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Oxford Journal


... a The dramatic and musical season is setting in with Y, severity. Not but that music and the drama are, like the H. poor, always with us. but during the summer they apt to 1II, languish, in London at least. rho theatrical managers in Of the Metropolis, many of them, take advantage of the ag excuse afforded by the vacation to suspend the run of the of phenomenally successful piece which is ...


... .& Ri..T AND ARTISTES. I 'On Wednesday night the long expected new piece was produced at the Savoy Theatre. The first performance was, by common consent, a great success, and there is not a doubt as to the future of the opera. The Yesmna of the Guard is to sbme extent a departure from the well- worn lines of topsyturveydom on which the series which commenced with Trial by Jury, and ended ...


... KAGAZINES 103 TIHU MONTH1. The NationalReview,-The Countess of Jorsey, who is a frequent contributor to this Magazine, describes the past and present of the mines of Saurimu, the load and silver mines of Attica, In tlhese ni ies for 800 yoers I5,000 slavos worked in fetters; many of thum wore their chaiis even in death, as is proved by the fettered skeletons found by the free labourers wiho ...


... THE ROYAL COUNTIES' AGRICULTURAL I-SHOW. - This show was held ut Bournemouth on Tuesday, Vedncsday, and Thursday in last %veek, when, not- withstanding the rather unpropitious state of the veather, it was fairly successful. The place of hotnour in the catalogue was given to the sheep classes on this occasion. These, as a rule, were large and well filled, involving iiuch discrimina. tion on the ...


... A LATPLIGHTER'S STORY. The Bridqislter il/cr'erir/ furnishes the ftoltoiing in- teresting facts -Johsn Manley, of iridgivater is a happy moan. His good fortune deserves to be mnade public. Having lived among us all tiLS life, and held the ?? of lamplighter for over twenty-uine years, his ucane d 11 face are familiar to everybody in Bridgwater. He is liked c by all, and it is snes to say one ...


... THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S * I SHOW AT NOTTINGHAM, I Although there was a smart shower on MondaY afternoon, the weather was on the whole very favour able for the opening day of the Royal Agricultural Society's Show at Nottingham. In these circumstances the attendance was good, and above that at either New- castle last year or Norwich il. 1886, The attendance altogether was about o000. ...

Oxfordshire Dog, Poultry, Pigeon, Cat, Rabbit, and Cage Bird Show

... 'The annual open ulhow of the above took place on Thurs- il duay and Friday last in the Corn Exchange and Town Hall, . 4d 0o,5*isted of no less than 1550 exhibits, contained iu r a.. -ses. The animals and birds shown were of a very s 120 Cle- -aracter tbroubhout, and included mhany of the c high Clses c. I the leading shows in the kingdom As i prize wiuners au ha Classes for fox terriers ...


... I THE NEW THI1ATRE. OC Monday night Mr. H, Jallaurd's Comedy Company commenced a three nights' engagement at the Theatre. The play was New Men and Old Acres, one of the few nineteenth century comedies which bids fair to live in dramatic literature. A description of Messrs. Tom Taylor and A. W. Dubourg's piece may be held unnecessary. Its motive is as old and as strong as humanity itself, ...


... ART AND AR TISTES. la It is said that the produtctiou of Macbeth at the DI Lyceum will take plisce in or about the second week of 1e December. An American paper publishes some particulars 'e respecting the acting version which will be adopted. y According to this correspondent the version will differ in s. som important respects from all previous versions, the o0 text having been fepecially ...


... THE CHRYSANTHEMUM AND FRUIT I SHOW. In fine cold weather the Oxfordshire Society held its twenty-sixth annual show of winter flowers and fruit at the Corni Exchange, on Tuesday last, the attendance of visitors and subscribers throughout the afternoon and evening being a fair average. The display of plailts wts below the usual standard of quality, the local growers being overtaken. by the ...


... If the caterers of fashion are true in their predictions, d this is to be a silk year, and to meet the demand good silks s may be bought at reasonable prices. Tuseore silk has been utilized but not in any way that it is recognizable, for the e term has come to be associated in our minds with raw silk, whereas it is only to be detected by the experienced eye as a groundwork for gauze and velvet ...


... On Saturday last Miss Fortesueo appeared at the Nevw i Theatre in ' Pygmalion aid Galatea. The piece is one of the modern classies, and is likely long to kesp its hold on the stage. Despite its improbable motive, it is so skil- fully constructed, aud is worked out with so keen au eye to stage effect, that it retains the interest throughout. Miss Fortescue's Company gave a careful and ...