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Pall Mall Gazette


... THEATRE ROYAL DRURY LANE. A RUN OF LUCK, at 7.30. 14, George-street, Mansion House, London, E.C., Nov. 15, sI3. To AUGU6TUS 5`AQTIS, Esq., Drury Lane Theatre, W.U. We haveexmnmed the books ?? Lanae Teatre orthe period ?? maima-ensle t ol.. and we finl that the recajpr of thu praseit drassa (A Run of Luck J exceed these of any dra,- produced at this theat-e during your managenemnt. (Signed) ...


... THE HISTORY OF PRISON LITERATURE--I1I. HOW THE PILGRINI'S PROGRESS WAS WRITTEN. ON the 12th of November, I 66o, John Bunyan and his friends had decided to hold a religious service in a farmhouse at Lower Samsell, Bedfordshire. Sir Francis Wingate, the neighbouring county magistrate, had previously proclaimed the meeting, and issued a warrant for Bunyan's arrest should he attempt to address ...


... SA TURDA Y, SUNDAY, AND. MONDA F. : SATURDAY. Royal Botanic Society-Election of Fellows, 3. SundaySSchool Association-Breakfastand Meeting, Essex Hall, 9. National Health Society-Ambulance Lecture, 27, Coilingbhaingardens. Sweating System-Street Parade, .,3o; Meeting Mile-end Waste, 6. to. C. Armrlnuser on Wagner,- Royal Institution, Professore Ayrton and Perry on Electromotors, Physical ...


... TI1E ITALIAN ?? OF A PRIVATE VIEW. A PRESS view of so much of the Exposizione Italiana in Londra as was to be seen immediately before opening was given yesterday. The show was by no means perfect ; but, judging from what one could see, it seems to embrace all the elements of popularity-namely, interesting exhibits, well-arranged grounds, and plenty of refreshment bars. The Exhibition may ...


... ANOTHER STORY OF SHE. AnLSEx 'CANDISHA aN TFE MOUNTAINS OF MOROCCO. AFTER a series of accidents we found ourselves -(says a Morocco correspondent of the New York Press) in the v-icinity of Jemis, whence wve could see the grand panorama of Larache, -and also that the boat vwhich takes passengers from one bank of the Lueur to the other had made its last trip for the day. It was irm'possible ...


... TO-NIGHIT'S ENTERTAINMENTS, THEATRE ROYAL DRURY LANE. (AUGUSTUS HARRIS, Lessee and Manager.) EVERY EVENIN'., at 7.30, TYCHE ARMA.DA R MORNING PERFORIMANCE SATURDAY NEXT, October 6. Winifred Emfery, Edith Bruce, Kate James, Ada Neilsoan, and Hand mliiton: I.eonard Payne, Luigi Lablache, Edward Gardiner, Victor Stevels, A. i'.eateoant, Henry Loraine, S. Dawson, Mlervin Dad a., Stanislaus Calhass ...


... The debate about Suakin was long and unsatisfactory. It is a bad thing to have a sore toe, but it is not very edifying to growl about it for six hours at a stretch, especially when you cannot make up your mind whether it is bad enough to justify amputation. What ought to be done at Suakin is to send back Sir Charles Warren and give Mr. Fox and the trading party a free band in opening up ...


... FOURTH EDITION, MR. BRTGHT.-ANOTHER RELAPSE. Dr. Hayle, in the course of a conversation yesterday, said Mr. Bright's health had very much improved, but was still in a critical state. At nine o'clock in the evening Dr. Hayle, having seen Mr. Bright, wrote the following bulletin Mr. Bright has had a rather restless day, and is a little feverish to-night. The state of the lungs is slightly worse ...


... ELEVEN PERSONS KILLED AND MANY INJURED. The Vienna correspondent of the Standard writes :-According to St. Petersburg advices, a terrible boiler explosion has just taken place in a large manufactory at Kineshma. in Central Russia. Eleven persons were killed on the spot, while no fewer than one hundred and seventy-five persons received serious injuries. HOW MATTERS STAND AT SUAKIN. PREPARING ...


... ,jj-I *v,:1V 1F/Nil TAX AND PROTECTION. IN I I1P\ 1!\ 0\!I11 Al\. C. R. 1-kiw. itc trdlec sill not have it that the new tax on bottled wines is a X ; d lie tili tof I'rotection 1Lord Randolph Churchill indicated prlo,, rt this w-s his view of the matter, ard suggested that ; o Tui;cr devclolments in a Fair Trade direction, the more ' ',Eiaha the fitst step was taken by a Free Trader. Mr. ...


... TO-NIGHT'S ENTERTAINMENTS THEATRE ROYAL DRURY LANE. (Lessee and Manager, AUGUSTIUS HARRIS.) EVERY EVENING at 7.30. MORNING PERFORMANCES EVFrY 1 WEDNESDAY, and SATURDAY, at ?? AUGUSTUS HARRIS'S NIl N-P PANTOMlvIME, , PUSS IN BOOTS. MesdanaesWadman, ?? ,alrj. Wyill.Nf-iUk Dawson, Bettina De Sortis Messrs. Harry Nicholls, Herbert Camispbell, Charies L i 0 'j'5iny Stevens, Reuben Inch, Charles ...


... SCOTSM.EN'S {MITHER-TONGUE. 1`I, has declared the Scottish language to be the 1 sweetest, richest, subtlest, and most musical of all :the dialects of Europe.' Many doubt!ess think the estimate extravagant, and yet willingly recognize the great power and pathos of which the tongue is capable. Numbers of the words are, of course, in these degenerate days, becoming obsolete, the earnest efforts ...