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Advertisements & Notices

... Y ?? t'arcs at Eatol s:s the la5testnssertment 11 it A a4 lI ' samples sent pest Iree en ap- frcae .: ni;aesL, ceapes~t, and ieet inI quilirt', desifil; are ?? Tri- E.'lish, aid Frencth jatterns I-ir4:ory Urbr L ary rds atspeciality : Chuirch Porch ar~ls,:iry Carr s :,d great variety ;notice of Deaths, ttiedri, ld iPirerl:Q Mo i) Otlice Annouineements sent Psim rani M aw s S E.Utonl, 95 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RE SIDUE OF SUPERIOR HOUSE FURNITURE. ItAMTES LAIRD hns received-instructions to' *fsell as aboive, To-Day Wkidayll, cozosmencirg at 12 deahiendasssc-7ft. Oak Pedestal- Sideboard, wit Plate- 411155s Mfinor Back: Oak and Morocco Dinde-Rcom Suite ofI rtozl.oeer Sofa, 2 Easy and S SlunllE Chaise; 121 Oak TIse- aoopeTable. with, expasmdirtg Screw- and Sparm Leaves; Oak Brafhh~lde and Whatnotoombta ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BERDEEN GARNIT 'MONMIETS, in grey ^ and retl, from £S. ?? free. Graoite work of uil kads, letilul anid ondutidg Acm urtcinscrfitions. Flanosnd pricrs mJS W. legg, so Ptor, &bordem bPENNSUtLAR6 and ORUENTAL 4COMPANY, IL~ flNDM C.M 'NA. and AUTO. t~.Pand°0 aeoelesdod throg earnconanirder. ,9MBAY direct, ?? O. fron London, and .a.F lrnadl er ovory ,rook ~St dep turo as follows: ?? 4,200 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,IE ITALIAN EXHIBITION, 1? t Brmomptoln, Earl's Courst and West _assingte PATBOX- K8 MjTY theo KING of ITALY. Hon. PexeOnRT- I ~siEj~nm he ROW PRNCEofITALIA S;>WfN °EXHBLTIO'ON. DO ITaALA -IOmUTSIEt. H.AN EXHIBITIONE -gz~oo DISY OF RaCTTION Voxzw-R1 r5;uLI:~IALII CaXDS OW CozOm-. o. RBL tho LATE IUNGi OF ITAY. ^-jbH IAIAN EXHIBITION. f g w ealnk, anrd 7aried CLLETON r P&L ND I IA N L VER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =IDitEJLA GAYLORD suet COMPAXY for Two Nights. Tiots EsIso(Friday), the Comedy-Draina ThFOU-Ego-(U, stwrvx w-r, June 4. Miss LYDIA TFHOM:PSG'y andl OCR- FAy for Si7'Nihts; and one Homning Performance, Tnnxsnn', J~zrf 7. at 2. Jesors open 7.10. Erk5. doors 6.50. Commence 72.W PlRINCE Oy WALES THEATRE, BROAD STREET. .-t_ ~ LAST TWO NIGHTS OF YLSa VIOLET KELNOTTE andflilr. PRAMS WYATF s COMEDY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5ralcs bp Rflum . ThTokhiro5- Yoritory Leedstoylde ENRIBES of HORSES (1b8. each) for the Monthly: SeleTS'lel ct 8ale sy hol(u-ldd be omadT Mtha. tbl t lnay baadv rtise cd In Saturdays6 papers ; and CAMAGEM , ISA~NE~i ?? fr tu sme ale ostals besent in this week. Measre. lPEiR end SON 8 call attention L to the fact that of nearly IC8 Carrages and Trapes dhras been acd durintu mronthaa nofay.ol~v ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS. Cae shotuld be taken to select s 'proper Address for replies to advettisemuents, as Letters addessed to the post Offie in Initials or Fictitious Names fire now Vent to the Dead Letter Office. If Initials -are used, the namne and address, or address on0y, of some person who would take chsarge of the letters should be added. Lvrmnss are received at the Chief and Brach Ofies FMee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DINE TREATMIE.NT, BATHS and I INHALATIONS (Stern's Pnmiline), for Rhein ictill, Gost, ?? and Chest Affec- tiois; 'Puckish ?? B n-sian Biaths, and hi\assage-. at the HIV)DRO.TdL EAlEUT'iC ESTAItliSH. DIENT', FAlN1I30OUGH (one itur ocly fron Lonldonl on S.WA W.T), H A N'S. liaeptectus free fivla Secretasy. -FACT WVOIRTH KNOWINj! A BISECHAidA'S PILLS ic adlttted by tnatatlids to be, worth ahove a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WH'z NINETEENTI[ OEIN';P. y4:j .it t° Cd. I&- u . Bo r P. OnvActual 41 r 4 &Aaw WbiVn'eo. U~~r. b *4-10ow B Awteur. 01M Il tes ' 7 Arebbiabop TcancloPeowu. -1 ibroy do voe. Awarouniiiabbt IL Xyylodwsu FNoor BF tbo ?? f Qow. A 4 ' 8dezo htioeth d 44A0 !*t h Bath, Qowsod Ceanpcis n BybL: IaneI thI EIa L -K- m 3111eM Life Na4t~ ~¶' NO AbA ByD 4WBi EE CA6G,10°' Maia taelbiY- in e¢,ona Nvet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RISH EXIIBITION, IN LONDON, ISSS. I RISII EXHIIBITION, OLYMPIA, KENSINGTON. TRISII EXHIIBITION. OPENS MIONDAY NEXT, JUNE 4, FOR FIVE i ?? I1H5. RISEI EXHIBITION. T RUSTEES. Alfrcd dc Rothschild, I.q. (Ilark of Ezgland). E, Roth vn Pyni, Esq, (. 'ouatsat d i ' Co.) Wjlfxid A. l'cvrn, I q (Iainy, anvoi td Co.) Honey F. Slatte'y, E. . ('fhie N-a orral Baak, Linited). EXECU1IVF COUN(.IL. The Duke ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEOUSE AND LA3UTD TO VET (Conmed) las heaTI part o52the olbCesteDrt Roadr Parkig; two recep-iI fu e oamse, fowbooe pinge grden. hohn.eoert-y arel Soer L GeTabUle ita-&dens, paddoich dditinl lan if welluirel ad, DRent O~ietas;eor'byearlutndoy t'goseillasi June-Applyu, W EV reeinero. Crdogon T'IE~tGE~'1rLLY sitn thr em-etachd Villa :S well. bilt and 7. Hrdingaon, c752 1~~-arem. DfGBASTI0STOw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIEDP. CORDEUX, SONS, & CO., St, James'8 Bartone, BlRZSTOL, Ask attention to the following EpECIAL LOT3 of G00DB on SALE THIS WEEK. b E WEST andi MOST FASHIONA1BLE SHAPEIS ~fl 1110in MANTLES. 'TBE EMPRESS MANTLES. b richascotte Silk, handewmoly trimmed -with AvcrS nee let and Ribbons. eipull95 '36i 429- 48Ij6 each. THE CORALIE MANTLES. *tifn1l ?? Fichne, with Beaded Not trimmed Lace and ...