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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper


... PUT7LIC AMU SNTS. SAVOY THEATRE:. A lively and amusing novelty was pre- sented here on Friday evening, under the title of hfrs. Jarramie's Genie. It is a one- act operetta, fancifully written by Mr. Frank Desprey, the music being by Messrs. Alfred and Franeoia Cellier. The story may he described as a modern sequel to the familiar legend of Aladdin; and the Wonderful Lamp. FUTs. Jarramie, in ...


... P. A - FICTION.* Vor an out.and-out tale o' murder, mys- ed horror Mr. Goodman's IPaid in 'trfb ao Coin will be hard to beat. The rsfs s to a poisoner being done to death tit ore atrocious monster. One kills his byarrfather in order to gain a, fortune; ie the other, in a final confession, writes, nI led Abel Wynd to place my name at t I d of the roll of ?? famed for their t the art of ...


... D3ITIY LANE. ., A RN or LVCX. A~ thI'lTEN by Henry Fettittand AnttStust EaITIs. WS T Last nIghts. X5 . Forlescee, MarAIIYSA, .dith Brnes, Bloneha Mmsa and ?? Williams. tli1 l Maud 3M11ton. ,,_7 ftard X16olls, lt w Gard ~~ ?? ~~~ArliI~ IItes A. plng, 5 t1 fierbert Standing IS LESsEE 53rD M IscAG~rsari5 ut5r~orntS'g~ A RINNwrgrt ?? yony (J. A O La . s rery Lane T bestta, W .O. EtkYtN¢T ...


... IAMSEMENTS; HATMARRET THEATRK. A series of Wednesday performances, be- gan on the 5th, with a revival of flasks and Places, Mrs. Bernard Beere being. the Peg Woffington, and Mr. BeerbohmaTree essaying Triplet. It has had numerous ex- ponents sinoe the comedy wag originally acted on these boards it, 1852, but the oha- racterisation in Mr. Tree's hands is quite apart in conception and method ...


... HATIMARKET. Mr. Beerbohm Tree last night commenced his second season here with a new drama, entitled Cap- tain SMwift, written by Mr. Haddon Chambers, with which a satisfactory experiment was made at a matinee in June. This piece may rank among the more striking dramas of incident the present year has hitherto produced. In its constructive method and directness of purpose it recalls the late ...


... DRURY LAME. * AUGETUS HARRIS, LEoSxE AND MAScAGES. E E VE N IN G, A T 7.30 EVER (concludlug at 11.5). a hew grand spectacular drums, entitled a Bomance of 1M8. Henry Hamuiltont ?? Harris, Bo0X ofies open daily from 111to 6. M &V~t ARMA&D A at D R U RY LANE. T ilred Emfery, Edith Brace, Kate jaiem AaNelo v~ksd Stand Milton l .eonard Boyne, Lui4i LuMislh, ltdwarX G~ardiner. Vietor Stevene, A. ...


... LYCUUM. Mr. Richard Mansfield, a comparatively young actbr-who, after acquiring some theatrical experi. ence in this country and successfully playing in America the characters in the Gilbert-Sullivar operas identified with the quaint method of Mr. George Grossmith, found enviable reputation await ing him in a dramatic version of Mr. R. L. Steven- son's weirdly poverful story, * The Strange ...


... (From our Special Sundav edition of last week.) TOOLE'S THEATRE. Mr. Toole was on Saturday sufficiently recovered from his severe indisposition to reappear as kin- hearted and happy Caleb Plummer, in the domestic drama Dot. Meeting with an exceedingly cordial reception that bespoke the pleasure of the audience at his return, he acted the part of the old toymairer with his accustomed ability, ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEM&NTS. ROYAL ITALIAN OPBERA Another important addition to the list of grand operas marking Mr. Augustus Harris's first season at Covent Garden theatre was made on Monday by the production of I? Flaeto .faqico. The opera written in the last year of Mozart's life by which, with Don Giovanni and Le 2Vozze di Figaro, his genius is represented on the stage of this country, requiresa ...


... PUBUC AMUSEMENTS. ST. JAMES'S THEATRE. The year 1888 is to witness the close of another memorable management'-that in which Mr. and Mrs. Kendal and Mr. Hare have been associated as partners at this theatre. Prior to dissolving, however, these talented comedians will revive some of their most marked successes. The first was pre- sented on Monday night in Mr. Palgrave Simpson's adaptation of Zes ...


... The question of Sunday amusements among the rich came before the Upper House of Convocation on Friday, the Archbishop of Canterbury presiding. A memorial, introduced by the Bishop of Exeter, was laid before the House. It set forth- That there has been of late a very marked increase in the em- ployment of the afternoon and evening of the Lord's Day for amusements of various kinds in the upper ...


... I BIR1Al*NGLAM MUSICAL FESTIVAL; in the annals of this triennial festival, hitherto regarded as one of the most ia- portant musical events of the years in whicm it has occurred, the celebration of 1888 will be associated with administrative vexation and disappointment. After half-promising to contribute, Dvorak early sent an ex- case; and Dr. Mackenzie, finding himself unable to complete an ...