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... -THEAR 11I EXXIBI -- 4 N. T- = - I I I; Il A ?? I London, Fiday. .Of a the. exhibitins with ?? mi search of amusement rea.pvided during the pre- selltseson, ?? Olympia seem 'most prominbenly before the public and an mdi- catioi (of this is fiubd hi the frequency with which the rih Exhibitio figein the cartoons of the popular illu3tated paps Them ber of -visi- :tes is rapidlon the increej An ?? ...


... THEATRE ROYAL-, -THE GOLDEN LADDER. Win question very much if better work thin that which appears in The Golden Ladder? has ever been associated with a melodrama. The piece, which was performed at the Theatre last evening by a highly efficient company, bears every token of having been moulded under T. the skilful hands of Mr. Wilson Barrett, a manager TO whose judgment has never been found ...


... I THE I IRISH EXHIBITION. . ~ ~ ~ -4-- iii OPENING CEREMONY. V FROM OUR SPECIAL REPORTER. p BY SPECIAL WIRE. tl LONDON, 3liOnDAY.-The Irish Exhibition, so | long looked with an anxious interast by a thousands, was fairly launched to-day amid the a pomp and circumstances of civic ceremony. Shortly after ten o'clook the doors were thrown e open to the invited guests, and by half-past ...


... B:v1s Ii THE PARK. 4 I -- -- ---4 ~ -Ie a-reviein bonour of the Queele °5 d ,3Y wheld in the Fr Acres; Pbn- There was a Irrge attendance The is ,,.ret ?? 29 field officera~ 101 os°p P ed officers, and 3,310 rank and file. ra ppeace theme was good, but Te ed to be- a vety large number of boys its rank, and boys, toe, of nt large groth. i ders and the Coldstream Guards bfhar the best show ...


... THE MAGAZINES FOR JUNE, 2%e Wo-a' World for the current month con- r. tins as MAny interesting papers as we are 4d aotstomed to firnd within the covers of this ts admirably-ooksducted maganine, though; we must d confess we are disappointed at not finding aty of Ir. Oscar Wilde's charming notes. Among the contributras are the Countess of Munster, Miss t Julia Wedgwoodt Lady Dorothy Nevill, ...


... | I~~ I -------- a PRESS VIEW. ENTERTAINMENT BY LORD ARTUER HILL BY oUn sPEcIAL REPORTER, BY SPECIAL WIRE. LONDON, FRiDAY.-About one hundred. repre- sentatives of the Press were entertained atluncheon to-day by Lord Arthur Hill at Olympia, and were afterwards shown over the grounds. The progress made within a week has been remarkable, and leavesno doubt that, so far as inside the building ...


... , yASHIO-N7 ANlD RIETIRS. I VICEREGAL COURT. ps Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, K G, gave a ginf prity on Saturday evening at the Viceregal ei-ein celebration of her 3lajesty's birthday, at which ,,,re Highness Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar ,.neesen.. The following also had the honour of re- oe*-i ?? Rev his Grace the Lord ?? of Dublin (Lord Plianket), Right Hon the odCbanrellor. Right Hon the ...


... .FSEHJON AND VAi4rTIBS. I FA . ?? The Earl of Arrant arrived at Kingstown nrdy from England. -iscount Mandevife arrived at Kingstown s lray from England. ?? Major Boyle arrived at Kingstown' -* clay from E~ngland. Mitht Hon Colonel King-Harman arrived ;ibigaowl yesterday from England. Ron Mrs Ralph Smnyth arrived at Sings- uy:et~terda~y from Englad. ,,31r. Justice Andrews and MrsAndrevs ar ; ...


... -;Fg ?,?HtB?t - ?? II I London, Monday.' ; Herneries -for, despite the require. *f euphonY, people here -seem resolved to ,ine in the recognised London fashion :s Exbibitdou at Olympia-gain ground daily blic favour. The completion of the art and lo0gical de tentm s in thegalleries, which jg3t been aseomplished, lends a new charn to 3.eriorof taie Ehibition, while Om, gi ounds -ay incredse i1 ...


... I LP I _ _E mact's icaa e The S. Flactm-ic etergo. Mahie, Sa~d Ctl) Wh~tkrand ?? Go, Thc Storage of Elecaical Energy:' is better entitled to write on the Ac umulators than Gaston P'ante. Bis es & ranslaadon from the French a fact bi' 4ot recommend it in many :ls, as rP idioms not suited to atsdente of scienti in Engzlsh are frequently met wib and terms aex used which with l8s are easr ...


... TEE GAITY, THEKTRE. Y__. . . _ - E. L.1 Last evening a dramahi five acts, by- G . 2-1 'Sain and Wilsor sBgrett, entitld&tll- Golaen 6 Ladder, as prcdueed at-the Gaiety Theatte 1, before a totshly large -aadieice. The title of thle play gi~ves Do' siuggbstion whaterer of itsa eafcha~cz lit is one of the most elaborately ,J sensatiozal examples ef the modern sensational- of school of drm ...


... -l~s~mmHIMMMOIB Y I I - - - ' T ibit at in d .t ir i DIfZLLSRS, B&ZWZR, AND XtBS.&L WM .b .ziaufasturera from i parts o ilad constitute d w sg6e breget dm. of industrial pro~duct i 1I the 9zhibridea., Ina clams Gi os'' s * i naturally Ow most interesting; it (seindes one of tha lecomotiva of the kind 'espoyed at the I prt Dublim brewiseryr, w zt ar agon iaahed, j egntaitinganumber of newly ...