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... THlE LADIES' OU COUN ?? ql FASHIONS AND FOLLIES Op T'lEl :I, FASRIOS FOB a TIo.nTU The Styles shown for the New Year able for their plainneseor, more corretelry al for their artistio simplicity, ever, a Pakthi given to the draperies, wihich are nftio 0be!I caught up here and there in inde8c- 6d 4D8 and folds, and some of the ?? cabalrl ticularly graceful and becouinge 11iodels Plat. Plush and ...


... On Monday a young lady, who stated that she ivas an actresq, playing at the Grand Theatre, Islington, at the time of the late fire, applied to Mr. D'Ey'ncourt, at the Westminster Police Court, London, for advice respecting her husband, who, she alleged, was improperly detained in a private lunatic asylum, at the instance of his friends, who disapproved of his marriage. She was married as ...


... ALLE4ThD EMI3FZZLEMIiN1' LOWES?IO FT. ATI | HEATlliCAL DISPUTlE. | |At the Low estoft Polieo Osurt on Wednesday mrorn- ing, before the Maylor (WV. HR. Clubbe, ?? and other M~agistrates, Alextander Brosdfoot, known in the theatrical profession as Ediward Graham, was eharged with ainbeezlement at Lowestoft on June 23rd. Tbe earns prisoner wee also charged with obtaining monev by false pretences ...


... TILE WATERLOO HOUtSE ENTER IAN.MENT. On Thursday evening the anui'tl invitation ccneert given by the Waterloo 110063 Mutual Improvemlent Society took place in tbe Co-operative Hall, whliel was orowded to exosee. The programnme opened with a cleverly-plasel I ianoforte duet, Rudhlizore Laecera (Bsaccvossi), by Mies Asbfurd and Mr. E. G. Wain.- wright. Mr. .W. E. Elindes, who p eeessee a ...


... T1I US MU-SEUM LECTURE8. | On Feiday evening in the Lecture Hall, Tower-strce', D.-. J. E. Tas fir, tbe popuilar curator of tbe !l: wich iuseun, concluded hi; course of lectur s ou the Rlomance of oar Cor mnon Wild Flowers, the suljeet being thi very i:terestirg one of ' The Origin of our British Wild Flowers. It was announced tbat Mr. Siceling Westhorp, chairman of the Museum Com- mittee, ...


... The annual show of fat cattle and sheep for the Christmas supply in connection with Messrs; Simpson's Auction Mart at Bury took place on Tuesday and Wednesday. The first day was an exhibition purs and simple, but the next, being tbe market day, the ex- hibits were sold by auction. For yeara past this show has seen some fine collections of local bred cattle and sheep, and Messrs. Simp3on may be ...


... (From Prnen.) Brwss. -Sympathetic Old Lady: Oh, dear,. dear! I do so feel Mabel, for that poorsman with the long trampet. (She must mean the trombone in ?? street band.) All through the piece, dear, he's been trying to Qa it right, and he can't do it, Poor fellow! HBrx let us draw a veil !-as the huntsman observed, when he couldn't find a lox on the hil-. ?3de. And they drew a Vale ...


... CUT IFf'i PiYoMI rAPERS. TE In, yvoir mui;i'r1Q vinitat m itl en. Do you for 1. ?? -J tho facez Cen f ?? tothexhitts dcoin T h a utbogti teleg-ram) :W V Froi: myathe, Mrs Wilkns.(reads)'ou *ipntT ?? didls 0vnn agdrogsytigt ~ and in fall possessino l e aute.' Ms waes Wilki.s ,Ali, sir Iremember it ?? h a same in my Own family, onl1y '(ethe aunt hadl 'eavy'llMortgagcs on 'emer from VFARY ...


... THIE HAPLE IG Et FARM ERS~ CLUB. THE SPRING SHOWV. The annual showv of the Hadleigh Farmers' Clrub and Agrieultural Show vvas held' on Friday, Col. J. T. Rowley, the popular President, agsin kiadly granting tlee use of ties pretty grounds s f Holbocks Park. Tbe clab still consinues to display itri old vitality, though it has been ie. existenoe sufficiently lone to enalble it soon to caleb, ate ...


... T]IF? FARM, fiARDEN, &c. OUTDcOO 'G~aznx.-Keep the soil among flowers in the beds loose b~y frequent hoeing. Stir all the soil at least 1 inchtdeep; this mulch of loose earth wil3 eff'ectually check evaporation, and ho better for all such plants aS Pelargoniumls thanl surface wvater- ing. .Anything it maty be necessatry to wvater should have a good soaldug, stirring the surface with the .hoc ...


... TIEE LADIE' COLUMN, FASHIONS AND FOLLIES OF THE WEEIC wIXrTR DBESS. That dress is costly just now there can be 3c doubt whatever. Never were more elaborate trim- mings nor more expensive materials provided, and never were charges for dreismaking so high as they are at the present moment. It is only the ready- made gowns and costumes that are cheap, and these can only be worn by figures that ...


... GENTLEMAN is a term which does not apply to any station, but to the mind and the feelings in every station. The man of rank who deports himself with dignity and candour; the tradesman who discharges the duties of life with bonour and integrity, are aliko entitled to it; nay, the humblest artisan, who fuifils the obligations cast upon him with virtue and with honoor, is more entitled to the ...