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Advertisements & Notices

... VICTORIA UNIVEis,.~TY. VTME YOUNSIMI E COLLEGE. CLASSES for DEURREEH in SOIlANCE, ARTS, fl1; ! MIE, mand .IUNI; an Uikts's us not rgeliod tohave reis't for tl Scun kiA tOLICAL ALLIANEh- NOON PRiAYER ~~l1L1'tG.TO-I)AY, 12 to 1, at thin Y.M.C.Alf. 1is, Sooth. Ixstalo.der. Rev. E. 0, WILLIAMS, AiLA.- TTNITE NW YELRI'S PRYR MEETINd 19 TO-NIrUT, at oentreet, 7.15. Dr, CONDER ?? prsiadei. of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A SECOND EDITION.~ (Fromt tho Isindon Ssundeil Time$.) A few woeks ago we pablished an article giving some wonderful and astotilohing exrporloties of numerous persons. in thle article referred to ouch wonderful cases were mentioned, and verified by a gentleman 'coonncted with 'this paper on his own experlenee aind that of Other well-known persons, that It wouild seem nimpossibis for anything ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEPUB1lISHEFRS' COLIUMN. CoMpIErXON OF MR. KINGLAXE'S IS'rORY. Hi~E INVAIO OF THE CRtIMEA. `vIa000w AS4 ANACoo T OV ITS PRtOOKtiiR DOWN TO TilT.,91. DtT IK PLi ItALAE D3A.I Kfl4iAAlEL Vol. VII.-b'rorl the IMorOW Vol. VItZiL~ pnn oflneruii 0 ie .lau of o Piicic.,Cnarcildo to e with normereon e iao ?? ties complete Work. iyOv.Th. SOME OFflIONS OF ME 1IUM& World. 'TeCrinean wasr furnish'ed a, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Yorkshire Bepository, Iods ENTRIB of HORSES (los. each) for the ?? Selrst Bale STo-rrrow tu he rbeood -up toton 'cloctke UOrnilg for the seoc0d edition of cataloue N.B.-Tho valuablo Draught end Nag Hor from megr. P2oneley, Z3oarno, sud Co., Ute Contractors for the 11kioy end Skipton Lino, together with others from Prtivto soue will boO ?? thS aftler- ssoon. Addrlum HiJpPED. and SON8, York ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j TREET R '-Bond-strect, W., NO. 18. | DA'OND JM WEERY (White and Moden out). F ROM £5 to £5,000. I T1RTE Rs_ Bond-strect, W., No; 18. 1 S-CARAT STANDARD GOL'DSMIT11S WORK, 1IU2OM £1 Upwards. No lower quality kept in stock at FJsn'iEEtTLiflA Boudsatrect. W. ?? by Mr.1troeter in 16601. 7iuI'ICAL ,LANTEltNS for Oil or Oxy-hyarogen Light. t Annes9T 81'00E ?? G5LLATrLY ?? rcaO~. Coosprosad Oxygen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rVANGELICAL AL.LIANCE. -_ NOON PRAYER MjjEETING. TO-DAY, 12 to 1, at the YM.C.A., 13, South. ,,rado. Leader. IleY. J. LEGGE, M.A. ITESLEYAN LOCAL MISSIONS.&-PUBLIC MEET- ING in Brunswick Roams, on Wednesdlay evenlfl, Jan. 4th. at r.pwkers. Rove. WV. Grilliths, J. C. Wright, and S eeblO.'ea'. C. W. Barrett, Esq. Collection. II71DENING of ROUNDHAY.ROAD t the COST of POTrERNEW'ON TOWNSIP. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET. TO. 28, Westbonrrr'- terrace, Morntt Preston ; 9 rooms, iN ith. ilvit £20. Apply WV. 18. Mediasl and Son, 23, Park-role. ~, Jt rinrracc, W riodhouso-ianio; facing tramn. T 1( 015 £3.; o il-to gV 1 i s l n t S n a k r w ' ?? A AIS a~d 1311011(1 ITON', 16, Infirmary-tL e s Ge t C tr tr E lsaon A et rnts, suti Vailu a. E-stsb. 1148. ' LLIS acid I~LOUGHTON have 23, Queen-street; lier o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L OST, botwoen Lodlgs-street and the General Pe;t- ofice, an LE:TTE, addremsed to Geo. Clark and Son, Blincuu*; lane. Lonston, Thi cinvelope prinitnd in red lettonrs. Contents known. Apply J. A. Metealfe, S. ]eiitou-view. Ied8. Finder well rewarded. GI RAVEL! GRAVEL! BACKACIlE! BACI-KACIIEI }1OLDROYD'S GRAVEL PILLbS. A positive Conre 13W.. ail Chemists; ooat-free Is., from Hldroyd's MIedical ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; ia~~les lip ffuct(Dh. Th Yo ;rkairn Repository Loods. rESSRS. MPEUP muand SON§' OR4DERI of SALE I S 9P 6is Day:- At 12 ?? Lots of IARNlESS, SADDLERY, HOISE, CLOTHIING, and Stable Rj uisites. JU I o'clock.-TlI rtY-flVO CAIl8lCAGO and TRAPS, new ad eOend- hind, and presenting a Capital selection: also two goad lThorries. At 1.30.-Thnro Valuable DOGS, vi. :-A Pointer, u Settor, and a At 1.35. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VANGELICAL ACLE&CE.- NOON PRAYER EVMEETING TO-DAY, 12 to 1, at the Y.ZL.CA., 13, South. paradO. Leader, Itev. Ef. T. IASISAIZ. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEiPERACE UION. VT AhNUAL NEFMEET12NG in the Friondo' MoetlnghoojO, Wood- bouelnceTIS(WEDlNESDAY) EVENING eatsi 'ttk Ticketn,4eah PUBLIC MEETINGat 7, tO MAYOTR M.Ad Scrarri and addressed by ,r}igt5BlO Rev. Orso Grgo lt f daand 1Rev.eog ils(lm Chapel). ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IAMONDS of FINEST QUALITY =1aml Greatest B3ilians RiDnsfrom M3 to 150. - Pins, Solitaires, Sprays, Star, EARCE and SONS Goldsmiths and Silversmiths, r COMMRO tSTRELET, LEEDS, alcd at Fuddersfield and Leicester PECTACLE S.-Bast Glass, 3B. 6d.; Pebbles 8s. 6d.; R ENOLDS indBRANSON,14, COMRERCIAL-ST,LEES. M BMO~BY.-Mfark Twain says of Professor Loisette Ret loshowed me bow to LIGH~T UJP the dark ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHOCOLAT-lENIER. fHOCOLAT- NIE . - Annual Sales oxceed 26,00O,000lb. 0HOCOLAT-MENIER, yellow paper, sante. Cl~oCOLAT~hIE~l~xR, chamois paper, song'. CHOCOLAT-DENIER, pink paper, sant6. eEHOCOLAT-lMENIE~l, bhlu paper, eante. }HOCOLAT.lMENIER, green paper, vaunille. 0HOCOLAT.MENliR, red paper, vanille. CHOCOLAT-MlENIE', lilao paper, vanille. C HOCOLAT-MENIER, bronzo paper, varnilla. OHOCOLAT ...