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North Wales Chronicle


... | THE LANDLORD'S CHRITMrAS JOKE. Not far from the city of MontgRomery, in the etate Alabama, on one of the roads ronninL' from that B city, lives a jolly landlord by tho name of Ford. In is fair weather or foul, in bard ti nes or soft, Ford in would have his joke whenever possible. One bitter, ie stormy Christmns night, or rather mirnzina, about ,e two bours before daybreak, he was arsused ...


... . SpEcrATLy WBtTTEN FOR relc No ari WALls CHRoiNOLic, BY FREDERICK LEY. I am, going to ?? ?? ?? ta-night, and I want you to oome with me, said my friend Mrs Barkertome. t o me. I c ome for afewdays' rews and' change, so did not care to go; besides, I had just become interested i n a new novel, and did not like to lay it aside. Thbank you, bub I ?? much prefer staying bore. I know no one ...

Selected Poetry

... SelectedL Poe ry. FANCY. Whitt is fancy blut the Past Or Future, ba bed in light which nover sh.o(ne Or shall. upon tbe ear h, and yet which shows NeRrer than reRI ife, anud cleauer far- A Life i herein the terror of thi world, Its in- stery, its awe, its boundless hope, Are plainer than in ours, whireiii he 1 uig Of hopeleisa loging anld uni0nerited pirs Wllich vex our thougit. the blind ...


... PW I.LHELI. THIE EIVIONYDD PAROCHIAL CHOIRS FESTIVAL. The question is often asked: Of what use are the Church Festivals ? We may reply by asking in turn, Of what use are family rejoicings ? The answer in both oases is the same-they mtist he. Modern Christians have yet to learn a truth wel!- known to their forefathers, that what exists must be. That is, if there are certain things in ...

Jokes and Jokers

... Tokes and Jokers. The farce-seeing man is not necessarily far.-ee. ing. An elevated road-the one that leads from the tavern. Talk about the thermometer haying been low; why, it has positively been vulgar. The only thing that a miser ever loses is his ap-l petite-the cost of a meal snares it away. The man who lives on little is worshipped as an economist, while he who lives on nothing is des- ...

Jokes and Jokers

... Jokes 6ind Jokers. Polling ?? fshops. Men of ?? Merchants. Perpetual Motion.-Rent and taxes. The right ?? twelve inches. The nicest thing in summer ?? girls. The best thing yet discovered for sea-sickness is port. Every femnle holds e dross rehiearsal for an hour before going to a party. An indirect way of getting a drink of water at a cheap restaurant is to ask for a third cup of tea, The ...


... ITHE MRN Al SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENOE AND LITERATURE.. PROPOSED READING-ROOM AND LIBRARY. At a special general meeting of the society, held on Tuesday evening at the Masonic Hall, the report of the sub-committee upon the acquirement of rooms for the gociety's use, and the establishment of a reading-room and library was read and dis- oussed, and dually adopted aftek certain alterations had ...


... I FLOWEn Snow.-The first horticultural show for Beaumraris and district will be held in August nest in the grounds of tbe Beaumaris Castle, Onr3TUAaY.-This week we have the painful duty to reoord the death of Mrs Jonathan, wife of Mr'G. Jonathan,of thbfirm Messrs Jonathan and Williams, tailors and drapers, of this town. The deceased was an affectionate wife and a kind mother, and by her good ...


... MUSICAL AND LITEBRAI MEETING AT BANGOR. l rePRN PL H V PREINCIPA I REICHEL ON TE FORMATION 5'se OF EVENING CLASSES. ke On Wednesday evening a successful and well- co attended musical and literary meeting was Peheld at the Tabernacle Chapel, Bangor, in con- m neotion with the Calvinistic Methodist Sunday 3 Schools Association. The meeting was under the ly presidency of Principal Reiohel, of the ...


... '|THE BISHOP OF ORESTER AND LIGHT LITflIRAT tRE, The Bishop of (Ihester is a, hold man. Ee likes a novel, and he is not asham~ed to say sO. He tells the boys of the ?? School, Chester, that *boys, lilse bishopst, require light readingt, and as he is well known to be an indefatigable oousu~ner of that form of literature ho may be supposed to knowv whtat be is talking, about. Tbe fact is that ...

Jokes and Jokers

... A green grocer-one who' trusts. A bad second-a Quaker in a duel. A play should be judged by its acts. The pink of ?? blushes. A ghbost's garment is a shroud OF mystery. Deal is Rtaid to be proper wood for card tables, Fashionable ?? dresses make clean crossings. An African proverb says the idle are dead but cannot be buried. A. local poet begins an apostrophe to the ocean with ' Prodigious ...

Jokes and Jokers

... A fine ?? police court. A difficult ionic to ?? lrons the bald head. Uj'hat holds all the snuff in the ?? one nose. The hoy playing marbles stoops to conquer. Order.d out-the family during house cleaning time. Some meon's promises are liko foam on anglass of beer. It is bettor to u-se brick as paving material than to carry it in the hat. The most favourable day on whichl to race for cups is, ...