Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PC BIRTHS. At Inseh, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr LBssBL JAMIESON, d poatmaster, of a daughter. MARRIAGE. b At Denver, Colorado, U.S., on the 28th unt., AExAreDsa A MlTCcIseL, Western agent of the Chicago, Milwaukie, and St 5s Paul Railroad, to JEssIZ MAY, daughter of J. D. Pridhain, ul Esq., Dtnver. . DEATHS. Z At RImhill, Aberdeen, on 9th inst., WILLIAM STZPfse, M.A., V, aged 6.i At Fle ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE EM PEROR AND THE DOTRS. wb (FROM o0R OORRESPONDEhlqS.) bet VIENNA, 1VWDNmenAD GE'ro- rat The Vienna papers publish long extracts str from, and comments upon, the report of the German doctors on the late Emperor's illness. The Neacc.'ref Preese admits thattbe diagnosis of the German physicians wvas right, but says that it was not apparently made soon enough to allow of an oucration ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. 1t1lIMPS,-On July 16, at barnard. Castle, the wife of J. Hanoby Holmes., olicitor, of a son. no8 S1IDrW1VCI.-Juiy 13th, at Welsoii-terrace, Rtockton. en Tees the wife of Ben. It Sidgwick, of ason. g286 D~EATHS. BUR~fTON.-July 10, at Chtapel-street. Darlington, William Button, age 9 CHAPMAN.-ied on June StbI, aged 3 era Flunthighum. Sebastian County, Aickansaa, William, Chapman, who ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE PAP.NELLITES AND THE DEATH OF lIR JOHN MIANDEVILLE. T;:e Press Association states that a very strong fa. ingeaist3 arnongst the Natior.alist members in reF'ren:ce to the sudden death of Mr John Manae- vilie tshich, it is alleged, was accelerated by a rdisease of the throat contracted at Tullamore. An rnfnrmal corsultation took place yesterday afternoon, sad the question of rtising the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MR WILLIAM LITTLEJOHN, LATE BANKER. By the death ef Mr William Little;ohn, lata banker, which occurred at his residence, 6 Qa' ens G Gardens, yesterday afternoon, Aberdeen has lost one whose whole life has been closely identified with its commercial prosperity. Mr Littlejohn had been ailing for about a fortnight only. Though in his 85th year, he bad enjoyed excellent hilieti, i:o till ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE TRAGEDY IN TEMPLE. DEATH OF MRS CLEMENTS. Yesterday morning Eliza Clements, who was found at ber house, 6, Church street, Temple, on the evening of Sunday, May 27th, in an apparently dying state, expired at the General Hospital, It will be remem- bored that the woman and her husband, Henry Clements, were found lying on the floor of their room in pools of blood. The man had been stabbed in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIERTHS. F~ lGW1C~. IesaCOttAg Alelsonby, yesteiday, wif] of J. %d-¶l.c, of a dIugliter. geia M \ T.RIA G ES. ICIKI1W~ IT Al RSIA I..-Juy9(ll, at HolIy Edm itati ; sou ofT lloocis tKirlcbright. LoftliooSe, Iitri s ?? to Alltiry Blilaker, daugihter of G.eorge 'br= hail X1iitholey. Darlintgton. r208 ?? 'fll'ON-.Tly8, at Besrms 11ridge 1 N-I ito I.~l hCinrch, Newcastle, by tile Rev. , ?? ~ A., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DOMESTIC OCCURRFJNCES,. v' Notices ol Births, M~arriages, or Deaths, are received at this o0fice for insestion in any foreign, Lender', or provincial uewspaper. S Announcements oI Births, Mtarriages, and Deaths, are charged ?? (cash) and 2s 6d (crtditQ. B3 IfR T I. S . Bseow~s.-On the 3rd inst., a: Balsal Lcath V icarago, Worcestershire, the wife of Rev. C 0. M~urray-Brow rno of a eon. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. ?? 0, at Mercers-road, X., the wife of W. L. VAPniEl.-Jtly' 10, at Cheltenham, the wife of 0. A. CardewE, of ae on. DsENHAML- uly 0, at AuBdield, Auerley, the wife of K. Rt. Deahaun of a sen. FOX.-Juiy 7, at Albion Lodge, Newmnarket, the wife of J. A. Fox, of a son, prematurely. TIMEMAN.-JuyW 9, at Leigharm-terraee, Plymouth, the wife of F. F. Freemalo, of a daughter. o1.ANNAY-Jueil9, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... A6rb~,;arriafnne, anD 72eatibo Two IBnqs (18 words), Ia, od.; and 6 d1. for each additional 9 words. AU announcements liust be authesticated by the namu c and addoess of the sender. N.B3,-Notiees Dppearltic on any of the first flvea isys of th week are repeated It th o U ?? .fs pleteent, without extra elhage. DuNCrAs.-Jty 1lttl at W esabourno, Otloy, tho wife of T. Axthur Dunexea, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE DEATH OF MR. MATMNE.. VILLE. AN INQUEST TO BE HELD. PUBLIC SYMPATHY. Mitchelstown, Wednesd.;ay. This morning -Mr. Ambrose Mandeville. solici- tor, waited on Coroner Rice at his office, Fe I'mey, and demanded on behalf of the next of - in that an inquest should be lheld into the circuns stances of the death of his brother, Mr. John 'Maa deville. The coroner informed him that it was his. ...


... GOSSIP FROiM 'WHITERALL REVI)W.' ,p - -I A.- -e . L , . . . .. . l The close of this week will virtually see the end of a London season which, what with sudden mournings and such like official interruptions, feels as if it had hardly began. The Etoa and Harrow cricket match wiil be the last expiring event, for Goodwood this . year will be, so far as its aasemblage of fashionable I ...