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... TH T'E DUBLIN- OC IETY'S MU SIC AL i RECITALS. i I Yesterday at three o'clock the first of the series of Recitals of Classical Chamber Music announced by the Royal Dublin Society during the eession 1887889 was given in the theatre of the Society's House, Kildare street. The lower part of the theatre was quite filled; the gallery was not; on the whole, however, the attendance in point of I ...


... | .H r . , London, Friday. , A. beafl-a~d urtersting c1ass ofd eshibits at ..lOyinpisiis-bhezleetio~f . whcehcoutiemaeveri centres in the S, uilh and :oxth-est-of 'leieand, but ?? &cm the district about.Lirneeck, whih aas made- a uni- ofversal rep n for'fthia class of work. The foe- X teringef stjhar zfind ustry has been attemnptd wf With some awceess of late years. The efforts of n individals ...


... PASHIY N -D IrERI & Sir Howard Grubb. F R S, arrn' ed at Singstown yesterday from Engla.nd Ritght Hon Sir Patrick Keenran, K C I . CD.o arrived at Kingat~vwnvc sterd:*yvfr,,r a>&'R .. Major Eustace arrived at iingstovmr -.a tcrday n ote Englaud. b Captain Hubert Foster. R E, airre :1 Ringsrown yesterday from Elzngiand , A IM Kavainaagh, H. Ml L, arrivA a: town yesterday front England. H H ...


... Xq, o BEAUTIFUL GIFT I BOOKS. _ ?? 5ELECTON OF NATIONAL AIRS. yD5 BT TOM MNOOI° : MUSIC BY SIl JOBN ,ssro 31 li Gill and En. of O'Connell street, ?? bralglit cut a new edition of a work i ca been a long time out of print, namely, of National Airs, the words by ,cOre, the symphonies and accoinpani ity Sir ljohn Stevenson. This collection Lt ul- to young musicians and others of sile * ' ...


... FASRIO XAN-D FARIETIS. Sir Maurice Fitzgerald, Bart, arrived a Ring`town yesterday from Lingland. Hon IV Nugent arrived at Kingstown ves. terday fror Enguand. W J Corbet, BI P. an-ived at EKgstowai yesterday trom RElgiand. T W Russell, NE P, arrived at Kingastown yesterday' from Eazad. Colonel Cottinrham, B. A, arrived at Xinlgstolwln yesterday from E~ngland. Captain and Mrs MI'Carthy arrived ...


... FASHIO t AND VARIETIES. t The Earl of Enniskilleu arrived at Kings- town yesterday from Elnglaud. P J 0:Brien, Al P, arrived at Kingstown yesterday fromn England. T J Condon, 31 P, arrived at Kin-stown yesterday from Englanl. Colonel T Braddell arrived at Kicgstown yesterday from England. Lord Rossmore has left Kingstowa for England. T'Ihe Hon Mrs Arthur Fortescue and suite have left Kingstown ...


... ZASRION AND VAPIBRLS. I~ord Inchicquin hba left Kingstown for IEaglaxid. ?? Stopford has left Kingstown for Englad William 3£ Murphy, 31 P, has left Kings- town for England. J Leahy, 31 P. has left Kingstown for- England. J J Clanat, 31 P, has left Kingstown for England. W J Corbet, M P, has left Kingstown for England, Captain Handecoek, Yorkshire Regiment, ha left Kinstown for England. W S ...


... I GRABBING SIR MORELL MArNC. KENZIE'S BOOK. The Prems Association has been reouested by Messrs Sampson Low. Marston, ?? Co. to issue the following communication respecting tire pub- iicatiolo ofi certain lengthy extracts from Sir MoreUl Mackenzie's book describing tire ilioess oC the Emperor Frederick We have been exceedingly surprised and an- ?? to find that notwithetanding all the pre- ...


... m w IPit ?1,? ?? . ? - - -- ?? X--- - ant cital wvasgiven in the o Aoleswerta I worth street, ?? ningt eigh& Irsnowded to the d'oors. The artists who attracbed such an am b .Mis Remola Tynte faid -Mr. Herman Verin ~ ~~Heman Tezm, reite;2 for tb e :firit time betoxe c s audience. Ho: hs a shanly vresmce, a trial- figure. a finely formed head, and capable at once of the most delicate rhT e the ...


... . gHIO I A*D, -4RTBZVIS. O h Wilson, M F, and Mrs Wilson have arrived at Kngstovwn from EugIand.' The SoMicitorPGenea1 fP., hias arrived at Kingstown from EngInd., O L Peaeocke,- Ro;yat Artillery, has ar- rived at Kingetowfnromn England.+ : Professor V Ball, F'ST' has arrived at Kingstown ?? : Ron Berry B'ourire hat airived at Ejings- town from England. Kin-s. Lord PoeiS ' *.our' hs. arrived ...


... tv qwAGZwNES, - & FPth gies iit first plac h; ?? 1 vignedarticle on theue ?? p-li-y Bf Rug. ' laud, in which the gloomiest views are tan of the EIrop iti ' The writerurges strogly thast they -#enter ifs alliance of the Central Pow, aid make such terms with them as 1 Vroeet Indi., our emce, and cur houes from an dadger and 9&M' te BoulDmuist movement is the subject of a 5hucteristically nervous ...


... FASRIOY AND VARIETIES. The Archbishop of Dublin, Lady Plunket, and suite have left Ringstown for England. Lady Goring has left Kingstown for Eng- land. . Major Cosby has left Kin.gstown for Eng- land. Colonel J. H. Graham, has left Kingstown for England. Major and Mrs Bourke have left Kingstown for England. Captain R. A. Hartley and Bliss Hartley have left Kingstown for England, Captain ...