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... O O Messrs Swan Sonnensohein, Lowrey & Co. mave published IWork and Worship : Sermons preached in English Cathedrals, by the Rev. George Edward Jelf, M.A., Canou of Roehesterx -Messrs Wm. Blackwood & Son have pub- lished a new popular edition, in one voluune, which is certain to justify the ?? oE S&Gsorge Eliot's Life as narrated in hel Letters! and Journals, arranged and edited by her hus ...


... Al - MU7W7T~DA ! - - G- Eh aidT; badtaserion i effeto n the , lc t Oh in)au .iei& TS s toiis ofte. ctastophe ha a , be pi a her is refe tst.o Bu t tie piece of> wodwor theonlyre ! l of tbe> audfien i a sort fof senc gsa peti. lariut. artile in the -leain news-; 1 s paeste ames Sfor: ne-poln.oit .ou 3. th trt h ept the inchs~tflS. s auique, teflames fro theo flies- ha ...


... THE M-YAL ACADENlY. WINTER EXHIBITIO'N. To many the great attraction of the present Mratr'Ehibiionat Burlington House willb the Unique and valuable collection of relief IC sculptijre, bronzes, and plaquettes, almost ti entirely of the Renaissance period. Full of p a fascination, charm, and interest as are these -productions of the genius of Luca anda Andrea ?? Robbia~, Mine da Fiesole, ...


... : as ^ t A= s - - ' f ' - - f ?? 2. Air Lo~~a So~ndS the ?? Aesido 5. S1 cr. O AiMfeie ?? ves 10. The smphony which, all the wsorld aver, is knewa to be o'f al others tie. ismod. unfailingly attractive ea pb r audie` to St Adreiws-zlU on thelast eveaiaz I. 011587t. AgrinstthfeqUst reappearance in our oncert c ?? -of the Patoral sym. zphony no lovar of Beethoven coud have a word tosay, ?? ...


... I The Pasley Old Canine Society opened theis j aniual show of sporting, fancy, and other dogs in I the Gorjd Tecplar Hlails, Paisley, yesterdlay. The as oe comlrprises 25 classes, for which there were about o;%0 entries. A feature of the show is the jpresence of the famnous championi St Bernard do-.. 1'Iiinsmon, which is an exhibition. This do. axhich is the property of Wr S. NV. Smith, Leeds ...


... C H(ORAL UNION CONCERT. NMESSIAU: sit Solna years it seemed ae ?? w',dge by tthe diminijn eb end dirninshing attendance it the Christmas ,fand XewYeoar performances here and elsewhere, ithe public were at last becoming satiated writh 6the unceasing repetition of the music for which Zour country has shown such unbounded and ex- ;elusive preference. In Glasgcw, however, the i 4tide has been set ...


... MISCELLANE OUS BOOKS. . Alphabetical Reference' Index to Recent l and Important ~aritime Law Decisions. CoMr. piled by Robert B. Dougld. (London: Stevens & Sons, 1688.1-This w/ork gives a convenient I abstract in alphabetical form of most of the recent, and several of the more important and less recent, maritime law decisions, and is I carefully planned. Mr Douglas says hel thinks his work ...


... -y ?? T-e4em. - vT a Were any proof required dl the very great a itimportance which attaches to the ouestion die- IP vecussed in this volume it would he supplied by N( -athe long list of patents -which the author has ap- i. pended to it. Although the pebuliarities of the doi e ?? have prevented him from making it, *~ b auy eanscomplete ' it includes 45& thi 2. bstractts of specifications for ...


... 'FE GROSV'ENOR GALLERY. I _ ?? A CENTURY OF BRITISH ART. !Probably no art exhibition uas ever more: visited or more widely appreciated than that; held throug1h the summer and autumn months of last year at Manchester. In a sense the present show at the Grosvenor Gallery may be taken as a supnleonient, or as a prelude, thereto. t At Manchester the studenat, the amateur, the t ordinary picture ...


... BOLTOW THEATRE Dl-.: ;: > - BY FIRE. 34, M) 1~uTrPOSED INCENDIIA c The Theatre-Royal and Ops . ' : ' ,as dsrydb .s gate, Bolhon, was destroyed by U - To hour yesterday morning. Ti. 'Le i Blue Beard had besn raun.n: - ;: .u so of after the conclusion of the ni a Tnesday evening, about twel-. ; b:. ve manager, Mr Strickland, witat le went round the building and; P At half-past four a police ...


... NOTES ON NEW BOOKS 4 Messrs Welfo, Gardner, Darton & Co, have published the Apostle of the Indiansa, M oir of the Life and Labours of the Rev. W. pac, rett, B.D., for 40 years a, missionary in British r Guiana, by the Rev. F. P. L. JoGar, rector ofhe Holy T.rinityv, Essequibo.l-Mtr Elliot Stock,I London, has published Tht Story of the a Cross, a poem by Charles Nash. -To the Im- r pental ...


... sogrs ON NEANv ii $t MeSsrs Smith Elder Ir 'x Uisb this week' S~et~irteeuth vo~lnz r easlie Stephen's of We: a Siegraplay. It fr~ sromO 'C to Darner. an rgesror Reeves & Turner have pub. Ge se The Odyssey of Homer, done Ja :glich Verse, by William Morris, r rirn' ei The Earthly Paradise. M. -Iner Life is the title of a volume of Tr, rceg byP. Clitrey which Messrs Remington S. C. h ...