... * Tv is not quite easy to do justice t this latest protest against State inter- ference. Mr. Smith's book is diffuse and badly arranged. If he intended to influence public opinion, he was ill-advised in writing a controversial work of nearly 700 pages. Much of his work is a compilation, and a compilation must be skilfully done if it is not to be unreadable. For a controversialist to be ...


... TO-NIGHT'S ENTERTAINMENTS CRITERION THllATRE. (Lessee and Manager, Mr. CliAcLLES \'iND1ANIt.) EVERY EVENING, at S.45, DAVID GARRiC(K. 3i-th Pvrficmaac. Prcceded by, at 8.iS, WHY WOMEN WEEP. Door, is.on 7.43. ADELPHI THEATRE. (A. and S. GAvm, Sole Proprietors an,( Nlanaers.) TI'fS EVENING, at Eiglt, THE UNION JAC.9. Mr. Wilia.,i 'l'eirisi; ML.r. C. Cat- wright, J. D. BIaveridg,, J. i.. Shfine, ...


... A SANCTUARY OF AP.T.* r, the 5fairably-illustrated octavo volume, ?? the itle is given iu the foot-note, Mr. 2'r9CI put1r completes the historical and '3ntiVB sketches of :pine sanctuaries, n a previous and larger wotk, by giving .5o at of the most interesting and remark- s e rbe whole scnes-the Sacro Monto, or 1,10 °1 uaelat Varallo, in North Italy. FeAer aS tradition has it, the founder of ? ...


... In the face of Messrs. Longuian and Co.'s public warning that the dramuatic version of AIr. Stevenson's ?? Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Ilyvle, in wh1ich Mr. Rlichaird MuIns- field is to sinako his first appearance at the Vi Lyceum oni Saturday evelling next, is the only fo ono anlthorisod by tbehll, pcople are asking A whether Mr. Pigott Will accord the necessary St licence for Mr. Bandinann's ...


... THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBIITION. Nottwithstanding the continuance of 1m- favourable weather the attendance at the Exhibitiont yesterday reached the very satis- factory total of 233,GS7. There were an unusually large number of excursions, all the railway companies running special trains from various districts, principally from the South of Scotland. One large contingent from Port- GlasgoN ...


... I . I One of the most remarkable circumstances of the presett very remarkable soason is the way in which gils have persisted in wearing white muslin and thin cambric gowns all through the wintry wsiutiher wo have expe- rioncod of late. At the OcXford aund Cecebridge Cricket Match, when the rain fell in torrents, nid agaill at Houloy, this was particularly observable. Daring the first two days ...


... I The C/urlnl of EWginedu; ;ti Jl1tiitbtr, its &ttleeient, its . /ebi nttiol, sldt its B 1eitet LYi!I. By the Rev. Edmund Venablea. (London: Society for Promnoting Christian Knowledge.) Canion Venables has do1e 0well to publish hlis four compact and graphic lectures on the above subject, The first two are, as might be exLpected, much the most interesting, for they aire abolit times clud ...


... t; l, A New and Original Drama, in Four Acts, a by Henry Pettitt and Sydney Grundy, Played for the First Time at the Adelphi Theatre, on Thursday, July 19th. 1888. ?? Medway .M. Mr WILLIAM TERRISS .r Sir Philip Yorke .Mr J. D. BEVERIDOE r Captain Morton ?? Mr CHARLEs CARTWRIGoT 1- Lieutenant Stanley ?? Mr LAURENCE CAUTLEY it Peter Fly ?? Mr J. L. SIJINE n Tom Chuckle ?? Air ALTON SOMERS John ...

Published: Saturday 21 July 1888
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3294 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... On Wednesday, in the Westminster County Court, the action Banstead v. Harris came on for hearing before Judge Bayley. The plaintiff claimed of the defendant Mr Augustus Harris, the sum of 1h as damages for not being allowed to take his seat in the amphitheatre stalls of Covent-garden Theatre. Plaintiff conducted his own case, and Mr Longitaff, barrister, appeared for the defendant. Heis Honour ...

Published: Saturday 21 July 1888
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1402 | Page: Page 15 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... PROYINCIAL THEATRICALS (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENTS.) ASHTON- UNDER-L YNE. OPERA HOUSE.-Lessees, Messrs Wm. Revill and Son.-Judging from the reception by the audience on Mlonday~ evening at the Opera House of the drama Light o Day, by Mr Brien M'Cullough, it commended iteelf to their critical judgment entirely The characters are all well represented. The author, Mr Brien M'Cullough, ...

Published: Saturday 14 July 1888
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 16723 | Page: Page 17, 18, 19 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... JINETEENTH CENTURY. Mr.. Gladstone has the leading Article in the ANrhtweMh Century. His subject, The Elizabethan Settlement of Reihgion, is another instance of theversatility of our great statesman, and the ease with which he can pass from on, lue of, close reasoning to another. Dealink with the fact that in the great movement of the ?? century the instinct of national unity was more ...


... LEEDs F~LK AT THEd FASIR. (zy A WADrmi~ih^) - ed 8 'airIs a tine-houdired Institultion, although ally b eoimm~eial eapecta it ruiay have had ihi I~ygone days have been cblitdsrated, and a weeok's carnival, restrictod to wrastee grounds in convenient parts of the borough, boa been sub-t stituted asiH by common conrent. Some few attraotion8i sre provided ina the old Militia drill-ground off ...