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West Midlands, England


Warwickshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... HO-USES AND LANTD TO LET (Coned) }jA2ODSWORTL Mayfield Road: iig drawigfu groom. Rent £lii'Gesge immrs,f6,1 fSobo Rood, Ifonidsworth.eM n, five bedrooms; two ckitchens, garden, ooeco-hoe. tbe r~rR~p~-~(TeBracken onOkBs-rtyVla two sitting roomstwo kitchens. ecbdm sater.C. Ronoriks. 05~~~~~~~~~~~129) DLIAE E t 0iirienie Road)-Tr VodVla;drawing.- Alow dingthrehl rooms, kitchen; lawn, gren, en ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIOi AMUSE WTS. THEATRE ROYAL, BI RMrINGHAiLL CARL ROSA OPERA CMMANY. THIS DAY im-ONDAYI. AT 2 O'CLOCK, THE BOHEMIAN GIRL, ~7~fiMr. John ChUM; Co z:ar Arss~oedm. Mr. 31 IL Cellr; fporestiwv. hir. Wilfred Esmtond; DevtilaooJf, Mr. Arosley Cook. lco f ul' GiTpsies, Miss Jeruiyl Dickerson; .Btcda, Mrs. Burges; LOYIr.,triii, Miss Haze Drew. THIS (MUl2NDAYZ) EVENTEG. AT 7.30, CARME2N-.1 js ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E AU D'ABERT FOB IDIGESTION. EAD D'AIBERT FOR iDYSPEPSI& Lady COSAM CET FOR SPASYS. L dy CONI SZtiCE HOWARD, 54, Fopstine Road, SW.. srtea 'I Jae great pleasuru in testi to the eeeeof your remedy for lodjeestion, 'Eau d'Ambert, NO ooe should be wxtb Out it, foz its effects are marvellous; and I sine ereily rheoruaeod it to all suclerers fromn the disagreeable illneas. I have rearm- meaded it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'UDfRESMES,______ EA-RTM-ANN-S HYGIENIC WOOD WOOL DlAPErS. __________ by EM:.3I Boyat Letters Patent. HARTIANN'S HYGIIC helhadWOOD WOOL DIApPES. A gzreat boon for health and comfort. g DIAuirEB TBIM?^,TS:S G25-TC -°o washing required. H~ARTllANN'S OYIN WOOD WOOL DIAPERS. Invaluable for accoachement and geneal use. VIA~RTiAZND'S fHYGIENICS WOOD WOOL DIAPERS. Indispensable for ladies travelling. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STRING LLTERS AND CLAK,- J. PAGE, 951 S TANDARD LIFE QFFICE. HALF A ELLION PAID IN DAT CLA=MS 7uFZ maR. JEmDS SX-AN-AD-M&- IrIXLLTONS, IN- CREASr3G YSPBLY. TAIM S FoPsRIo ThCL &C.; HALOES, FURIR. S- L A D } E s ' C 0 S T U E LS. L± DIES'3 COSTMES JACEETS, CsTrrS. AInD itJ.CINTOSHES. taving rerei ed our N-EW MTATERLLLS and Designs rOn; Pasts in this Deprtronent, we beNg reHpetniy to 6(LICIT an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATR3E ROYAL, BIRMINGHAM. CARL ROSA OPERA COMANY. THIS (TUFS)AY) EVENISNG. AT 1.31, -DO.2 GIOVANNIL ve~n= Aima. Miss Lily Crabtrree; Don Giamvnti, ZMr. 1F. H. ,Ceili; De ottario, Mr. Vaierntine Smrith. 2'x coemmandanf. mm. co~ries Mannersr; Leperd,7.3Mr. Ayusley Cock; Hassero. Mr. Max Ecea; Dsonn E2vira. Miss Kave Drew; and Zerlina, Veil me jiertc roze. Condnctor. Mr. E. Goos~eses. To~fot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... USANDl3 BLO-HOLUSES (Corif4.) El~Great List-r Street, cmier ofCtegiSretbil BiaPected of proof trade. For Sale, on account of prop,,ietor flarng Oher ressngbasiness.-F-aj p Ririas euben R~oberts, Aecl~oueer isotnic' Inn, Corporation 2Street 63.024 11p~E'2AI Tavern:fes hme-breseon; in the neigble.zbjod of ReTh~,ilSarsexe:t. Price L=2.-Sieuhen lRcbert, Auctnoneer. LI)TAIL Taverz; all counter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E AUR 'ADEET r - r E]AU U AUMET FOR DYSPIPO5 - FAU D'AMBERT 0S S Iady CON-TANCE HOWARD. 54, otopneeRoad SW., writes: I1 bare grea: Pleasure in teertuying to the escellence of Your remedy for indigestion, 'Eau dAmbert,' lo one shodd bewith- ot s, or its edets ar~e mrvlus; ad I sin~cerel rcmmeend it To eli sufferers from the disagreeable illness I Irara recom- mended it to 1=an Zeople, andall ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rf H~iEATRE RYT IRIGA CAR GRA& PER COM'ANY. llulanl: GRNDSPECTACULAZ OPERA. ITIASANIELL0. 31sntiello larishet-M=noTpeC.. ~. ~ Rrrr d' ~rc o bs --------- P&IAyyxm cjazzz Lorant0. life Cniat .-. _.. Ml%. SosIrtas anOf~cer of t-e X eroy's Guad) .. hi'. C. C'exL~ar.L SotO herb- es.. -t:Sz .PZ (Fi ~~~~~~I Af.P- PAorn F- Had on ouor of tho Prna~s ..aSS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUELTC rOrnIon; LOA URUGUAY SIX PEP C''Th iSM5-ILNG LA Mesre BAIN TOT4 R ''-- hy Dr. Tort A Ilerte N~i,. Chso-g~- Ii'144',L 4r~r~tilay irsL1n a-t (ILLcti:n sue 1-1,25--d f I h:!trr'1-' 30i i*~ 4 '' .71:11 22r63;Siz,1n' ote Ti 1:3 44± n Ir,-- of -i T±'-o at the rate et po ce~r r-oe :cx oni;.z~l .n. -.t Ia-lu .113 paale be hal f-ye;4-lo Oltiyi. t o-'re a~ t. (4nr4-it g-,.r f mer at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cififlOATIONALh. fIFRMINGHUA1II CENTRAL HIGII SCHOOL' FO-R xfIixTL AIE ( :O2~M I '- Lil Kcii Ma .Fees per Teem: Dopa.: tu0or II. £3'- i3s. :-1 oudeir 412£4.4~o.; tinder 14. £4.A ln 6d.t: aloe' 14, £3 Sls. 63. lTlh ee Co~tabo e sonic as a-. tat- age cif entraie--.I lfez P:oapretu;. apply to Ji . 1LEWI7s, lKC.&., 21,l'riis I3RMINCHA-M EIMTR&TTHYIiTSUCHOOL FOR yrc a era Pr:'ils under t. i3 iiic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TNE-LTNNOTA4 DI DX=_rNiTi CARL ROSA OPERA COMPANY. GRAY!) IMOEBTYNG PERFORMANCE, TsueS VA', (TlLhrMayi, at 2 ocloc'.L `THE MAP.RI?G_~- OF FIGA.RO.' .. .. . . .. .. .. .. M nl F. Cyrtrr S iii Mr N. EsW oi .M Mr: .~ ~ ~ ~~N .s..sM!ATS, Dr.sw 5'PSnS A AOII Mr'5 o ..ri5rs. L. OuOShJEy-~. F .ZZOBYIM THlE DEVIL` a impact; ..V'. ...