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... I , LTMRATUMr: r I ?? vim AND TUB, ENGLISH3 )ASTE1I3ES By FrncisAdn Gasquet. John nodges, Henrita street, Coie4 Garden, London. This is tbe first volumeaof a ecrie The aithor is a monk of the Order of St Benedict. He ww; for a tire Prior of the Monastery of St Gregory, Downside, BathI The work wus undertaken at the wisa of the present Pope. The preface to it is a modest one, represening the ...


... ,1 BAZAAR IN THE EXHIBITION HALL, A BAZAAR and sale of work in connection with the Magdalene Parish Church, and which is inuaid of the funds of the schools of the church, the Mag~ I dqlene Asylum. the Scripture Readers' Society,, and the Church Missionary Society, was opened in the Exhibition Hall yesterday. The bazaar,.whichj is the outcome of the efforts of the ladies of thee congregation, ...


... FLOWER. SHOW, I mote than thq fioitfs made the Le o r -c entre of ettr e e ote rdy . bate w macar in such a ,place a fairer g thde one or (in spring) -more faded ofD g e other. The flowers leaked .11 . blighted5 and done up, as if they hgd t the Dight on the stage. The ladies were radt blsoming' nd in done up the doing azazingy twell. The Lord Lieutenart cd the Marchiofes3S of Londonderry ...


... 5! ji Yesterav e he Spring Show, hold tnder the arswpices of tb . RoyalDublin Society commenced at RallP1rid& Ze. The - lokced t forwrard U1 r feelixgs of vary keen anticipation. 5 ad for a '79. riery of reasons. In tire firstplc Intelsplace- Ii though it, is not the most important considera- ttioe-fash ion has decreed that the show should -be one of the events of the season, and ...


... | AFASHION AND r.VARIES. The Earl of Rauftrrley arrived at Kings- town yesterday from England. t Colonel the H on 1 Digby arrived at Kings- town yesterday from England. The Hon Richard Stopford arrived at Kingstown yesterday from Englaxnd. IVen the. Archdeacon of Kildare arrived at Kingstown yesterday from Ergland. E A Maude, Scots Greys, arrived at Kings- town yesterday from England. The ...


... MUSICAL AND DI1RAMATIC INTELLIGENCE. Wn understand that there is a possibility that Signor Ravelli, the celebrated tenor, will anpear in Belfast before the season is over. This artist's salary for the entire winter has been at the rate of £316 per week, all his expenses being paid in ad- dition. This is the highest salary that any male vocalist has ever received for his services. Mr. Wilson ...


... At a meeting held at the Mansion House yes- terday, amongst those present were the follow- ing- Sir Thomas Jones, P RH A; Mr Parkinson, . P; MAr A Williams, A R R A; Mr Rlobert Cochrane, C E; Mr P V Dluffy, Ai L A; MrThomas Farrell, B H A; ?? R J Kelly, E L; MrJas 'Shanks, T C ; MrJ D Renny, Mir Haslam, Mr Drewett, Mr Shairp, Mr Eaffety,t Mr Rooney, hon see, and others. In the enforced absence ...


... I UTERA URE - l I ' -t~ LITERA-U~RE, - :. I: I 5 I - -; - : ;S - : . - I ADDRESSES.. By Edward Thrng, Fisher ,nwin, , The late head. mater ef Uppinghama School might well have chosen this volume as his memo- rial. Outside a limited cirle he wasalmt - known, for he did not covet fame. Yet smace Arnold of R~ugby; reformed and elevated the public school system of Eigand by realising true, ideas ...


... THE HUSH EXHIBITION IN LONDON. A meetirg in furtberance of the Exhnibition in Dlmp. Ia, Dmdon, was held in the -Mansion House Dublin, wtsier-lay, at three o'clock, Mr. Edmond ?? in the chair. ldr. Shairp and Mr. Reffety attended as a depu- ahion frol tdie Executive Council in London to oid the llaniotn House Committee and to give all the assistance anid information in their power. It ras ...


... FitE LJ)X * FA~SION 'HOUS p fs TI1NG. , b voinj toa ?? frpmi 3 3 Ccte r by;0 the or-i ad J_ ord u ~, Cha~ Cameon~ ~repest tohefra mer. ,I intet 3 o'lfck tat dx to omote the abet s Will s - , an fe ?? tlepema wa reeie >yeera eo byhe Lord. Mayor ?? .Arthur g cssxreferene toathe reuest t theI or4er . closing day for applctos shold be Gr>aftomas ptest ba so w hi o addto the , nd interesst of. tbe ...


... FASHEON AND rARIAETIBS. Viscount Durgarvan arrived at Kingstonip yesterday trom England. ?? Sir 1kowland and Lady Fanning arrived at Kingstown yesterday fromn ERigland. The Right Hon Lord Justice Naish .ar- ! rived at liingstown yesterday from England. The ?? Hon Mr. Justice Holmes ar- ;rived alt ltingstown yeste~rday fromt England. Lieut R S Stokes, R N, arrived at Kings- town yesterday ...


... I GLASt EIW T-VMWT10.l;AL I EX=IPlITION. (fOMd OtI COflESVOb rjqT,) A& few weeks hence aoether of the grand shlows which attract people from parts of the kings dos wi be added to the list. After exaetly a twelvensoth's labobrs, the Glsagor laternational Exhibition Wi be opened on the 8th of next montb. The inaugural ceremony is to be en a grand scale, The Prince and Princess of Wales perform ...