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... ! 7FASBIO2AXD N-.ANTDZ&A..: Dr-Mnrphy, 14 Gardiner's-place,-ha left I town for a few weeks. Surgeon Dovye has removed from 69 Lower Mount street to 23 Lower Fitnziuiam stre' Dr F B' Nowlan has' left 109 Haddington-! road, nia Holyhead, for a week's stay in London. MAfr. J.ohn M1oore, Professor of Singiusz and jFiann,'1sS resunmed teacitina at his residence 32 North' Great George's street.. IDr ...


... FASHION AND VARBTIE8,. Dr Macan has left town for two days. Mr. Michael Murphy has left Avonldal, Blackrock, for a fortnight. The Hon General Ravenhill arrived aj. Kingstown yt sterday from England. Lady E Murray has left Kingstown for, England. His Honor Judge O'Connor Morris has left Kingastown for England. Right Rev the Bishop of Adelaide has left Sing-town for England. J E Redmond, M P, ...


... LI-TEA A-- RE..' . , -- . - .. ~ ~ ' ?? - I1 ?RRDERICEK THE- iOBELE. -Londont: Sampson Low, Marston, and Co. The eitended extracts- ;pubiihed ia addance ?? hI Mackenzie's ?? of eourse, 6sme z what marred the intirist ii the vozlume itself, jet tlierevas a very brisk deapd, for .hw first sup- c ply, which -arrived in Dublin-on Wednesday. The b book is very tastefully got out. In size it is I ...


... FASHION AYD TARIBEISR ] Major-General Gimiter arrivea at Kings. town yesterday from England. Colonel Larking arrived at Kingstovwn yes-. terday from England. Major Rochfort arrived at Kingstown yes- terdny from England. Capt and Mrs Boxer arrived. at Kingstown yesterday from England. The Countess of I arborough arrived at Kingstown yesterday from England. The Earl of Danraven has left ...


... feASHION AND WARI7S | d d VICEREGAL COURT. I- Chamberlain's Office, Dublin Castle, n ith April, 1SI8. Their Excellencies the Lord Lieutenant, KG . and the Marchioness of Londonderry will give a Full Dress b, BaU (postponed from the 17th March last), in celebra- tion of St Patrick's Day, ott Thursday, the 26th April, it at 10 30 o'clock. d Ladies and Gentlemen who have attended a Drawing- 8 ...


... - PAWo-N i d e-r =relesi the J~Jst e a ' Macns . f ?? a d-ae .jty last'X teuig.M h -i W . g g! ; h.tbe~ honour o tssa AvttosT.Rgt IAzt, tse.bootloff i -L s 4 ~~oe; 4* HpO i d Mo its lr- he Y - a ?? Knox, t4*fihti Hon aa43 Re Jh ,4 Archbishop f- Dublisad JziPdmesyt.b.' .ib Hon the Lod- baeelor-aird -idi-habouziete] MotZ- Rev te Biho~p of Meat, thexfgh He th :Bibe of, Cor- and r4 R Bishop of ...


... FASIONM AND VZi.AjrB | F-SH 'II, StThe Marquis a-nd marchioness of b arn =nd suite have left; Kingstown for EnZ~asl4 1 Lady IAnne Trench and MiSS Trenchha rtleft Kingstowen for England. r- Colonel Mafillard, 16th Laner-- Kingstown for Engl-andi. C-aptain, MArs, and Master Fitzgerajd 1mr Atleft Eingstown for England. it Lady Grubb has left Kingstown fo)r E Ye ~terdtay from England.L CL) ?? ...


... By permission of Colonel Dawson and Officers the Band of the King's Liverpool Regiment wiln jpei-form this .(Mondavy afternoon at Lansdowne Road, at the Abbey street Sports from 3 to 6 30 p m. W L Saunders. Bandmnaster. By permission of Colonel C V Verelst and Officers the Band of the lth Hussars-(Prince Albert's Own) will performo at Bray this day (Monday) from 3 to 6 p a.: N Cannar, Band- ...


... THE DbUBLIN MUSICAL SOCIETY. A VIGOROUS WIND-UP. aist evening this society brought their twelve yeatt work of unequalled excellence in the citv to a close bya concert in every way up to their own standard. The large hall of the Royal University was crowded in almost every part by an audience which may be said to represent the elite of the city so far as musical taste and culture are con- ...


... I MRS SCOTT-FENNELL'S cONVERT. ' Mrs Scott Feuneli's rwnnual oecert bas given dast evening in the Leoster Hall, Ha&Wkins-steeet, and was niost successfjL There was a crowded and fashionable attendance filling .the rwserved seats, while the arca ad balcony wersalso entirely occupied. Her Exeellency the Mar. chieuess of Londonderry ands party from tlhe Castle-were preseat. 'Mrxis Sconei ...


... EA$HIONIV AND VAi1IETIB.S. _ I Sir John Leslie, Baritp; Lady and, Miss'1 Leslie, arcived at Ni ngtown yesterday fromr Ezntland. Colonel Weaver arrived at Kingstown yes- I terday fromi England. Colonel 'M Richards arrived at Kingstown. yesterday from England' Major Urquhart arrived at Kingdstvn yes- 1 terday from England The [Bon Edmund and Mrs Petre hlave left Kingtown for England. . Sir ...


... FASHION AND 7ABIETIES. _ -- - -- - * - Eon. R. A. Handoock arrived at Kigstown yesterday from EnglaacL Hon. Henry Bourke arrived at :Kingstowu yesterday from England. Major Pyne, ?? arrived at Kingstow6t yesterday from England. T. 1D. Sullivan, J P.7 arrived at Kbngstowu. yesterday from England. Major' Malone arrived at Kingstown yes-,i terday from England. Lieutenant-Colonel Macgregor and Mrs ...