play niade lip largely of the n ~all business. As a dramatic * itr ciati- haellv he Said to adid to the repti' -Saul-h5-r fi ot ,il p1-it it is both weoul: and * . dif abni-ird as it weell ...


... LITERATURE INDIFFERENTLSM: or, Is One Religion as Good ki as Another? By the Rev. John Mae- se TE Laughlin. London: Burns & Oates. is :_ This is a work which requires great delicacy la nd on the part of a Protestant pen to criticise. It di is most elegantly written. The style is fault- It less. The logic precise. And the conclusions in -if the premises of the writer be accepted- th v. follow ...


... TILE GREVILLE ]IAtesomS : A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV., King Williarr. IV., and Queen Victoria. By the late a Charles C. F. Greville Edited by Henry W Reeve. New Edition, Vol. IV. London d Longmans, Green, & Co. The present volume commences a new part of the series, representing the beginning of the second instalment of the work, which wagv originally published in 1885. The ...


... y GLENs13avcM.ZThe annual exhibition and cornpeti- ir tion was held yesterdsy within the policies of Glen- e bervie House. Tbe display of pot platsts was rather .e limited, but cut flowers were excellent and keenly ir contested, Fruit was a splendid show, especially Lt black currants, rasps, and strawberries. There was a d good display ef vegetables, and the specimens shown p were well grown. ...


... A1- - -- 1 T ..- - THiE GRBVILEr Mssmoxas. A Journal of the seat Reignasncof King George IV., King William bo4 IV., n Queen Victoria.. By the late and Charles C. F. Greville, Clerk of the Council all to those Sovereigns. Edited by Henry Inv Reeve, C.B., D C.L. New Edition, in It Eight Vols Vl.I and II. London : Inte Longmians, Greens, &Co. ehll During recent years there have been (G a ...


... L]ATERATURE. tr:sott. By JohD Caird, LL.D., Principal ot th lUniversity of Glasgow. William lall veoil & Sons, 18S. I is scarcely possible to exaggerate the good t, -xork, in the interests at vnce of thle public and f `!o general reader, which has been done by the b l'l lnleosoph icall Classics of Blessrs Blacktwood. ,M if Profossor Knight doee not aippear to extra- P rdtary advantage iln ...