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Pall Mall Gazette


... THE, EULOGY OF RICHARD YEFFERIES.'3* To know something of the life of Richard Jefferies, the pioie-poet of natural history, has doubtless been the desiie of many readers who have fallen under the spell of that most potent magician of field and forest and hillside. The seclusion in which Jefferies lived had the effect of keeping him unknown as a man, even to those who were familiar with him as ...


... TIHE execution of this treatise is hardly worthy of Professor Leone Levi's high reputation or of the object which he proposes in his preface-the codification of International Law. Codification implies more than com- pilation, especially where the subject matter abounds with intricacies and obscurities. The Professor is not sufficiently critical in his methods. To begin with, he fails to bring ...

The Mystery of Cloomber

... By A. CONAN DOYLE. There is a scientifc incradudily which surpasses in imbeciiy the obtuseness of the dodhopper. BARoN HELLENBACH. CHAPTER XI. OF THE THREE FOREIGN IIEN UPON THE COAST. It must have been eleven or twelve o'clock before I woke up, and it seemed to me in the flood of golden light wbich streamed into my chamber that the wild tumultuous episodes of the night before niust have ...


... ,,THE OPIUM FIEND. FROM THE DUTCH.* IT is a pity that writers of novels with a purpose so rarely bring to the task any of the literary equipment that is essential to success. Our sympathies are all with the intention of the author of. Baboe Dalima. He wishes to expose the horrible results of indulgence in the use of opium, and to bring the British public to a recognition of the national ...


... COPPER PRODUCTION AN1D PROFITS. iTHE visible stock of copper continues to increase, the amount at the end of Beptember being 9o,7445 tons, or 4,000 tons more than the stock at the end Df August, and 32,0oo tons more than the stock a year ago. The inevitable collapse predicted on the basis of these figures has not, however, yet come about ; on the contrary, it is reported that new contracts are ...


... THEATRE ROYAL DRURY LANE. (AUvusTruIs HARRIs, Lessee and Manaiger.) EVERY EVEX>IN ;, at 7.30, Titl ARNIAD%. WVnifred Emery, Edith BrIlce, Kate Jilies, Ada Nailso I, an] MauS iINFI'O: Leonard, Ii enb, Luii LablIache, Edward Gardiner, Victor Stevrus, A. Iseaunioott, Ht. U ry ir, ine. , S. D twwin, Alera I) Da., S'auiklans (2alhaem, B. Robin,, F. Dibeii, ilasii Wttst, %V. Uridzc, ?? i-Iorrjsoa, ...

A Dramatic Disappearance

... Disappearance. A Dramatic CHAPTER XVI.-(Contbinsu.) Resting in her room had not sufficed to restore equanimity to Antonia, worn as she was with the sttain of her terrible scene with Major Temple, and the girl felt that peace would not return to her save through the medium of nature, where in some woodland glade, odorous with the pine fragrance, she might sit quietly and be hushed by the ...


... LONDON AS DESCRIBED B3Y MR. HENRY JAMES. To English readers the most interesting thing in the December (which is also the Christmas) number of the Century (Fisher Unwin) is a paper by Mr. Henry James on London, which Mr. Pennell cleverly illustrates. IMMENSE, BUT OVERWHELMING. The American novelist begins with his first impressions, from which we may take the following contrast. First London ...


... Mr. Mortimer Menpes, ignoring the dictum of Mr. Whistler that a big etching is an outrage (but why ?? is bard at work on one of the largest plates ever produced. This is a rendering of Franz Hals' superb picture at Haarlem, Banquet of Officers of Arquebusiers of Saint Andrew, which he is etching in dry-point. A portion of the plate is finished; and bears witness not only to the enormous ...


... TO-NIG 'IT'S E TER RTAI N iMIElNTS. THEATRZ ROYAL DRURY LAN2E. EVERV EVrENINs, ac 7 XR!\D SA!!, ;311A%' N EX i' at 1t.3~ I~ailrl, t~ ?? Hrd. C.po'w Du ?? t. Uildry mr., n ?? ~ ,I NV. S .Par-oo, 11. Losavil, F,. jtounins Is. ?? a; d1 Iti,~~IN.',An LYCZUM/ T.IIEAT~'E. LAST' EI.T'VEN IN IGHI' ;.F Air. ?? 1AS5 ~ lAO EVEF V F\ ENIN'.;, sita.. PRiNCE, KAML. m~~ao as Iy AlU% AbS IN I n-N, )~ Doo sa ...


... THREE ILL USTRA TED GIFT BOOKS.* MR. NiM~so sends us three publications well calculated to suit a variety of persons in search of Christmas gifts. Without containing very much that is original they each in a different way are undoubtedly attractive. M. Uzanne's Mirror of the World is suitable for the drawing room table of the average aesthetic Briton. Each page contains an illus- tration, ...


... THE UNYKNOWN HORN OF AFRICA, THOUGH late in appearing, we welcome at length this somewhat tardy description of a really important and difficult undertaking in African exploration. The expedition of which this volume is the narrative com- menced some four years ago-namely, in December, I884-and the zoological and other scientific results have already been published in the special journals ...