... MM. PEMBIERTON'S NEW COBfEDIETTA. Last night, at the Prince of Wales Theatre, Livernool, Mr. T. Edgar PIemberton s new one-act domrestic comedy, entitled Steeple-jack,' wvas very successfully produced. The story may be described as one of wifely devotion contrasted wvith groundless marital jealousy. Tile scene is laid at lilackhatsptoi, on the morning after the marriage festivities of 'led ...


... THE WOODBRIDGE HORSEI I SHOW. Tie very name may be taklen as a barbineer of brighter de3s if not Cf brigl~tr prospects in ?? aRri- cultural world. In one nespect at leist Woodbridge Horse Show is the most interesting day of all the exbibition year to a considerable number of agiicul- turists in a large and important district. The winter is gradually waning, and though there is iuvalidlly a ...


... .FASHION ASD iARELES, | I 1 . Lord Alex;and&r Psg t-ll-s left Kingstowit for England. Lord Lurgan las left Kiingstown for Eng- land. Lady A. Vane Tempest has left Kingston for England. Captain.3athews, A P C, has left Kings- town, for fngland. -V G Black, Derby Regiment, has left Kingstown for England.- Peter MA'Donald, j P, has left Kingstown for Engibind. Lieutenant E .aA'ey, R N, has left ...


... DALLAS V. NOLAN AND OTHERS. The bearing of this action was commenced in the Queen's Bench Division on Monday, before Mr Justice Grantham and a common jury, and was not concluded until Wednesday. It was an action against John Edward Nolan, Bretham Jackson, William Ivermee, and Isaac Davis to recover damages for injury and loss caused to the plaintiff by reason of the defendants, or some of them ...

Published: Saturday 31 March 1888
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2046 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... I On Friday, March 2d, the Three-Act Comedy, e by M. Alexandre Bisson, entitled LE DEPUTE DE BOMBIGNAC. De Chantelaur ?? M. COQUELif De Morard ?? M. DuQuzsss d Pinteau ?? M. JEAN CoQLINq n Des Vergettes ?? M. DEROy e La Marquise de Cernais ?? Mdllie. PATRY s ?? Mdlle. LWMARCErn Rene ?? dile. K1;rRwicl n Julie ?? idlle. JENNY RosE I When that friend-or enemy-of our youth, Publius r ...

Published: Saturday 10 March 1888
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3081 | Page: Page 14 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... in the Lower House of the Convocation of Canterbury, yesterday, Archdeacon Burney mbved That his Grace the President be requested to direct the appoint- ment of a committee of this House to consider the question of an increase of the Episcopate.-The Dean of Windsor seconded the motion. He said he himself would rather see the multiplication of diocesan bishops than suffragan bishops. It had ...


... SIX SCIENCE, BOOKS.* THE extensive popularization of science is not an unmixed good. It often means nothing more than the piecing together of interesting or wonderful facts, even accuracy itself being sometimes sacrificed to picturesqueness. But while this kind of writing is to be deplored for the sake of science, it must, on the other hand, be confessed that many scientific text-books are ...


... TO-NIGHT'S ENTERTAINMENTS THEATRE ROYAL DRURY LANE. (Lessee and Managcr, Au;usorus IHARRIS.? EVERY EVENING at 7.30. MORNING P'ERlFlORMANCES T - M O N )A Y, L.D N SS D A ,E~ d S A T U I)A Y at .,o. A UCG U S U S IHA R R IS'S . ~ I PANTOMIME, PUSS IN 1,00 IS. 'lnsteians \L'asbntt t ltind, Al mr ' i-; Dawson, Bettita De SorLis ; Alessr. iarry Nicbo:t, liarbart tJ, Cii.r,crIa ' Stevetts, ...


... THE CITY AND THE NEW TAXES. TAKING IT MEEKLY. On the whole the City is taking the Chancellor of the Exchequer's new impositions very meekly. There is some soreness at the tax 'of sixpence on contract notes, and considerable doubt as to how the adhesive stamp to be renewed yearly on securities of foreign origin will work, but that is the extent of the criticism. One stockbroker described the ...


... WImnTIONiAL P¶OTOOAMC I EXIMiTION IN LhRPOOL. I TEB O.r'TN The Intsrnatinnal Photoraphic Exhition, li -utth is being held in the Walker Art Gaery,- under the auspice of the Liverpool Amater Association, was formally opened an vi Saturday evening by the Mayor of Liverpool(r. ch Thomas W. OakehottL who was accompanied by ki the mayoress and Aliss Julia Oakhbolt The w1 exhibito-the prominent fees ...


... ' JOSEPH'S SAVEETHEART. wcormedy Drama. in Five Acts, by Robert Buchanan, ?? on Fielding's Novel ' Joseph Andrews, p1,ed for the First ritne at the Vaudeville Theatre, on Thursday Afternoon, March 8tb, 1888. joseph Ansrevs ?? Mr HI. B. CONWAY Sir George Wilson ?? Mr WILL[AAi RiosoaL Lle.CJllyn ap Griffith . Mr FREDERIcE TuoRsa (;,J ?? J. S. BLYTHE sql5re Booby . ?? Mr ScoTr BU1ru Lord ...

Published: Saturday 10 March 1888
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2792 | Page: Page 9 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... Managerial activity is not characteristic of the period immediately preceding Easter, and playgoers are now being reminded that existing attractions will shortly disappear from view to make way for fresh changes of programme. The successful career of Puss in Boots at DRURY-LANE will be closed on Saturday next. The last nights of Pa-tners are announced at the HAY- MARKET. The drama of The Bells ...

Published: Saturday 17 March 1888
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3095 | Page: Page 14 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture