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Newcastle Courant


... I EW BOOKS AND NEW EDITIONS. Ballads of Books. Edited by Andrew Lang (London: Lergmans, GOren, and CoJ) This is a delightfully got-up little book-printed on hand-made pape', with old-faced type in srrall octavo, gilt top, and bound in bovilled boards. The collection is a recast of the volume of the same name edited by Brander Matthews, and published in New York, and comes, says Mr Lang, with ...


... [ALL RIGHTS ES2VXD. FLIGHT TO F 'RANCE.| By JULES VERNE. CHAPTER, VI1[ XI wag late next morning when I awoke. It was quits seven o'clock. I made haste to dress myself-so as to learn mty lesson, and get mY vowels perfect, ready for the sonsonante. As I reached the last steps of the staircases I met Irma. I was coming up to wake you, she said. Yes. I have been too long a-bed, and I am late. ...


... WHAT TIMES ARE TlIEzg I wbitt timet are thtese. .ben noble aims depart. 'A bert *i i utli d il Idrops hi9 cunning mask. iwet. iu-t u-urp4 the holy r?'itlrn ot art. Wh(lli dirt hI' beia-t) '5 worshtip atti nmen ask (V itb OptCitllS httllint: lo the trulth), *. ?? tilel if b ilre or h-otlel. g odl or crime we (Iraw, birlcx h21 r~i O.- BVI l ljo~taj, hle lio t ?? I WVe paiiittbut wilat - -ee: tbe ...


... Downward sinks the se-ting son. zotc the evening sbadows fall: Light is flying. Day is dying, Darkness stealetb over alL Good nght ! Autumn garners in her stores. Foison of the fading year: Leaves are dyfng, Winds are sighing, Whisperina of the winter near. Good nighbt! Youth isranih'd-manhood wanes- Age its ?? shadows throws: Day is d' ine, Years are flyinz, Life ?? OnwaTd to its close. Good ...


... ALL WSB 111%M FEMIINE FASHIONS AND FANCIh'S. Dx A LApy. Are we to bave a coal tamine as predicted? is a question anxiously asked in London, and possibly, or rather probably, elsewhere. Even ?? the supply do not fail, If the price of coals become very high the poor must oiffer ir oon- sequence, and People of small means with what for thern ls a large onsumption till need to economise also. To ...


... I LITTLE NELL'S FUNERAL A curious circumstance is observable in a great portion of the scenes of tragic power, pathos, aend tenderness cou- tained in various parts of Mr Dickeas's works, which it is possible may have been the result of barmonioas accident, aind the author not even subsequently conscious of it. It is that they are written in blank verse, of irregular metre and rhythms, which ...

Extras From New Books

... extrub from ?*Mv goolko. GECORGE CRABLE AS A PoEtr-He camo at a time when PopC'a authority was trembling in the balance; when a new literary taste was gradually springing up, doubtful whether it coult be satisfied with the canons of the Augustan age; and when the demand for a return to nature, created bv a literary reaction, was seconded for a time by the delusive plausibilities of a political ...

Art and Literature

... El 46 and gittraturt. ed -- f7.. 0- 0 Mr T. Wemayes Reid's life of Foster' will appear in May, Mr Gladstone has given his consent to the publication of hie letters, and the correspondence between the two staites. men onitbe Irish Question, as read by the light of recent events, w1ll excite the keenest interest. Tile book ' vill 'ontain several portraits, and possibly a view of th- licturesque ...


... THB GROWTE AND EFFECT OF VICIOUS I LITEBATURS. We are witnessing some of the results of half- education. Lord Mount-Temple did good service in inviting the attention of the House of Lords on Friday to the activity and success with which an abominable trade in indecent publications is pushed in London and some other large towns. The evil is not confined to this country, nearly every New York ...

Art and Literary Gossip

... a art Aud 'TitAry 60's'sip. The Duchess of C'leveland's now work, on which she has been eugpged for several years, The Battle Abbey Roll, Is tot to be merely printed for private circulation, but that It will be published In the autumn by Ur Murray, in three volumem One of the most entertaining work in the huge library of reminiscence literature is the Memorials of Lord Cockburn. The ...

North of England News

... '1?1 orth of englaild 4m. NEWCASTLE. .C:ENT.L }xi lANE ART (iLLERT.-A series f attretlive CrJcrts, contined during the Tpresent week, aes eesmntcl--*1 on. 'at urday at the Central Exchange ,Art j.slny. N'.wcasnie, i~y r' . Warrtea\u-Lescian Orchestra. I Cabcr;wr IN TlfE NuItt1IUIIBECILANI' HALL.-O fcouey. in aid of tict funti' for a ?? tree forthe poor in All Seirte! firman School Bloon, ...


... ALL t(IGETS R SsElV&D M1ISS EYON OF EYON COURT. BY IATHLI(INE S. MACQIJOiD Author of 'PArTY.' AT l1i1s : REj t;LOVE, 'I THE SaWErLT .Sa'iuxniiME,' &C.. StU MAItY OF PIllV-Il'' s CIIAIT TiS.- Marjorie vollo gretini e ,t Mis, E%-Li -If EN'Llil Ceurt, is on her way to the hoosm oi tier atiit at ,S elurn. lie recivei oily a iriclt (I ellsrime froiti .I i o ,toa. a pirrrali itl one of th rmoels ...