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Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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... GLASGOWWNTERNATIONAL - EXHIBITION- . LETTER FROM' THE PRINCE OF WALES. i The LorelProvost.sf-o Glasgowr yesteiayt 5 received the following letter:- ,DalzeslJfotherwell,.8th May, 18t8. A Dear Lord Provost,-1 am- desired by the it Price and Princess of Wales to request yoru to hate the goodanss to convey to your fellow-citizeus I the expression of their Royal- Highnesseeewrm s2. thanks for the ...


... LITEIRAT1JL1E. srorl',s ON NEW flora00) . 'mr Waiter Scott las ?? to the Great WVrliter' Series, edited by Professor Eric S. 7 Robertson, a Life of Victor uino, by Frank IL P. hlarziais; to the Caselot Srios, ''The I morals of Seneca, a selection of his Prose, ' edited by 'Walter Cloec; and to tire Canterburv Poets, Song-Tide, Poems and Lyrics of Love s a Joy and Sorrow, by Plhilip tourke ...


... ROYALTY-IMISS LYDIA THOMPSON t AND COMPANY. Such a merry piece of recklessness as the v Kenilworth burlesque is perhaps the very best C thing that a manager could put forward at a fl time when popular favour has so vary strong at- tractions held out to it elsewhere ; and bur- d lesque will surely have lost much of its charm e wvhen the Yolatile Leicester and Varney and his U villanies have ...


... r- ROYALTY THEATRE. MR BARNES OF NEW YOEK. That the sensational order of novels are as much in favour at the present time on the other side of the Atlantic as here is attested by the popularity of the tale by Mr A. G. Gunte44 entitled Mr Barnes of New York, a dramatic adaptation of which, by Mr Rutland Barrington, was produced at the Royalty Theatre last eight. But in the seneationalism of ...


... THE ROBBERY AT THE GLASGOW EXHIBITIO-N. At toe Central CrimiDal Court, London, on age Tuesday afternoon, John Newton (40), described thei a as a general dealer, was charged before the coo * Ilecorder Nvith having feloniously received a betl I quantity of jewellery, wellknowing it to have been fcb k stolen at the Glasgow International Exhibition. whi * 1Mr Burnie, barrister, defended. From the ...


... fGLASGOW IN'TERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. tor The Exhibition yesterday came id for a. large amount of patronage. Thursday is the day set apa.rt for the benefit of season ticketholders, and the charge for admission to those who have in, not tickets is usually half a crown. In ?? l. quence of yesterday being the Queen's Birthday, des however, this rule was relaxed, and the general public -were ...


... OLISGOW INTERNATIONALT XNCHEBITIONT. THiE FIRST HALF-CROWN DAY. thi -- E yest,,erday was the frst half-crown day at the E E:,ibitioe The price charged for ssion ?? ifle effect of diminishiaig the attendance.Iar W,1is tas only whet was to be looked for, and lo( in:esd, mlay be said to have been the purpose in ,Ewwhen it was decided that for one day in tli -acr wec a higher figure than the ...


... GLA SGOW INTERNNATIONAL EXHIBITION. TiE VISITORS-A COMPARISON WITH t MANCHESTER. Ic There was again a large attendance at the 'c Znt.ernational Exhibition yesterday It is yet E too early for those organised excursions which wnay be expected almost daily as the seasona advances, but a goodly reoresentation of visitors I a from a distauce were to be met in the various 13 courts aud sections. The ...


... ?? L:'U AL SECTI0N-No. II. - - - ~. - - ~ - * .: .;F, EAST LOTUAN. Cl ' insmeoneats, and all otherip: tor successful iarninng L .. . . C a n hlrand varied. The advance j ,t:.s caepartment has been quite st av.;noce 'a othoer industries; but; a ;.iue must be drawn for jj -: ?? .d to describe, vritinof O - . SI : ;.o:cOii has been anud is distin. le .i.ustricus names, There b ; eu a:lC.12:' ...


... niE0-TICTCTU- E AND FLO iCULTC iA- No. ?? S 1 UA' NEU 1&521401 U-DNIIUPTWI. I. 0 the erest u f the Slones lebween i the Exhibition Bailclin- and the Pro- ?? evergreen trees of nore or less irn- aportance have been introduced. At first g jgh't t hey anrpear sombre anL soinobvilt ceme- e lr.i he, ?? -hea oue looks at tielml from a right orgles ss the yellow and sionlna,' e coloared ...


... NOTES ON NEW BOOKS. jt Messrs Chatto & Windus have published j The Country of the Passion Play; the c Highlands aud Highlanders of Bavaria, by L. |G. Sdguin, author of Walk's in Algeria, &e. -Messrs Chpmau & Hall(Limited) have pub- I limbed I Holiday Recreations and other Poems, i by Alexander Skene Smith, with a preface byt Rev. Principal Cairns, D.D.- Dressed Vee.e- tables & la Mode ...


... Nature's Fairy.Land: Rambles by Wood- t land, Meadow, Stream, and Shore. By H. W. ! S. Worsley-Benison, Fellow of the Linnean ;g Society, Lecturer on Botany at Westminster iospital Medical School. (London: Elliot r Stock, 62 Paternoster RoW, B.C. 188I.)-The title of this book is certainly justified by its i contents. ?? The fairy tales of science, of which Tennyson sings, are here told in a ...