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Pall Mall Gazette


... RECENT PUBLICA4'TVIONS. [Publishers would greatlzT oblige by stating the price of books. Any notices under olis hcaa do nott preciusdue farther review, sould such seem to be necessary.. We have received the following books since our last issue I. FICTION. AUTHOR OF The Golden Milestone. Mine Own Famililr Friend. (Digby and Long.) [A one-volume novel.] BUCHANAN, YOIIERT, The Heir of ...


... TO-NIGHT'S ENTERTAINMENTS THEATRE ROYAL DRURY LANE. (Lessee and Manager, AUGUSTruS HARR.IS.) TWICE DAILY, at o-30 and -. o AUGUSrUS HARRIS'S NINTH ANNUAiL P .k, MlIME, PUSS liN BOOTl'S. Kesda.nies WVadtnait, Petty Flitd, Marie Wiliineel, JV..iny us, Leslie Bell, H-Lleii, Violet N~eieha', Minnione I ich, Flo-rence Graham, oh Ib - Mr.eaerite Etoili, Millie Vein, Charlote A0 ,rnrtny, Alic ...


... A TRAiNING THEATRE IN PARIS. A novel theatre has L.en started in Paris. It is called Le Theatre ld'Application. The company is formed of the dramatic pupils of the Con- )servatoire, who, while pursuing their theoretical studies, will be. trained in a ipractical knowledge of the boards. The initiative of this interesting venture is due to M. Bodinier, secretary of the Comedie Francaise, and the ...


... BIRTHDAY BooKs. a Happy Thoughts Birthday Book. Selected and arranged from Mr. Punch's pages by Rosie Burnand. (Bradbury, Agnew, and Co.) The rage for birthday books shows no signs of diminishing. From the serious and moral extracts which, when these little volumes were first started, were ?? 7i' i zeur, it is afar cry to Mr. Burnand. Between these two extremes many authors have been cruelly ...


... TO-DA Y'S NE W BOOKS. (Pubtiisirris would greatly oblige by stating the prices of books. Any notices under this head do not *reclude further review, should such seemn to be necessary.l CLASSICAL. WARREN,; T. HERBERT, M.A. The Republic of Plato, Books 1.-V. (Macmillan and Co.) ALMANACS. g A KALENDAR OF THE ENGLISH CHURCH, 1889. (Church Printing Co., I x, Burleigh-street, Strand.) [The twiaty ...


... T WVO I D E A L S. ?? DIV lD)UA\L I . TIE world is wide, my son, AndI theic 's moncy to be won, At.d name and fanie and honour amon.g men. You havc nothling else to do 1ut make others work for you And pocket of tie protceds nille in tce. Youil lhave ease and lengthl of life And lands and house and Nx ife, And your children Nxill be fair anid tall and strong. And you'll never necd to know' How ...


... ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA, COVENT GARDEN~. THIS EVENING, at 8.30. ROSSYNi'S IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA. Mdlle. Arrnoldsorn, Mdlle. Bauermeister; M. Edouard de Reszka, Signori D'Arldrade, Ciampi, Rinaldini, Bieletto, arid Signor Ravelli. TO-MORROW7 (Wer~edill~ June 2n (Extra Night), GoUNoDt's FAUST. Mdme. Albani, Mdlle. Bauermeister, and Mdime. Scalchi; MM. Jean de Reszke, Edouaord d Reszke, De ...


... THE CREA TRESS OF CARIMIEN. AN INTERVIEW WITH A PRIMA DONNA. TO-DAY is the tenth anniversary of the London production of Carmen. To-night at Covent Garden a packed house will see Bizet's opera played by what is almost exactly the original cast of ten years ago, and will applaud the vivid presentation of the Spanish heroine by the singer who created the part. Minnie Rauk-IMdne. Minnie Hauk ...


... TO.NIGHT'S ENTERTAINMENTS. ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA. COVENr GARDEN. TI'S ('Tiuesday) EVENING, at, Vvnliisis UN i t.LLO IN 1MtASChI.l4A. MiM. Jean de Reske, Naailimli, N Isara, Dc V.schetti, IBieitto, ansd M. Lassalle; bdine. Roll, MNdie. Sca.lcii, and Mdllc. Arnoldson. 1TURSIDAY, July Iossisi's G(UGLIEtliO 'JELL.. Aldme. Macintyre, AMdlle. L.Wclahe, idlIle. Ialucnmcitler; AIM. Lausille, ...


... TO-NIGHT'S ENTERTAl bI rvi: NTT. THEATRE ROYAL DRURY LANE. (AUGUSTUS. IIAkiRs, Lcssee a-n Mi anager.) EVlE.RY EVlENIN , at 7.30, Ti-IF AR MAE A MORNING PROR A iC SATUTRDAY N-X,711 October C. Winifred Emery, Edith Bruce, frace Jaoitcs, Ada Neison a,4no M.isdt MOion: t eopard Sever, Inflq Lablache Edward Gardiner, N-Ser Steveot, A. Beaunont. H1 y Lio , S. Dwoont, leti'vis 0td sa, Sranishlan ...


... Every one has been asking what the Mr, Robert Anderson, LL.D., is who has been appointed to succeed Mr. Munro at Scotland-yard. In one respect he must be a man after Sir Charles Warren's own heart, for he is a writer of religious books, In Messrs. Hodder and Stoughton's list I find the following entries The Coming Prince: The Last Monarch of Christendom. By R. Anderson, LL.D., Author of The ...

The Mystery of Cloomber

... The Mystery of Cloomber, By A. CONASIT DOYLE. Tiere is a ?? incred /!y qulc* surj5 Lsses in imbecihty the obliescness of th1e clodilowAer. BARON HELLENBACII. I t Coilrn after the action for the old ch-it), but his I al ?? h m! dihapo;iealed, the ho wox. or whither I w l (Xe no conLcep(i;iin. I is Llod be upon his own v I e.d ! lie would be alive now if he had nut inter- ci foi'cd, as the ...