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Advertisements & Notices

... }:N ?? C ?? .v.a 'no ~larcest assortmrenti II ti city is at EtoetrIr Sarrplei Se. tpest free eln n- pl:rtiuou tireuneest. ceapest aridbestirqualavrdeign; ;rrte arc nt 3.ator's; Irish,niir, Feid ?? patteran; alerie Iloto l iortlrrry Ca;sd3 a irpeciality ; Church Perch ar.d Or)atory Curds it, great ;,riety ; Notice of Deaths, tri ler ni,:an-(bl3earto ljo ?? Ar,,rourcenmeltrssclnt pe retuirni ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS 2S PARIRGATE STREET, Phoenix Park House, ;ale of Old Established and choicely situated ?? ?? 7-day R:,tei Licensed Concerns. w E 1) I, L W 3. X E o G XH, 3 Succesvor to zo45 late 3IICHAFIL CROOKE, MinS been favoured. with insrcmeions from )Iise S ) SLL.TB BY PUBLIC AUCTION, 0:1 FRi D Y, the 20t'n July, 18&s, At the hour of One eoclock, In Creoke's Salereoms , 1i 1.0 WIUll ORMOtb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS flUEEN'S COUINTY, RATHDOWNEY. Q; CANNON v. MANNING. Notie is hereby given that the dwellinghcuse, land wnd ?? I the above action WILL BP. SOLD At RAIHDOWNEY. at 2pm. 491 SATURtDAY TNEXT, the lith da&y of July mnst. SAMUEL BErsizn, Solicitor having Carriage of Sale, ?5 Eustaco street, Dubliu. ANDREW J. KEOGH, AUCTIONEER, LOWT'ER ORMIOND QUAY, DUBLIN. p1008 Y THIS DAY ?? CITY OF DUBLIN. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IN euilorimi Card-ls at Eaton's: the larzestasrtment i inl the A ity is at F aton's ; sumlples sent post free cii ag. pjcatioli; time ow0%yest. chea} est, alnid hestirn qaUdliry, design; IrrleSe arnt Eaton's; Irimlh, Engmslh, andi Freieih DatterD5; ra~or' l'hoeto If ormmary Cards a speciality: Chiurch Porch al~d OrUtory Cards biil pret variety ; Notice of DeathS, Funeral. hanlt (emenmito Mlc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. flENGLER'S GRAND OJEQUE &!L VlTUN'DA GARDENS, DUBLIN. LAST THREE WEEKS OF THE SEASON. GIGANTIC SUCCESS OF RE FAIR Y LEGEND JUVENILE SPECTACLE, CINDERELLA.- OR, TIIE LITTLE GLASS SLIPPERI Performed by a ?? of Beautiful stad Clever Children, trained by 31r F C Hengler. Grand Produection on the most elaborate scale, by far szopasslng anythinzg hitherto presentsd in a Circus arena. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS TO-MORROW, FRIDAY. No 21 DUKE STREET (Three doors from Grafton streetl- HIGHLY NIMFORTANT SALE OF ADMIRABLY AN'D CENTRALLY SITUATED 7-DAY RETAIL LICENSED PREMISES. N D R E Wv J . K E O G H, A ND ~Successor to the late MICHAEL CROOKE lies received inS tructionus from ?? throw Beilly to dispose of By PUBLIC AUCTION, In Crooke's Salerooms 10 LOWElR ORMOND QUAY, On TO-MORRO;V, Friday, 6th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONNS._ -M. H. GILL AND SONS LIDEST . The Letter-s of the Most Rev John !dacfllev.De D, - ArcbbishopofvTuein voll,cloth.. .. 7 67 Nroy O'Brien: A Tale of Irish Life. ?? E She?- |i=a Tihompson;secoudnd dcheapertdihont pisr bsaris ?? ?? .. .. { Life of the Right lion IV E Forster. By TP Wernyss leid. *Vos ?? .. 3toorcs'. Irish 31elodies, Pixnoforte A cco n- pnlnuent, cloth, gilt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PREPAID ADVEPR'SEMENTS .IrtuATIONS VAli 1D or VACANT, _ LET or WA.NUrED to RENT, LODGINGS W ANTtOp or to LE'r, BOARD WAS 11;D or 01 JM:ED, f BUSINE6SSE.S W,%NTrl:D or itor S.b.AL, ti AuLTIOLL:S Losr or FO ;D, SPI.CIric AiIr:LLiS 7ANOA IED or for SALE, n PAryrNE:SILP.S- NVANI' kXD .)r OFr lI. Arc inmerted at the followimi.a rates, bait only h w henl P'repada;-- b 20 Words, ?? or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : TO BE LET OR SOLDD .AIETLE PLACE, No. S5, newl bop front and C ?? ca 'Kl'Xlolvey l& 1COmbo, D~oeegn11 Sftreet. - 121 8 T°2 T~T O L~P R Kf MI ANSOiO. s omited : !ilKelvoy &c M 'Cotnbe. 11130 G RAZING FOIL HORSES, eis mlleg frov Bclfast ; limnited number taker, ;excellent r,Isstue; good1 ?? EHenderson, Agent, L3:, HIgh Street, Belfast. 11922 A HIOUSE TO J.ET, in Caetiereagh Place, -3. Mona ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 43A, Righ Streer. 135 11 BEENlVOOD 13ELXO sT P A ItI.--IIouse to aT be Let orSeld- ossession 1st Auoust.- Apply to ?? ( owau, Greenwood, or Vietoria RE of these Corfortable Sewni-detached Houses or t'ae CrofX Rond, Eo'vywood. will be Yacallt nt Ftovembere-Apply to J c hn Sisnks. - - TO BE LET OR soaD. W 7AREHOUSE, No. 25, BEDFORD STREET, containing three large Flats; will be Let separatepy.I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - (Flltu DealeS, =ndey Con ~~~57T KEOGh ~ reoeivea instruc, G Mooney and C(O. Iunitecl, - $terbg^abovePr5~j5e, to dispos f B PULCAUCTION, 01~~U~tS)AYNEXT, the Ubl uly, 1888 fi;a;s and te to in the 1ce' eS-- s PRII4 S;Iln T, I~~.snge f maoge~t cont~ with under lea enSlir~ed; pall porter Ma e with tub- and ainginMachine, very handsome t'om fittedwith Mirror h.r - andsome partitions, ~ vatious ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APAE2TJWP47Z V~ACAN lSITOPS to Dublin can have Board, Ldi ode- ratters, at 1 Crest Defaninrk tof Ptlnl e, t ane, bathroom, hot end cold water; bedroes very coc- orktabre; very line dra ingrotr=n, neatly f2rnished n bed and sittinpeoom, wi'th Use *0(en Vidifso, to let', flrst-etlas reference frolh lay and oletlONC Address Mrs Berry, 1 (et Denmark st. ofi Rutland squatr. 04SS435t ISITO to ...