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Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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... ' GLSGOW INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. .; The attendance at the Exhibition yesterday onc shows a falling off to the extent of about 6000. Oa w Themarvelis,considering the wretched weather, inter that the decline in the numbers is not greater. dite Rain-fell almost continuously throughout the iet, forenoon and afternoon. la the earlier parts of that the day, had it not been for occasional parties ...


... Z;LSGOW INTERNATIONAL ' EXHIBITION. i T¶,e improving weather conditions have had An their effect upon the attendance at the of to- glhibitlOfl. 3As compared witlh MIonday, there Baili( e yesrday an increase in the number of ;in 18 ,ihitors of nearly three thousand. In the early yeste: part of the day the grounds had certainly a the r jl~foraed3 appearance, but inside the building skull. thae ...


... GTLASGOW INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. Yesterday was a typical June dcy as regarded weather, but despite this the attendance at the Exhibition was not quite so large as on the pre. v vious Thursday. Only 1904 persons were induced to disburse the necessary half-crown for admission, that number falling slightly short , of the adult payments for the same day last % week, while there was also a ...


... LITERATUR. I _ S-,, ?? - ' ^'-.iOTES ON NKElW BOOKS. as Fro-rnMeesrs ogan Paal & Co. vwe have an received Letters and 3Iemorials of Arch- !of tishop Trench, in two volumes, edited by the I bv authr ?? Loder ; also, The Wvord a autfior of Is Charles I'ogv t, G ,,e . -an J-.Jesus-s?lSt taken fromit the Gospels.- fok Green & Co. hava published cid Pessrs d'onf alitenarged a edition ef Dr ...


... ca,tSG-OW 11-TTERNATIONAL EXH i Ji'IOn. gre ¶'hQ attendance at the Exhibition on Saturday i Is wasone of ?? that 11hs been reached ?? the ?? dlay, the number of persons St, admitted being 50,61O. Of these no fewer than aft 12o, 93 adults and 4170 children paid at the ! PU1 gaes. Most of the former were ef the artisan VOl cassees, and their presence in such larg5e num-| ch b-ars may be taken as ...


... . , - seow 1N- TEATIOI;A:L EX HIBITpSl ' ann The fine weather v1ich Is prevailed during the patsew days has add ery nuaterially to, dan the rmbers visiting the bihon. Yester. Thi p ecial xcursion tr vwere run from I In x:-rharen, Newvcastle. T , and ote Pad th ~ ~ ~~h .!Zzes and inoonsue Ih building anld J, Per ,Uujtqs dur~in, h a trt a very busyiar aa ?? Mamrl, Tes, t-for th-v late Cot -i ...


... AU'1T1LU C5JL (/1-Ufl WINDYGATES SOCIETY'S SHOW, The annual show of this society took pilace On Satu~rday a Bathirnie, near Marlcinch. The weather was capital, ai -, there woo a large attendance of visitors. The entrina wee re numerous, and the noality of stork was excelllent. In theto breeding class. Mr Nisbet, Forthar, carried off Seast honoulO~ i withas fine animal, while the award for the ...


... NOTES ON NEWY B)OKS. a Glasgow, Ancient and Modern; with an th account of the Bishop's Castle, by George Mac- of _ Gregor, F.S.A. Scot., has been published by c Messrs Hay, Nisbet & Co., Glasgow. to meet VC the wants, and serve as a souvenir, of the Great Exhibition year. Several illustrations add to St the value of this comprehensive though inexn ve pensive little work.- Orsian. ...


... K we; ~ ~ ~ - :cee is S t(FROM OUR OWN_ CORP.ES?ONaDEYT.) is 'London, Sunday Night. Dr 5 At an informalmeeting of theatre and opera rh: man agers held yesterday it was decided to take Be we g no combined action as to closing the London l h l I places of amusement to-morrow, the day of the set :c Emperor Frederick's funeral. With the excep- . if ?? tion of the Criterion, which Mr Charles Wynd- ...


... ta ~L ~OTES ON NEW BOOKS. thle I MessMacmillan & Co. have added to the The series of Tweclve English Sta.tesmne a iinenerachl rain ?? Cromwell, by Mr11 Frederic Hat- sym ?? Bleckie & Son, Glasgow, have published The Clyde, from its Source to the Just Sea, a Copiously illustrated volume, by Mr W. thle if. Mdi11ar, C.E.-Tbe Memoirs oi the Baron trun de Riminiii (Griscoili de Veazzani) is ...


... THE CHEMIICAL EXHIBITS-Mo. 1t Is - - ,- ,BY ROFZSSOR DR ITTIM t51 The greater part of our first report was de- ! -I d voted to prussiate of potash. Froms it to alum ne it is an easy transition on the present occasion,. ab ;The Hurlet and CaOsmsie Comnpauy, indeed, al- io dithough tfi manufacturers of prussiata iu thisl e Icouutry, if not in Europe geuerally, are stilt ? better known as makers ...


... AVONDALE AGRYCULTURAL SOCIETY'S SHOW. This society's show tool place yesterday in one of the park adjoirnisg the Avondale Manse. The number of entries was euual to former yenre. The club dinner, took p~zace i a the field, and was Presided over by Mr Ternent of Ryelaul. ' the president of the society. Mr Cowan, secretary, carried out all the arrangements with his usual good tact and abilty. ...