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Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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... GLASGOW INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, There was a marked i-ncrease in the attend. - ance at the Exhibition yesterday-the third a half-crown day since the openiag-7-made up a rlarely of season-ticket k holders The total ulber registered at the turnstilses was 27,202, and of these only some 2000 were admitted by Y payment. This is regarded as en the whole a satisfactory, considering the unseasonable ...


... . GLASxO' IN1TE~ATIONAL Ac .iL731i>o N0. -. 'r]1a w;e are altogether depeadent oa the:1 6esther inl this country ior the success of pro- ! f.,r cut-door auuseuient, and that We C :aue 10,-0d eo jt evern fur a single day was | Y U :nstrated elln Saturday. Tlie prospects hopeful ?? darkless closed in on t it t'e. sky was clear, the wind was P e-Ies- au?& the brometer steady, and even t ?? j3zot ...


... . I=; | (1) Willia7mi the Third. The fact that this latest biography of Williain iII. bears on its title page the name oC a well-known Conservative man of letters'! ry i might possibly lead the reader to expect a pro- W'duction as thoroughly Tory as Macaulay's| he | account of the monarch's reign is uncom- In- promisingly Whig. In this respect, how- Irs ever, Mr Traili's work presents a very: ...


... AFTErTMOUGHTS, I N MUSIC. Sir George Grove, editor of the Dictionary of Music, writes in the Ti-oea of yesterday:- Permit me to say a word in favour of afterthoughts in mus'c, au interesting class of creatures which seems to have been somewhat unduly sate upon g in your paper of this morning. I will wention one 9 or two whiclh no one can deny to be entirsly d successful. d 1. The middle part ...


... Z;LSGOW INTERNATIONAL ' EXHIBITION. i T¶,e improving weather conditions have had An their effect upon the attendance at the of to- glhibitlOfl. 3As compared witlh MIonday, there Baili( e yesrday an increase in the number of ;in 18 ,ihitors of nearly three thousand. In the early yeste: part of the day the grounds had certainly a the r jl~foraed3 appearance, but inside the building skull. thae ...


... ta ~L ~OTES ON NEW BOOKS. thle I MessMacmillan & Co. have added to the The series of Tweclve English Sta.tesmne a iinenerachl rain ?? Cromwell, by Mr11 Frederic Hat- sym ?? Bleckie & Son, Glasgow, have published The Clyde, from its Source to the Just Sea, a Copiously illustrated volume, by Mr W. thle if. Mdi11ar, C.E.-Tbe Memoirs oi the Baron trun de Riminiii (Griscoili de Veazzani) is ...


... -- ? ? :. ISOTOPE ?? *: ' 1 ' y ' i , n d . The dutbor's 'oigi-nal- idea was 'rrtO write what we, mayfairly describe as the financial , history of thelast hundred years, but simply to !, take up tlhe subject of finance where it' had been i left ?? stafford. Wortheote. As he applied himself to his task, however, he was not lcng in ,f discovering that the -year 1860 ,afforded no .natarallimit, ...


... I GLASGOW INTERNATIONAL'. EXHIBITION. The most iateresting feature of yesterday's proceedisgs at: the Exhibition was the appear- ance for the first time of the Blue Hungarian Baud. This was no doubt an important factor in drawing out the large crowds of the afternoon and evening, but perhaps the numbers were in. fluenced to even a greater extent by theofine weather, 'which was all the more ...


... ?E M',,CHI-NEIUY E.XHIBITORS AND lie THE EXECUTIVE. co . . . - I - ~ _ : t ha 4 ?? of exlillitois, chiefly those of the ?? ..a- L. Uy ,Xiartent Y;who have come, into ?? Ibee t.S, \ ,xecuti- e regareieg the erection of sign exe me h. ol last-. iizi-tt in a ataiSUIC hall cit3 *. ?? 'is ;nehEjaury-ord Street entrance to the j ?? Mr \V, 1. Anderson, of Andersoa 0son presh'id. H-he explaiined that ...


... MUSIC AND THE DIUMA, ! (Fo OUR OWN CORRESPONDENt.) i Lhondon. Sonday NiLght. Thc success of the- presenit opera seasora has' now been placed beyond doubt. Although Mr ui Augstis Harris has not yet- called up all his! ! forces, 'the opera has again become popular not, only with the general public, but also with the ! iaristocracy. On Monday when Madamo Minuie I Haunk reappeared in her famous ...


... z (FROM A CORBESPONDElT.) London is exceptionally wealthy in Ex- I hibitions this year. To be sure, there I is nothing in the south of the splen. dour or importance of the International Exhibi- tion now in fuil awing inE Kelvir:greva but tha c Exhibitions organised under the names of the ? Italian, the Anglo-Dauish, and the Irish each present a strong pelaiin fur the attention of I the ...


... The total number of persons who entered the Exhibition yesterday was 26,001, being 1201 fewer thaa on the previous day and 4577 under the returns of last Friday. The weather throughout the day was of the most enjoyable description, and possibly seme may have expected a bigger gate; but the failin; off in the attendance from the very high totals of the first week or two is really only what ...