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Liverpool Mercury


... ie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w ,d THE WORK OF ALFRED STEVENS. to On Thursday evening, at the Liverpool Art yei Club (Mr. Johna Dunn, the president, in the pn 15 chair), Professor Conway, of University Col- Mi o- lege, delivered a lecture to an appreciative La a, audience on the career of the sculptor Alfred arn 10 Stevens, who died of paralysis in 1875, with ret special reference to his work in this ...


... De ly Dr. Hodgaa told a writer in the IYew Yorks et World about the work of the Society for f 7y Psychical Research in Bostn. 'Oursociety ce was forned, he aid, for the purpose of vi es making an organised and systematic attmpt toh , inrvestigate that dark bhoer-land of human is experience, and to examine critically the )a phenomena which are not now ex-it s plained by any satisfactory ...


... WImnTIONiAL P¶OTOOAMC I EXIMiTION IN LhRPOOL. I TEB O.r'TN The Intsrnatinnal Photoraphic Exhition, li -utth is being held in the Walker Art Gaery,- under the auspice of the Liverpool Amater Association, was formally opened an vi Saturday evening by the Mayor of Liverpool(r. ch Thomas W. OakehottL who was accompanied by ki the mayoress and Aliss Julia Oakhbolt The w1 exhibito-the prominent fees ...


... us Thivesing, Solom=-J.,qolmw4, the be vnsiubr4f 'Sampsoa, now in t e possession m of the Corporation of Lxe and -Coa. at na,' on oif the prhwieal stbtracto of the ?? of 1886, and Mr- Marion Spielman, a editor of Te Magazine of Art, will be in ataine& at dimir at the Liverpool Art be CIUL & Of the three new asociates recently elected st the Bo* Academy, Mr. William Blake aond, figure ...


... PIILHADMONIC CONRIT, After a brief holiay, the members of the PFilhenmonic Society are again in hanxs, and b fittingly last evening inaugurated the second F half hE the present session. The resent C choral sti although not mtmtered in full 9 force, gave a bright and happily-oneied It reading of one of Sits ch mingpartM P songs, and contributed, likewise, the nnting a Chorus from Schubert's ...


... II [FOQM- cOU SPECIAL OORRESPONDENT.] BIRMINGHAM, WVDNESAYr. If' the Sulilyan squabble has done nothing E else it has at least caused an enormous amount I of interest to centre in theI Golden Legend, t the finest performance on record of the work, so said the chairman of the Orchestral Committee, being promised. It is the first novelty of the festival that is to i be given this morning, ...


... THE MAYOR AT THE PEOPLE'S CON, CERT. The newly-elected Mayor of Liverpool (Mr. E. H. Cook-on) performed the first of the public duties which will fall to his lot during his year of office by presiding at the People's Concert, which took place aQ Satorday assuing ins the Rotunda Lectnre EAI1Ha, William Brown street. As usual, the hall wcas crowvded, ansd wcem it possible to procure ab larger ...


... I- PHILHARMOMNI CONaERT I The Jbilse, season of the Philharmonio &~cletyhas at length daeed, and the initial notes 6 l. 5thf seriea of concerts have been heard. Unfortwately, they have not proved tobe dvmid of, if not absolute discord, at least, that which must bave been hardly In accord! with the desires of the directorate, In the fir place, Miss Macintyre, who ahoond have ?? was prevented ...


... I ROTUNDA THEATRE An adaptation of the much-read Mystery of a Hansom Cab forms the second piece under-taken by the very excellent stock company brought together by the management of the Rotunda Theatre, and it was produced last night in the presence of a large audience. 'Stage exigendies have denmanded that much that was interesting rending, and many of the subsidiary s-cenes that gave ...


... Ids, The works of E. Blair Leighton are always aem popular. This arises partly from the subjects aich chosen and partly from the attention to detail, and a smooth style of painting that is often mistaken for finish. It may seem ungraciou to cast reflections upon a work of so much merit as Mr. Leighton's picture, No. 9, To Arms. the Sweet bridal hymn, that, issuing through a of the porch, Is ...


... COUXT TEEATRE. THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD.' It is difficult to know tow to approach the latest effort of the Savoy twins, for the new opera given last night, both in verbal and musical struc- ture, diverges into paths with which the admirers of Gilbert and Sullivan are by no mens familiar. The Yeomen of the Guard is unlike any- thing else that has come from the pens of the writers of ...


... Part 11 of the new editionof of Bran' i tionary of Painters and Engravers (Bell and SoDn) has been published, and on the appear- ance of the next number, subscribers wi be pleased to know, the work will becompleted. IThe new part commences with the second half tie Letter B. completes the letters T and U. anld conclulies-with lii graphies of artists w~hose names come nuder the first half of ...