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Daily News (London)


... MrUSIC. mIuNTRBE Op MAfAIMI &ELBA.AXM STONG, At the Royal Italian Opera, last evening, Mr. Augustus Harri introduced pethoe' of flie prince donno ltromlsaedl his prospectus, in the peroson of Madame |MXelba. Musio-lovemr of course had rcoD ?? in re- 'coRniaing this Jady, who is already more or less well Co, known to metropolitan amateurs. Early. In June, ofi 1886, under her own name of Mrm. ...


... (TdRBE~ U ITEBATtJIX. The Battle of Tofrek.' By ?? lMoway. Allen and Co. Loudon '1887.)-Three hun- and ninety-ino qutarto pages, beautifully printed on nicely toned puper, beautifolly illus- trated with maps. diagr, piotures, liberally supplied with appeadioes on almost every topic Lconneoded' with a Soudan campaign-and all about a paltry scuffle in. the Souakian bush, of ,whioh the less said ...


... . Aiuszo. V - o o N ouV : : : D : XIOYALI LINp lL Tho performance of la L oeredi 'iga. o . at oveant-Aarden, on Saturday' gi, ?? ted by tt 4 lasp sud brlliiant Audlenc, ...


... tso iSH EXHImMON. Lord-&t~bw Hil, who isthe hon. Seo., the Earl of lathom, Mr. Ernest Hart, and other members of the Executive Council, met at Olympia yesterday to inspect the works in cOn- heotion with the Irish Exhibition, to be. hold there from the sth Juue to the 27th October. Thereia much to be done during the ten days remaining for the. oompletion of the task, but with over five.hundred ...


... -O - -G OF TM ItALA.N EXHIBITION. Of thie unusoally lsrge number of popular . Ollig hows, of whic 1odou and itsvwt u willhave fresiohoioe during the season, the first ohs to bejofrmally cpened has been the Italian Ex- ea, ,bibition at Ear's-tourt. a This event took place hoc on; atday i gigno sr~e at tha ex- and tisnmenlof the main building., It was as gay for iD mva tfie fialgs of many ...


... muSiC. MASTER HIEGNER'S CONCERT. ADEI Little Otto Hegnor gave hsis first orchlsetral pa concert at St. J~ame's Hall yesterday afternoon. The Manerm hall was only fairly well filled, and indeed in 1o)3don AM orchostral matlinefa, save on Saiurdiye, ae for some BAR] reason rarely crowded during'tho summer months; u It appemas that the boy's parents are actuated by a ~~ highly laudable desire ...


... Ecormous as Was the amount roalised by tho recent Wallach bcnefit in Now York-namely, 22,000 dollars, or 4,5001.-it did not, as the A.mericaus say, 1 beat the record. The largest tionut ever talcou at a benefit in the Ihnited titautes was 3,500 dollars, or upwards of 7,O001. ,The fortunato rocipient of this magnificent pro-, seut was Mr. Abboy, the ?? manager, in whose honiour this ...


... J ; TE NEW GALLERY. I Tfhe NeW Gallery flies a blue flag in Regent- I treet, and its doors open: to-day for the rvate wvi. Next day the publio will be able .atisfy their curiosity mas to whether schismsa ?? ?? StuaitJ 9ctclsiw, and of .a t aihy kondlition :of ainting. About the I 01tofiti .nowrXihition it.i8. hardly the e * rotm et riotw tostpeak. The impl'u- i:;'o'iOpesk, with fountains, flsb ...


... . fROYAL ITALIAN OPERA. Rigoletto wvas last night performed at Covent GArden, for the second appearance this year of Madame Aihani, and for the d~bftt of a new contralto, Madame Zoppilh-Villani. The atteadaace was not quite so large as usual this season, chiefly psrhaps bc- cause Vordi's hackneyed opera, save under exceptional circumstances, has long since ceased to bo a particularly strong ...


... THE PFBIYATE VIEW AT THE . NEW GALERY. I ?? ON I . The ladt of the three great Private Views took place yesterday, when the New -Gallery throw open its door for the first time, not, indeed to ple thexublie, but to a large oompany of distill- Ws glaiad guests, the great majority Of whom pa were in some way ot another representative of eo literature, the arts, or of the many phases of pec ...


... THIIE THEATRES Three important theatres announce for to-day worning porformnices which tro identical with thoso of the evening bill. These are the Prin- I cess's, with Mr. Wilson Barrett and Miss East- lake in the now romantio drama T TheBon-ry- t Chreo, Toole's Theatre, with The Don, and the Vaudeville, with Joseph's Sweetbeart. The Surroy Theatre will also givo an afternoon ] ...


... PLOWER SHOW AT THE CUYSTAL PALACE. On Saturday the great flower show attracted B a very large attendance, and, the day being fine and 0, bright, the Palace was at its beat. le show gocupied 4 the Contra of each nave, the corners of the Handel oc orchestra, and the borders of the opposite auditorium. 1 For decorative purposes the inferior blooming and u foliage plants were only less effective ...