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... BIIRMINGHAM MUbIOAL FESTIVAL. The complete list of leading vocalists now includes Madame Albani, Miss Ambler, and Miss Anna Williams, soprani; Madams Patsy and Madame Trebelli, contralti; Mr. Edward Lloyd, Mr. Piercy, and Mr. Banks, tenors; Mr. Santley, Mr. Brerston, and Signor Foli, basses. The only instrumental soloist this time is Miss Fanny Davies, the pianist, though the part of the organ ...


... TIE J AJNE GA2=ES. Huierray's .fayazina is fuiyi areast of the times Avail- ing itself of a hint supplied by a feature in mddera journalism, it this month gives us the opinions of Chair, men and Vice-Chairmen of Quarter Sessions on the Local4 Government Bill. In the concensus, Admiral P=ncormb speaks for the East, the Hon. . Dlundas for the North, and Colonel Spencer for the West Riding. The ...


... BOOKS FOR BOYS.-I. The year is slipping rapidly away, and the young people at least have already begun to count not merely the weeks but the days which lie between their present tasks and the Christmas holidays. meanwhile the publishers have not been idle, and have done their best to cater for the tastes of all sorts and conditions of boys. Speaking broadly, books of adventene by land and by ...


... LITERARY ''ARRIVALS., It is in Literature as in Finance-much Paper and much Poverty may coexist. Mr. Aubrey De Vere's Esskys, umrmrmy oN Pomay, are for the most part critical and suggestive estimates of the literary and ethical oharabteristios of Spenser, Wordsworth, Landor, Shelley, and Keats. Considerable space is also devoted to anexamination of theworks of the author's lifelong friend, ...


... Yesterday afternoon an exhibition of fino arts anu industries was opened in the Wesleyan Schools, Queen- street, Mdrley, by the Mayor (Ald. El. Stockwell), who was supported by several members of the Corporation and a large' number of local gentlemen. The exhibition, which is on a very extensive seasl, has been opened with a view to raising funds for the furnishing of the two senior class ...


... AGRICULTURAL REVIEW QF THE 1 WEEK. I * January (lid not go out without giving us a spec men of bitterly cold weather, quickly followed by rain and a nilder temperatuye, and then by another frost. The check to vegetablo growth is salutary, as might be supposed from the remarks made last week upon the forwardness of ilowers and fruit; but such sadden changes as those which occurred on Tuesday ...


... LITERATEJ RE. F-W £ooKS AND NEW EDITIONS. Tho scnes and places which the Bront: family have rn- T a ^- perennial interest have supplied themes for it v sy pens more or less gifted. There is little unknown n ilisut their fortunes, and the place of the illustrious is in Ewglish literature who achieved famo not only N -Or themsel¶s but conferred distinction upon others who, ,jet fir thc, muest ...


... LEEDS MUSICAL FESTVAL.; THE NEW WORKS3 TO BE PRODUCED. A niceting of the Leeds Triennial Musical Festival guarantors was. held yesterday afternoon in the Mayor's Nlooms, at the Town Hall, for the purpose of receiving the report of the Provisional Committee, and of electing a General Committee of Management. TheMAYOn (Aid. Ward) presided. Amongst those present were Aldermen Sir B. 'launt, ...


... I ; MR EDGAR. ITADDOCE'S Msfma | I - VENFNGS. ' I The ninth of the present series of these recitals was given in the Philosophical Hall yesterday evening, when, to the gratification of her many friends, Viss 5Marie Krause took her place at the pianoforte for the first time in public since her recent long and serious illness. It is impossible but that such an illness must leave traces behind it ...


... Thero is a decided freshness about some of the publica- a tionn of William Czerny that should commend them to the notice of amateur pianists, &a., in search of new composi- X tions of earnest aim aud moderate calibre. A Serenade 2 and Mazurka in F, by Alfred GrUnield, are two a attractive piec0B that proclaim the clever musiciau. The jh Mazurka especially, though somewhat involved, is ...


... LITERARY AND ART GOSSIP, It is said that Lady Colin Campbell is writing a volume of reminiscences,-81. JTames's Gazette. F Mr. Stanley Lane-Poole's biography of the late Lord a Stratford de Redoliffe is almost ready for publication. E Messrs. Bhlckwood and Sons are about to issue a new o and cheaper edition of Miss C. F. Gordon-Cumming's t Wanderings in China. Professor MoMester expects that ...


... St It is in Literature as in inans--much Pape and aunch Poverty may coest ?? the eatremely' copetent editonhp of fr. )Dove,'the papers read, at the meetings of the Domesday I Commemoration in 1886 have boen gathered into an interesting volume, to which the title of DoxmAy EnromS has been given. One of the old Cbroniclers, describing the famous mid-winter 'Gemot of 1085-1086 which assembled ...