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Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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... AVONDALE AGRYCULTURAL SOCIETY'S SHOW. This society's show tool place yesterday in one of the park adjoirnisg the Avondale Manse. The number of entries was euual to former yenre. The club dinner, took p~zace i a the field, and was Presided over by Mr Ternent of Ryelaul. ' the president of the society. Mr Cowan, secretary, carried out all the arrangements with his usual good tact and abilty. ...


... w - ?? ,GLASOW ITNTERNIATIONAL ! - :,xHnB~ITIO-N.- The ttendance at the Exhibition on Saturday :ans the mostgrasifygin return which the execu- tive could have had for t]he care with whic tbhytad prepared the programme of ?? -or te day. The numbers exceeded those of yprevious -day by no le-s than fully 7000. ! Tday which has hitherto held the record for .attCnanee was -May 12, the first ...


... K we; ~ ~ ~ - :cee is S t(FROM OUR OWN_ CORP.ES?ONaDEYT.) is 'London, Sunday Night. Dr 5 At an informalmeeting of theatre and opera rh: man agers held yesterday it was decided to take Be we g no combined action as to closing the London l h l I places of amusement to-morrow, the day of the set :c Emperor Frederick's funeral. With the excep- . if ?? tion of the Criterion, which Mr Charles Wynd- ...


... -i > . f~: COVEfll{ ; aICP ?? - ~ 'M pal paperB7 '.'The Question of Iriperial Safety. me One is by General Haxoley, who lays down bis views upon the minimum force requisite for ¶ safety; another is by Colonel r Hozier, who enters upon an analysis of our actual military strength; and the third is by Lord Charles- Beresford, who submits a method by which A I Workable Admiralty may .bs ...


... iGLASGOW INTERNATIONAL III Et XHIBITION. I - The weather yesterday could not be called either favourable or unfavourable for Exhibition visitors. It was both. A lowering, sultry morning culminated its a heavy downpour of rain, which continued for some hours, and must have deterred many from making an intended I visit to Kelvingrove. The other extreme, how- ever, was experienced in the ...


... THE FINE ARTS.-No. IV. i ?? the concerns of life an early start is)fra ; ?? at least, to a good beginning It is of t so in the case of a great Exhibition) bet i v, :or wishes the time at his disposal am to ) Lost results. If he seeks only wh laid the pleasurable excitement of cor Ile reeiJ vot. hasten to K(eivingrove : he p pre I v' his Acecunt in night and its u- :L l realising sooner or ...


... NOTES ON NEW BOOKS. mIS __ 1 the We have received this week from Mfr David toc Douglas, Edinbnrgh, Circuit Journeys of, aloe and by, the late Lord Cockburn. -Messrs Kegan nat, 'Paul & Co. have sent The Book of Psalms; or, alis 2he Praises of Israel, a new translation, with its commentary, by the Piev. Dr T. K. Cheyne: j are also Dorica, a volume of peems, by boa B. .D S.-NMadaxne de ...


... e ITHE TAN SNAHILL CfZR7 le } A.A GLENIFmtj. ll Bf' !r I a,, ?? Io A, i On Satntday afterner tier ui anoivcrsary con-irt ?? 1 T -e ; oi Gieniffer Brres, re c a:rv 'e e of o ili grounds iaving been hir.Uiygr' I to sion b)y the pro-ri Ae . p -. 1 er- now fully 12 years Since ?? .,1ii cZ Vag took place. urigieraiiv 'U -y it.e o.a .- - 2I 'eate a : en. purpose of ra; t idi Z., e'1 R C ery hIoclI ...


... GTLASGOW INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. Yesterday was a typical June dcy as regarded weather, but despite this the attendance at the Exhibition was not quite so large as on the pre. v vious Thursday. Only 1904 persons were induced to disburse the necessary half-crown for admission, that number falling slightly short , of the adult payments for the same day last % week, while there was also a ...


... LITERATUR. I _ S-,, ?? - ' ^'-.iOTES ON NKElW BOOKS. as Fro-rnMeesrs ogan Paal & Co. vwe have an received Letters and 3Iemorials of Arch- !of tishop Trench, in two volumes, edited by the I bv authr ?? Loder ; also, The Wvord a autfior of Is Charles I'ogv t, G ,,e . -an J-.Jesus-s?lSt taken fromit the Gospels.- fok Green & Co. hava published cid Pessrs d'onf alitenarged a edition ef Dr ...


... AU'1T1LU C5JL (/1-Ufl WINDYGATES SOCIETY'S SHOW, The annual show of this society took pilace On Satu~rday a Bathirnie, near Marlcinch. The weather was capital, ai -, there woo a large attendance of visitors. The entrina wee re numerous, and the noality of stork was excelllent. In theto breeding class. Mr Nisbet, Forthar, carried off Seast honoulO~ i withas fine animal, while the award for the ...


... ,Gf ASGOW INTERNUTIONAL I EXHIBITION. Te attendance at the Exhibition yesterday in ,3 ?? high for a Tuesday. Special to ,sjoras from Leeds, Hull, aud York anra ro Ws l est Kilbride, aud Beith helped largel! as Ion ,6 sodi thle usual crow lici season1 ticketholders. l e attenldance was hurther helped in the even. Jo jof sy a football match between the Partick ha ¶ii3&Ce and Cowluris clabs. The ...