Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PC BIRTHS. At Inseh, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr LBssBL JAMIESON, d poatmaster, of a daughter. MARRIAGE. b At Denver, Colorado, U.S., on the 28th unt., AExAreDsa A MlTCcIseL, Western agent of the Chicago, Milwaukie, and St 5s Paul Railroad, to JEssIZ MAY, daughter of J. D. Pridhain, ul Esq., Dtnver. . DEATHS. Z At RImhill, Aberdeen, on 9th inst., WILLIAM STZPfse, M.A., V, aged 6.i At Fle ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... aft MARRIAGE. CIO At 10 St Swithin Street, Aberdeen, on the 30th inst., by an the PRev. Mitford. Mitchell, PRnAMASi NAsaI Ror, M.B., C.M., Beerbhoom, Bengal, to CAROLINY FOeRes, wvidow of the late wh John S. Forsyth-Brown, Esq. of Whitsoom, Barwickshire, NX . mu DEATHS. Cor At 48 Skene Terrace, on the 30th, ElIAZAII5T AXNIE (LaziE) cor DUT-IIn, fourth daughter of the late Robert Dnthie, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE EM PEROR AND THE DOTRS. wb (FROM o0R OORRESPONDEhlqS.) bet VIENNA, 1VWDNmenAD GE'ro- rat The Vienna papers publish long extracts str from, and comments upon, the report of the German doctors on the late Emperor's illness. The Neacc.'ref Preese admits thattbe diagnosis of the German physicians wvas right, but says that it was not apparently made soon enough to allow of an oucration ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ;IB, gM2EFSAGZS, AND WAThSj -c l nnoexnrsmenlta mutl be fully au ~ntiak, band arcO a!~t;f 1v a remittannce of 's 4i or 4S or : anld 65 jor each additional 9 words, with- Ec- iraich tney can in no cavse be inserted. BIRIZH& . ATEI>ON -July 11. 1SW, at Abbey Bill, Heni- ?? warwick'slIre, the wife of Miles Christopher Ainoi.)li, of siol. r.erO IJulyv 11, 1888, at Grosvenor Hill, the wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. 1t1lIMPS,-On July 16, at barnard. Castle, the wife of J. Hanoby Holmes., olicitor, of a son. no8 S1IDrW1VCI.-Juiy 13th, at Welsoii-terrace, Rtockton. en Tees the wife of Ben. It Sidgwick, of ason. g286 D~EATHS. BUR~fTON.-July 10, at Chtapel-street. Darlington, William Button, age 9 CHAPMAN.-ied on June StbI, aged 3 era Flunthighum. Sebastian County, Aickansaa, William, Chapman, who ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... grtams, arrintos, l I t SE BIRTIS. 9 SWANX-July 24, at Station View, Bishbp Auckluid, the wife of 8ttphen N. Swan, of it daughter. g527 10 MARRIAGES. l0 GIlT..-WI7,.0UTGI1RY.-July 24. at the Primitive 1 Methodist ChG pel, Bishop Auckland, John Gill, to 2 Nlizhetli Ann Will.u :ihy. 3 liUGGIXt-ING EL. )ElW.-Jrrly 24, at thea ealslyan 4 Chlapel. B~shop A uc:and, J1oseph li u~girS, Sled. merner, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRT S, M .RRIGESA.Nii BATHS. A deiree Of ONEX SRlLInrss, Dregpi-. ws s~tk fofr iC abo notices nt ceinr tbacaey erwse, For eery additioeW WeeL (ten seardh) Sitpense extra. Posta notes must be rnudisted 4i y ese Asnot ei7cf snsus be auZleicoed by the niamc address eof etic wseder. BIERTIL OseoIEE.-0n the 27th inst, the wife of Fred- P. .Osborm, -of a SOIL GOODWIh-POWELL--On the 25th inst., at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'Mrtho9,, W arrintoe , andl M'ea1;ko. BIRTHS. DE7LA}UNTY-J3twe 30, at 76, Miltou-Street M(d diesbrough. tbe wife of B. Delahunty, of a daushl. ter. a81 MATUIER.-July 1. at Wittoale-Wear. the )wife of Jno. A. Mather, of a son. g89 UfBBARD.-Jaly 1, at Cadogan-plaee, the wife of the Hon. Egerton Hubbard, hI.P., of a son. MARRIAGES. 1r.LsWO1RTH-PICKTHENG.-On July 3rd, at the Wesleyan Chapel, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. ii At Wick, on the 1st inst., the wife of RorERT BRsDoi, Bank b of Scotland, of a eon. I At T5 Powis Terrace, Aberdeen, on the 5th inst., the Nwife of d Captain RoaERr FARquOa.R, s.s. llengloe, of a son. At North ot Scotland Bank, Rintore, on the 5th inst., Mrs n AN'AND, of a daflg'iter-died immediately after birth. I At Schoolhouse, Itora, oir the 5th inst., the wife of A. jl MUVRRAY, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... di BIRTHS. di At 27 Northfield Place, Aberdeen, on the 23rd-inrt., the tb wife of Jous IVYL Is, merchant, of a daughter. : At 2 Waterloo Street, Aberdeen, on the 22nd inet, Mrs th JAMPes TeLLOce, of a daughter. le At Pyinmans, Upper Ilurma, on the 23rd June, the wife i of Captain V.c. Tonnoohy, 4th Sikh Infantry, Bengal Staff er Corps, of a son. ' MARRIAGE. At 15 Parkvale Place, Leith, on the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE PAP.NELLITES AND THE DEATH OF lIR JOHN MIANDEVILLE. T;:e Press Association states that a very strong fa. ingeaist3 arnongst the Natior.alist members in reF'ren:ce to the sudden death of Mr John Manae- vilie tshich, it is alleged, was accelerated by a rdisease of the throat contracted at Tullamore. An rnfnrmal corsultation took place yesterday afternoon, sad the question of rtising the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MR WILLIAM LITTLEJOHN, LATE BANKER. By the death ef Mr William Little;ohn, lata banker, which occurred at his residence, 6 Qa' ens G Gardens, yesterday afternoon, Aberdeen has lost one whose whole life has been closely identified with its commercial prosperity. Mr Littlejohn had been ailing for about a fortnight only. Though in his 85th year, he bad enjoyed excellent hilieti, i:o till ...