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Advertisements & Notices

... DUSCELLNEOUS OUSEHOLD FUR NITUIRE. J IEDMUNDSON & CO, LIMITED, re ,repared to give Estiates for the complet e or Part pnrnishing of Roauses in alU the prevailing deosgas and rhodes of ?? They also supply Furniture in large or sm al quan Houaes neatlY and inexpensively furnished on the ¶'hrC ye,s Systemn. pariculatsn c apiplicationt. T LDWdCNDSONO AND CO, LIMITED, House Fsrinislsers, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... --TO BE LET OR 6ORLUD. CASTLE PLACE, No. 30: new shop front and ?? ?? & MCombe. Donegall St rereet e t .8 T. BE LET. SEVILLE LODGE, STRG.ND- TOWh N;i mediate ?? on the Premises, or to JOHN MINALCOLM, 111001 44, Victoria. Street. *1?~ITZOY AVENUE. - Comfortable Rouse, LTemPca Tcrrace. containing necessary con- veniences for accomnmo'iation of respec(tablel, family; rent ?? Fisher, Arthur Street ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTIC. ARGUS INSURANCE COMPANY. -The Subscription List will he Closed It or before WEDNESDAY REXT, the 25th hist, at 4 EE ARGUS INSURACE COMPANY Imjsitd). Innorporated under the Companies Vs. 2 to 1U, rwhereby the liability of memers is g~todo the amount unxaid upon their sh~ares. ,. CAPITAL, £259,600,divided intto 25,0040 shares of £o eatch. Pag~blk LI per share ont application. £2: b ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS SITUATIONS WVANTED or VACANT, HOUSES to LET or WATNTED to RE.Nr, LODGINSi WANTED or to Lzar, BOARD WANTED or OFPEIRED, BUSIxESSES WANTED or for SALE, ARTICLES LOST or FoUND, SPECIFIc AnlTICLES WANTED or for fiALE, PARTYBrUSf ri'S WANTED or OvFIERED, Are inserted at the following rates, but only wben Pre paid 20 Words, Gdi or Four Insertions for IB Gd. 25 Words, 9d- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CM.COOd, =1nted di- ho ?? vyer; lbioral wav-e paid if tone aifcoy rdea (kr~g'r OtNO3flt-eLviasns coot; wnte ftr ahouse of birenessp n midoie-age Ws;au a' latn Cook trodthou' servant; eliotc c' per-f dsona-ge, A ides 6a0l Freceman- 01fice. six G-kL2t Girl NWatnted lor l.l faminly of tirer; no0 nm1% trO D1CC incking, iader 20, tidily recoin- Vtmene;nn ?? nittat ?? country uteed apply. t--esq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APAE2TJWP47Z V~ACAN lSITOPS to Dublin can have Board, Ldi ode- ratters, at 1 Crest Defaninrk tof Ptlnl e, t ane, bathroom, hot end cold water; bedroes very coc- orktabre; very line dra ingrotr=n, neatly f2rnished n bed and sittinpeoom, wi'th Use *0(en Vidifso, to let', flrst-etlas reference frolh lay and oletlONC Address Mrs Berry, 1 (et Denmark st. ofi Rutland squatr. 04SS435t ISITO to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES I THIS EENL Yi -Tin y' ECAmvau E G r o _ ?? ony THI EV--N1NG(Wednesday.,jiy0-t 'Ias Conaelietta,~ flt e ~After -hich, SyJne;_:ful I 2ftersrl~dla Sdlj~iil erorm2ously successful ThRE AABIAN !-TSHT! Nor.- playing to crowrlded housies at the priees OMD H ?? LONDON. Isnsnla!., Es, Ws6, 2s. is. an d ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -___[RAILWA~YS. -WFICKLOW.I61F AND WEXE1jID'I ~~ertflt3ituv tee. in l''h M dowy to rica- bar car~ ~ ~ ~ ?? n.aria 11tirnc', oo'-th T tinde toleave Batli iru-so (irtelt.ra drivers' f'cs).3 et C1 2n1d CI ?? CI G~r~n~fli~0. I Cs 6d 5s lanirre .lnurnrcr) Ar wil on , td umirt-. of Pnueners wilbo peil : cirneectmn-it it Mr Coaler,'a Gzrn, for Glen-. r.En~,vurt street, atthes trge Fariles aboe-17 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PU*-C NOTICES GA I ETY T HE AT RE. ,G -For Six Nights onlyR 31E CHARLES H' AWTIUY'S Company. THIS EVENING (Alonday), July 23rd 'at 8), The Comedietta THE NuE'ITLE. After- which, Sydney erundv's enormously gucceassf farcical Comedy, THE ARABIAN NIGHTS, Now playing to crowdedbouses at the COMEDY THEATRE, LONDON. Prices as sual, Ss, 4 2S *d. Ps, Is, ad d. Box Office at Cramer's from 10 30 too, Sa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUcTIONS - TIIRENURE, CO DXJ~sIr TO DARME N OTHERS, tO OO am favoured with ?? WakerEsq, - flE3TY Laa1; COCKS VERY SVPERJOB OLD MEADOW HAT, Made up in very hesl condition. Sale at 3 o'clock p m In lots as required. TemC nh. sale. 'users to pay 5 per cent Auction I ees. PATRICK O'CONNOR AND SON, AUCTIONERS amd VALUERS, CAT-LE .. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PLTBLICITIONS._ 1!. FL GILL AND SON'S LIST. 5D Manual of the Brothers and Sisters of the Third Ordeor of Penance of St Dominic. Cloth, net 2 0 The Letter, of thie Myost ILriv Johi )IalcIale, DD), ?? of Tuan,. Vol 1, cloth .. ?? The Moderate M3an. Etc. Bv Edivina liton.. 7 . 7 English Writers, YollIL By Henry Morley 5 0 ' I Iepert-orium Ortois Sacri. Oc~mpleteinl f Vol 12 r ! Sermons by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MM SMALL PREPAID )ADVIERTISEMENTS SITUATIONS WANTE.D0 or VACANT, HfouSsm to Lmre or WVASiD to 1rEsNT, 4ODVCIN(; WVANTI(C) or to Ln'r, BOARD WANTIA 01 O.P FREDI:D, WI BuitNESssE.s AVAN'rr. nr for SIALE, .A.lTICTL S LosT or Fon ND), HrEciric AnTITcLl:s WX ?? or for SiAL.E, PAR TIEN F;[II'S. WANTr, I) or OFFEIRD, 1 Are inserted at the follow.:ng rates, but only so when Preinid . 20 Wlords, Gl; or ...