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... THE CQTMAX EXHIBITION AT a NORWICH. left A OADEDFF EXHIBXTOR'S PICTURES. We can There is a very interesting exhibition of thi hitherto little known Cotman drawings now balng cry held at Norwich, at which a couple of Cardi lvi. specimens figure ?? prominently. Cot- ing man, says Mr. Froderick Wodmore, in 's neatly' of written preface to Mr. J. Pyke - Thompson's y cittlogae of his Turner House ...


... 1 'NOVE'L AND JKTEWSTL'ING s ~~CONTESTcS''. 1. An ciedfod swas ?? at Dowwil on Mtonday, LWhii;SI Ji beell promjtd hy time irein brr of tie r Dowitis olunteer B1)ind. The galti nng waiqs iel t in tim Dowlais Marike: -quiire, ?? hand been t cov,-red for tile luacMsion, i od wiicili is capable ofi' lirlding :ijout 10,000 pitnsons. The vtrious rail- Nvay cornpslnies at Dowlais rtin excursion train ...


... '|THE BISHOP OF ORESTER AND LIGHT LITflIRAT tRE, The Bishop of (Ihester is a, hold man. Ee likes a novel, and he is not asham~ed to say sO. He tells the boys of the ?? School, Chester, that *boys, lilse bishopst, require light readingt, and as he is well known to be an indefatigable oousu~ner of that form of literature ho may be supposed to knowv whtat be is talking, about. Tbe fact is that ...

Jokes and Jokers

... A green grocer-one who' trusts. A bad second-a Quaker in a duel. A play should be judged by its acts. The pink of ?? blushes. A ghbost's garment is a shroud OF mystery. Deal is Rtaid to be proper wood for card tables, Fashionable ?? dresses make clean crossings. An African proverb says the idle are dead but cannot be buried. A. local poet begins an apostrophe to the ocean with ' Prodigious ...

Jokes and Jokers

... A fine ?? police court. A difficult ionic to ?? lrons the bald head. Uj'hat holds all the snuff in the ?? one nose. The hoy playing marbles stoops to conquer. Order.d out-the family during house cleaning time. Some meon's promises are liko foam on anglass of beer. It is bettor to u-se brick as paving material than to carry it in the hat. The most favourable day on whichl to race for cups is, ...


... D1H ]IVE{' LJUCKI( A T'il E iul C AERDIISF T fIIEA TitE. ar eni in their search for realism playwrights, WI)elsc would have tlrougict,hlid completely exlrausqtdal the stock of subjects at their dreruoerel, but The u Di ver's Luck ire the Cardill Tlriretre Royal title 512 week takes iln altogeLbhrL new departure, cud firids be its CIlMUX in thre bed of the Ocean. Jules Veriro xvi bits donle ...

Jokes and Jokers

... ?? orders t9 winter-M2arch. Is the sinking fund a floating debt ? Wlhat kind ot tca *lid Solomon use ?-Sage tea. When is a manl like thds letter B?-When he is in bed, The bumlp ot destructiveness-A railroad eoiljlois.o Sleight-ot-lbaull-Declnsing a sniatrirnoejal offer. . Latest fashion for evenling ?? close of the day A negro oaceo gave the followinlg toast: Ve bate Gubernor 01) do St ete ...


... . L. I -dlin tif. THE BAR1RISTER AT THE CARDIFF Pot ntL, THEATrE ROYAL. on, the up .er Highly entertaining and amui~sing is Tire Ru! riel Barris~ter', produced on Mlonday evening at the e Ce iieatlrI 'Royal. and t-areiy 7has such an a ned splrortunrry been afforded of such troorougir ast amlusement and lieiarty a laugh as9 was ulan :s a enjos-ed atdi expenset e of its absu~rdities, ...


... I ,'BONEDDIGES Y BAD AURI! is (THE LADY OF THE GOLDEN BOAT).. :3i is A WELSH LEGEND. In A little over ia ?? ago we published a charm- Li- fog poemr from the pen of the Rev. J. El. Davies, wo, ?? ounrt BoresnEsaex. on thesubjecthof The ae Lady, of Livns-yVaurst one of the loveliest and (pCe Mr Hitttland) most characteristic of old Welsh J I leeds We ae nbw indebted to Mr. I at ?? Cal- I ?? . , ...


... THE SOUTH WALES ART SOCIETY' A THE SEASON'S EXHIBITIONS. , en rn of [SPECIALLY CNTR1B13TZD] Hi fore- IReporta Of the meetings and sketchingr Wrpm of sit the -the members of the South Wales Art Society given Wt rival in the columns of the Wweren Mail during the drt qua ofpast fe w months show the society to be growing a to into a most useful medium for the promotion of OhaU body art study end ...


... IN TERNATIONALT TRADES EXHIBITION AT CARDIFF. rot_ kv- The building which is being put up on the 'Ten t ryeS Acres at Roatil, Cardiff, for Lle purposes of the ink international Trades Exhibition is now being I I of roofed in, and is making rapid progress towards ex- completion. At thel earnest solicitation of a large act number of applicants, tile council has set apart a uute esection' for ...


... CARDIFF TREAVTRB ROYAL. The. Cardiff Teatroe Royal this weak offrs a d novel attractionin the shape of Mr. Montague Roby's troupe of Midget Mrinelta1 some four and n twenty little boys and. girls, Instrasmentaliatt and I, vocallst&. Though the children are of tenderyearm r burnt cork wheezes are cracked with a freshness f that.vould not shuno a troupe of adults, while r tle long musical ...