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... FASHION AN-D YABE TIES. Mr. Patrick O'Mlehan, L D S. fl C S L_ Dental Surgeon, has returned to4 Upnperlallowvctre.v. Limerick. Captain Rltiz . R -A, arrived at Kingstown yesterday from England. > Captain Obttey arrived at Kingstown yes- i terday from England. Lord Athluniney arrived at Kingsrown yesterday from England. ,Sir Ralph Cusaekland Miss Cusack arrived at Kingston-n yesterday from ...


... | FASHION AND VARIETIES, l Doctor Robert M'Donnell has left, home ' for the Continent. Lord Ashbourne has arrived at Kingston fron England. a The Earl of Ennisrillen has arrived at y Kingstown from England. Captain Halpin has arrived at Kingstown from England. - Vicoantess Gough has left Kingstown for li England ?? Fetherston Whiting has Ieft Kings- town for Eg2land. Count de Salil has left ...


... I j. -g ,. , & Her Fxeeney thse derry-d seait a-b lady Alice FfiiEi am{= VxtzwiLIam bave- a dved land, Captain Wood has Captain N Mawell has =are&t_=Lins Zowr m EnglA d. ' The O'Grady has arrived a it t i Dr Torney has returned to, hres-dence,. .-l Blchall atet. Ldv Clsand Hamilton has left K-gstwn foruegAs. Rizht Rev the Bishop of Meath has;left- Kingstbenfor Bnglagd. T D SulIvaa, M P has ?? ...


... JAS.ElON AND FARIET1IBS. Lord and Lady Rossmore have left K{7i87- town for England. The Countess of Rosse has left Kingstown for England Eon Miss Greville has left Kingstown for England. Colonel and Mrs Morton have left Kings- lown far England. Colonl R Boeatty has left EingstoRn for E ng!and. Captain Dalib1 has left Kingstown for Eng- hand, Hon Mrs Hiamar Bass has left Kingstown her England. ...


... By permission of the Commandant and Officers the band of tle Royal Irish Constabulary wil perform in the Barrack Square, Phomnix Park, this (Friday) evening, from 7 till 9 o'clock. PROGRAMME. March Tannhbauser Wagner Quadrille Spanish Beauty Relle Overtare Marionettes Gurlitt Valse Love's Dreamland Roeder Selection Mignon ThomLs Cornet Solo Thuringen Forest Echoes Bock Selection Orphee ...


... ?? = AD A lFAES002 AND VABIZS. 0 Lord Ashbotrne arrived at Kingstown yesterday from England. Lord Lurgan arrived at Kingostown yester- day from England. The Earl of Limerick arrived at Kingatewn yesterday from England. The Hon IV Burrell arrived at KingstowE yesterday from England. Major Anchinleck.1 D L. arrived at Kbngs. town yesterday from England. Major Cochrane arrived at Kingatown ...


... , FASHION AND YVAIBTIE& ' _ . * -- ?? v 11 The Duke and Duchess of Saxe-Meinu3 en e ,ans~auts strived 'at King.stawa,-yester'day fiomfnglant.i Sir Henry and the Hon Lady Robinson arrived at RingttovwAyesterlay fndfngiand j Sir Robert audi Lac, Stewarb arrived at Smgsitown yesterday ftron England. Sir John Pope Hemessy arrived at Kigs ! town yesterday from Enlssa y a t I H P Perry, 4thl Royal ...


... 'THE TALIAN OPERA. he jMozart's Don Giovanui attracted a fairly he large audi.nce to the Gaiety last night. It has he always been favourite amongst musicians, though ne never absolutely popular, but it is invariably Nvel: ng comed when the artistes associated with itasuggest )r- tile probability of a good performance. Thereare ng| few operas that have passed through more varied se ...


... THE GAIETY THEATRS. ; r` - I Last evening Mr Charles Wyndham appeared as `David Garrick before a fairly filled house. It is to be regretted that the anticipations of the audience were so nrach excited. People looked fox something quite 'exceeding anything they had experienced, and the result was undoubtedly dis- appointing. To those who had seen Sothers in] the part it must have been ...


... I FASMTON AND YARIRTIES. -- I James Talbot Power, D L, has left Kings,. toeen for Englad. Sir John Talbot Power, Bart, has left Kings, town for England. The Hon 3Mrs Martyn has left Kingstowm lfor England. . J L: Carew, M P, has left Kingstown for England. The: Earl of Rosse arrived at Kingktowa, yesterday from England. The Earl of Arran arrived at Xingstown .yesterday from England. Capt ...


... I SS DUt BEDAT'S CONCERT. On Saturday evening Miss Du Bedat's concert took place in the Leinster Hail, anid proved a conlspicuous success. The audience was represen- tative and sufficiently numerous to indicate both how highly her gifts as a singer are appreciated and the expectation entertained of the character of the concert associated with her name. Ths programme was judiciously selected. ...


... I - . DUBLIN POPULAR COINCERT'. - Saturday night's concert was the coucluo.itX one of the series. The Leinster Haal was croWv`ed, The 'music, both vocal and instrumental war ad mirable-not excelled by that of any preedivn one of the series. Miss Agnes Jansou Lsus a spleud;i voice, rich, sweet, and tuneful in every uote. auod her very finished singing of Caro mio bet by Giordani quite ...