Art and Literary Gossip

... 'i dt and itravy 6g044 e Flow Is it that our English illustreted papers cannot pro- duce coloured pictures of delicate tone and finish like those in the French journal Paris iKustre? In the last issue there is a remarkably realistic group of sleeping wayfarers -mran, woman, child, sad donkey. A figure by Jul3s Bretor, from his picture in the Zalon, is alsa given in the same Lumbsr. Mlention cf ...


... SCOTSM.EN'S {MITHER-TONGUE. 1`I, has declared the Scottish language to be the 1 sweetest, richest, subtlest, and most musical of all :the dialects of Europe.' Many doubt!ess think the estimate extravagant, and yet willingly recognize the great power and pathos of which the tongue is capable. Numbers of the words are, of course, in these degenerate days, becoming obsolete, the earnest efforts ...


... ITERARY NOTES. TheAthe6eum glb: An ?? fncl ifiun' I ~ copof Pickwiick, in original rth5 iateay been sold by Mis kLsngliyj, of Aeadingr601. It was the authoc's copy, n presented (upto the date of her sudden death) to Iary Hogar , n was probabl Athe first copy isacedi from.teprs. The autograph on the covers-are specially interstingi ?? addressing the first the author signedhiel 1The Editor ...


... IOLATHiE. Yesterday afternoon, before a very full house, the merm- bers'of the Birmingham Amateur Opera Society repeated their performance of Gilbert and Sullivan's fairy opera, lolanthe, which they had already twice given on the. less ambitious stage of the Edgbaston Assembly Rooms. The performance was for the benefit of the Women's Hospital, which should reap a substantial result. Wie ...

Extracts from New Books

... i-dkacts arkm Aw ggbe -.v AN E.ARLY BoaT.-The earliest method of propulson was with tho ?? hands. In the picture of Ulies seated on the mast and keel of his shipwrecked vessel, which he hbd lasred together with the broken baokstay made of bell hide, paddling with his bands on eittrer side, Homer ha3 presented us with the hero of the bighest civilisation known to him reduced to the straits of ...


... aLL BIGHT53 ZD :DoROTHY'S HOME: A SKETCH. By FLORENCE JACKSON. CHAPTER X Vtut kiinow where a garden grows Fairer than aught in the world beside. Gceofrey Martin was down in the dining room onoe again. Ee was ro ncrvoualy quick; lie seemed almost able to read people's thoughts, for when Mise Heywood entered the room, with a emall tray in her hand, he said- Please aen1 Miss Dorry in; i know ...


... .FSEHJON AND VAi4rTIBS. I FA . ?? The Earl of Arrant arrived at Kingstown nrdy from England. -iscount Mandevife arrived at Kingstown s lray from England. ?? Major Boyle arrived at Kingstown' -* clay from E~ngland. Mitht Hon Colonel King-Harman arrived ;ibigaowl yesterday from England. Ron Mrs Ralph Smnyth arrived at Sings- uy:et~terda~y from Englad. ,,31r. Justice Andrews and MrsAndrevs ar ; ...


... .. . . . fh ?? welcome item in a batoh of new muasic fron Messr,; Asherberg and Co., London, is the latest oci it is probable, the last song of Pinsuti's- Reqt to the 'eary, The composer's own opinion that it La one of tbe best songs he ever composed wilL be endorsed to the full by all who are luoky enough to obtain a hearing of it, It is a thoroughly oharaoter. ietic production, as fresh ...


... YESTERDA Y'S MUSIC. AIDME. NILSSON'S FAREWITELL. 1\IDrE. NILSSON'S last appearance ?? the first of these-drew a brilliant crowd to the Albert Hall yesterday afternoon, under the direction of the famous Brighton pianist and impresario, Herr Kuhe. We can hardly believe that the Swedish songstress, who is, after all, only forty-five and retains her rate timbre and execution, is going to retire. ...


... .A1fsxL7ay's MaGazi-ne is full of attraction, and is distinctly of value. It opens with an article on Ruling South Africa, by Sir Charles Warren, which, whether we accept or not the conclusions at which he arrives, is not to be disregarded, for Sir , Charles knows his subject well, and lie writes with thoughtful deliberation, e describes South Africa L as a country of great natural wealth, ...


... ALL IlIarm uszavm. I bear from a private source that the troutseau given by Her Majesty to the Princess Irene of Hesse is ?? elaborate, even for a royl bride, That she should have dressed in the lace and veil that formed part of her unotber's (Princess Liee's) wedding gown must, I tiinor, have been rather depressing, recalling a loss that cannot but make itself felt when a girl is entering on ...


... ALL RIGHTN IERVED,. By MnS J H. NEEDELL. Auheir of The S ory of Philip Methis-n. ''Noel Cbet- ?? Fell. Lucia, Hugh, akdAootber.'&c. PART 1.-CHAPTER 1. It ras seven o'clock in the morning of the 18th Arigntl, yS7,. The date only tonuhes an incident in an insignificant life; lbut il the annals of that life it wag a crisis in which pas sad future met, and has the ittereat which belongs to ...