... WALKER ART ALERY. as a ng ry 310 LU - [y, Sr. he per ne :or Ats Ae -of as of or, 'it ed its as- Ula- ay Ire THE WATER-COLOUR. EXmBEEON. No one who has watched the progress of the Liverpool Water-Colour Society, frout the first I of its annual gatherings down to ?? present I Exhibition, can refuse to admit that its pro- t cgress has been marked by great honesty of pur- pose and considerable ...


... LITERAY NOTICES. od 27 Oration 'Of St. Alt/hanati se. Translated co en ino gnlish. London : (irifith, Parr-an. be is, Okeden,`and Wal~sh.a Zle This is the latest issue of The Ancient and cc Aldodern. Library of Theological Literature -a a' series of shilling volumes'to wh-ich we have ith already drawn attention, as presenting, in a at handy form, selected examples of the greatest ax ...


... MrUSIC. mIuNTRBE Op MAfAIMI &ELBA.AXM STONG, At the Royal Italian Opera, last evening, Mr. Augustus Harri introduced pethoe' of flie prince donno ltromlsaedl his prospectus, in the peroson of Madame |MXelba. Musio-lovemr of course had rcoD ?? in re- 'coRniaing this Jady, who is already more or less well Co, known to metropolitan amateurs. Early. In June, ofi 1886, under her own name of Mrm. ...


... I. THlE. OPENING CEREONY. h 0 (FROX A. SPIL Co=RMONIr)NT) g GLAseow, Tuesday. o The anxieties of Glasgow are allayed in regard to the tV weather. Last evening, when the southw-est wind had C given a foretaste of what it can do in charging itself from I the sea, over which it passes, and drenching the streets v with a depressing quantity of moisture, a change , of a few pomts in direction took ...


... GLOBE THEATRE. A crowded audience welcomed the revival of The Silver King at this house on Friday night, and Mr. Wilson Barrett's represen- tation of the strangely oppressed hero, Wil- frid Denver, once more called forth most enthusiasticapplanse. It is apart which makes great demands upon the actor, but Mr. Barrett rose to the occasion, and by awaken- ing the sympathy of the spectators held ...


... LITERARY NOTES, NEWS, AND ECHIOES. Mr. Grant Allen has now returned to England, all tile better f( r his vintering abroad. He is writing a story for the 6rpa,6/c, wichih wi'l d to appear next January, and the scene of which is laid in Algiers. * * * *F * Mr. Ruskin, who has gone back to the seae, ide after b s sight seeing in London, is mdotating a prolonged Swiss tcil. He will pib dably ...


... RECENT FUBL.CA27NONS. (Publishers would greatly oblige by stating the price of books. Any notices under this head do not greclude further review, should such seem to be necessary.] We have received the following books since our last issue MAJOR B. Poultry Chit-Chat. (Eyre and Spottiswoode. 2s.) [Rambling notes on poultry and poultry farming, published by request. 4t0. Pp. 47, boards.] ...


... THEa WESTMINSTER RE-ViEw. Truhnqer, Liydate-hill.-The writer of What the Local Government Bill Is closely analyzes that Conservative measure, and candidly ad- mits he cannot join in the outburst of ap- proval that followed its appearance in parlia- ment. He points out its weak and most ob- jectionable points, and recognises the fact that the praise lavished upon it originated fromn the ...


... YESTZRDAY'S PUBLIC AXUW=ZNTS. THE ITALiAN 3.(XHIBITiON. With every prospect of a successful career, this !xhibition was remterdly afternoon opened to se son ;icket-hol lers, the inantuuration ceremmny beine per- 'orine:l by the Lord Nlayor, End the ?? niniboriig ionethin t li,;e twentyv tlniolan-l persons. There is. of ,ourse, some amount of incompleteness in the exhibitq ; Jut sit-licient ...


... PATIENCfl, After an interval of little more than half a year, Mr D'Oyly Carte's company returns to this house for a week's production of Gilbert and Sullivan's comic operas. The two opening nights are devoted to Patience, which retains much of the attraebive' power manifested more than seven years ago, when the versatile author of the Bab Ballads elaborated his Rival Curates into a ...


... (TdRBE~ U ITEBATtJIX. The Battle of Tofrek.' By ?? lMoway. Allen and Co. Loudon '1887.)-Three hun- and ninety-ino qutarto pages, beautifully printed on nicely toned puper, beautifolly illus- trated with maps. diagr, piotures, liberally supplied with appeadioes on almost every topic Lconneoded' with a Soudan campaign-and all about a paltry scuffle in. the Souakian bush, of ,whioh the less said ...