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... IWALTON POULTRY, PIGFON, AND Ib CAGE BIRD SHOW. I y, The second annual Walton exhibition of Rc 18 poultry, pigeons, sad care bitds was commenced b 0 on Satmuday, at the Zoological Gardens, Wa~toz- T adon-the-H1iLl. The entries namerically showed a C grin mroeto t peiosyabeing 7 vs nearly doubled. In the poultry section ?? i3 Si. were hO~ eetrir'sin the pigeon sention219, and F ~~7 in the cage ...


... MUSICAL NOTES, It is probable that the Philharmonic. r directorate have bad ample reasons for again abanging the bill of the next conmert; but be this as it may, consideable disappoittment has S. been manifested at the wtd-mw of Mr. Carrodus' zawe. It will be recollected that it Mr. Schonberger was promised for the first concert of 1888, but being unable to fulfil his v .engagement the name ...


... The anual hot-pot supper of the Atis's s CIb vill this year be held at the Neptune i Hotel, Clay-to-square, on Wednesda.y, the 11th I inst. Members can ?? tiet at the club e room Boldet I The annual dinner of the Liver Society of i Art3ist will take place on Saturday, the 14th I iat, at the Bear's aW, Lord-street. t - At the approaching election at the Royal & Academy, which will take place ...


... IJ1ThARY - OT!IS. 27w £bazsast qf )eace By Marvin X r NVnedt D.D,, L0Sel4anm Nlisbeta adM 1 Co. herms serim;of tw ent sernoS au - eminey pastoral characte, n which t# Da * autor the Rev. Dr. Vnc~et, I deals in a ID$flfl ransiin~eas it is diretb and pracal Be r with certaen bard, painful or pasi pisee W. of Jiristiax ~xpe~j~n, an 'nil as with cerin Da duty and pcspnla4 (Ckiiw amceptioeu ...


... MUSIC-AL OONFEREN. I 'Ti inrxir . NDO, W o&y. 4 j Eis tnirX at tho.halu of the Drapers' Coom- pany, Thr~gmortwn-street, the regular irooeedings of- this yeaeiaonference of the Naticnal Society o' Professional Musicans wermopened by Mr, Aider- 3 mD de Keyser, Lord Meyor of LoudoN, in the t. pre of about 20W; mkers of the rganisatio. IThe ltter, werecroited from tkb Tanks of the p vinci-I ...


... !AGAZESFOR JANUARY, The Cwtwsporry op with a brilliant and] bxridiwe artce by Sir Charlems avan Duffy, qotited 'An Anskalian Evxample, in whicht Tf he rt recalls somae forgotten pages in I TC colonial hsitry that are pregnant with political I teaching for the paesent time. The House Rule ! a question was mme than ones fought out in I Ao austraa against a foolish and stubborn Pl-o Govternent ...


... -AT NOTE of TEE PANELS AT ST. GEORGE'S HALL Dn It is a great point in any question of import- qi th suce to clear away encumbrances and to make Be sre a circle about the object in dispute, so that r ot there may be a clear view of it on every side. of ic No w that the second panel, representing the nd Progress of Justice, has been placed in position p ml on St.. George's Hall, and, as reported ...


... LI-(DON, TRURSDAY. ot le I The second meeing of the prst session of Si 'y the Natin Society of Professional Musicians O° is was to-day inaugurated, at the Hal of the K arPainters' Company, by the warden of that guild, b of Dr. Swinnertoa Heap was in the chair, ad in ithd been arranged that in the absence of Mr it at Riseley, of Bristol, who was indisposed, he tl e should deliver an address. ...


... MIUSICAL CONFERENCE. LosaoJw Famr. The third day's preedings wer held at the Ba hall of the Paiates'. Asooiadtio Dk Un o£ ' Birltenhead, presiding at the monin niaetine , i The Chainnau, at the outset, .aid thee wee oneo .subject to which it wmass ential to 4llude for the I sake of carrectipg errmnyms imprweioz and thab, o1n was the position of the sical tourin relatiio I to the sociey. The ...


... Althongh, doubless, twas merry in the ba daring the past fortnight or so, and ;hough there has bee1 presumably a fair mount of household revelry in progress, yet tt the past fortnight has shownr no visible or ox- m ternal sign of musical merriment or, for that I n matfer, of anything specially mas-s! atam being te anapTO~Yt55. Now, however, the hoiday b' jfscce is over, and almoet by the ...


... PUBLIC AMUSERENTS, &c. W Soval Alexandra Theatre. -The Forty f .ieves Moenaiig and Evening. t( :oyaJ Court `Thetre-3Carnen. Prvoce ef Wales ThetrB-Biue Beard. Iorninz and tEveniu& rotunda Theatre.-Aladtdin. Morning ard Even , g. New star Mufsc -ali-Miseelaneous Enterminent C Hlnglern s Grand Cirnue, top of Brnaswlckra& d Morning ana Evening. Walker Art GaUers.-Verrstchaxin's pIcbn. sauges' ...


... ART NOT' 'At-e Walker Ar y, ^w 'gaging to the pe*rmaaet celeofion- in tu Upoauo - hve b' gd With1 666VOptaOf '4Samons (prea edbyMV H HEazixn), whieh l beingre-rad, those 'pr i chased bythe CO eti fsm e ghibiaonc anoD be Idm -- -& We hearthtte fia , ef e by the late Samuel Cousins, -:A, med i Mr. P. P. Power, of Maeb baa e aeintorjis, ad -.Wshoy bea:a _ e for sae The oection s vey te private ...