... ALL WOGTS R2US&XV I SID' HARVEY: A NOIRTRUMBRIAN BORDER TALE BY GEORGE RULE. BOOK II.-CHAPTER VIIF. l IN WhICH THE LDIEs ExPREas THIR OPINION OF OUE HIRO. When Sir'David Gredon, as ere now related, Baid, at the request of Captain Danver-B, granted a retrand in the case of thetwopoachers, DanielpFa'andJohnArmstrongtbethree I ragistrates descended from the bench and greeted the captain heartily. ...


... ALL BCHRTS BANIM8 W. By A L&DY. Ia the interest of my readers I am always on the look-out for novelties, great aud small respectively. Articles appear in London long before they reach the provinces, and I saw some things yesterday which deserve mention, though they can only be classed as trifles. Experienced travellers always endeavour to reduce their impedisenta to the smallest possible ...


... LAST NIGHT'S WNMATRIOALS. . SAVOY THEATRE. The performance of a comic opera by Messrs. Gilbert and Sullivan, whether it is a neos production or the re- vival of au old favourite, is sure to fill every place in Mr. D'Oyly Carte's theatre; and yesterday evening, when The Pirates of Penzance took the place of The Pinafore on the bills, the house was crowded in every part, Lent and Court ...


... TOOLEVS TH .TMIi Strange doings indeed are to be witnessed in t the ancient University City of Camford, in which the a sene is laid of the new and original comedy, in three acts, wherein Mr. Toolo last night received at the hands r of his friends and patrons an eathusiastlo welcome. Undergraduate detected in lodgings, at iomme mera- tion time, 'dancing in couples, with at least one pretty I ...


... LITERATURM AND ART NOTES. The Queen has been pleased to becomne the patron, et the Royml Historical Society.-At the recent tj sale of the Ayles ord library-which realised altogether ;A 10,7541.-the four folios of Shakepere fetched the Tfol- t~ lowing prices: The first folio (1623), Bornewbat patched and eoiled', but otherwise a good copy, 2001.; thosecoad folio (I82), a copy which bud belonged ...

Foreign Art

... VIBNNA is to be envied the Inter- ntational Arbt Exhibitiou of the opening of wbioh our Corre- spondent cends atn aceount. France and Rlussia are not represented; England, ap- pareutly, has not been lavish of examples; but the show of German and Hungarian art in, particular, to say nothing of the modern Spanish, Italian, 'wedish, and Nor- vegian schools, would be a revelation to the English ...


... .MISSCELLANE OUS BQOKS. Elocution, Voice and Gesture. By Rupert | p Garry, teacher of elocution and dramatic art. o 1 (Lndo : eurose& sons, 23 Old Bailey, E. C.) t: Althoug 'we are not too favourably disposed- t as a rule-to written instruction on this subject, i: it is impossible to refuse some praise to Mr t Garry for the pains he has bestowed unen his v Lj ok The best; Parts- Of itare ...


... P11-RSONAl. R IALINISC NC.S FROM TAtit Li. BAR. JEES. ElEANOR C liiS'JIAN, whion was once on terms of close intimacy with ICe ?? novelist, fills no less than twe nty-live pages of the new Temnple Bar With : Rccollectioris of Charles Dickens '-mostly of his madcap moods, especially when at 1'roadstairs in the carlier stages of his married life. It is not altogether a flattering portrait ...


... S.ENDING-11V DA Y A T THE SALON. S. raslT, what a crowd 1 All the world and his wife, apparently, have comne to deposit pictures at the door No. iO, Palais de U'Industrie. Vehicles of all kinds, from the smart carriage to the lowly donkey cart, obstruct this entrance. Parisians, curiesix by nature and profession, stand on the muddy asphalte, beneath the pelting rain, to have their look, say, ...


... N2E IVBOOKS. Txr RaDnicuProx- or LnLos:E; A Free Labour upon Freed Lard. By Caci.T BALFOUR Pnrrrsoy. [Lon- don: Sonnenschein and Co.] This is a very odd book, filled vith moet original heresies,manyof whicharcunintelligible. Theauthorf beieves--- thlat it has becen rese.-.ed forhbim to *smash- opnlar political economy by quotations from the Bible. and by certain new theories and doeinitn4ons ...


... hrA I J8us7lE l ?? llirlLR234-=? l I DEATH OF MR. WALTER BACHE.--A large number of friends and admirers will deeply regret to hear of the sudden death on Mon- day, from a chill caught a few days previously,of the well-known pianist Mr. Walter Bache. Mr. Bache was born at Birmingham on June i9th, i842, and was the son of a Unitarian minister, and the brother of Francis Edward Bache, the prodigy ...

Published: Saturday 31 March 1888
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1116 | Page: Page 15 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... MJJR jLEWIS MORRlIS ON THE 61LVER WEDDING. The flist favourite for the Laureateship has spolen again, and in hailing the approaching silver wedding of the Prince and Pliucena of W'ales, eulogises the Royal family an only a loyal pest can. In the March nurmber of M11urray's Mraga.oinc, ?? Lewias Morris informs us that- The rapid tide of gliding years FlowS gently by this Royal home, L'.vexed ...