... I e A JManu of the Constitutional History qy - Caiiruia. From the earliest period to the year d 1883. By John George Bonrinot, Clerk of ; the House of Commons of Canada. Montreal I IDawson Brothers. I Some such work as this has been long needed on both sides of the Atlantic. It contains in . handy form a logically-arranged and clearly- a stated exposition of the present Constitution of :o ...


... LS. (FROM OUR OWN CORRCESPONDrNTS.) A OCRBINGT'ON. PRiNeo's TnEATRE.-Closed. ALDEfRSHBOT. CAVALRY TiiEATnr.-Excellent performances have been given here by the ilamsdale fanily. During the past week wo sketches have bees capitally played-/ac [Jivce ira Ore and The Sqarife The former production proved most laughable, the part of landlord being capitally sustained by Boss Fisher;' whilst that of ...

Published: Saturday 28 July 1888
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 13890 | Page: Page 14, 15 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... THE CQTMAX EXHIBITION AT a NORWICH. left A OADEDFF EXHIBXTOR'S PICTURES. We can There is a very interesting exhibition of thi hitherto little known Cotman drawings now balng cry held at Norwich, at which a couple of Cardi lvi. specimens figure ?? prominently. Cot- ing man, says Mr. Froderick Wodmore, in 's neatly' of written preface to Mr. J. Pyke - Thompson's y cittlogae of his Turner House ...


... TACHBROOEE. FLOWER SHOW AYD ATHLETiC SroRrs.-The thirty- seventh annual flower show and athletic sports were l'eldl in the grounds adjoinina tce vicarage, yesterday afternoon. The floral and vegetable exhibits were shown in two large tents. Tn each of the classes the entries were numerous. and excellent in all respects. The athletic sports included six events, for each of which there were ...


... , CLE[ELAND AGRICULTURAL SOCIET1'Y. 9SlOWA AT MDLSBOGT Yesterdav, thle Clevelandi Agricnltural Society I bold its fifty ulaftl, the football li-.ld I a Midebraligh braing chosen for the exhi- hitirin. Un fortunately tiirreiis of rain feill during the inidrl~o 4 f lie, day , ond~ the attendance wvas limited, thoogh th, s4how was declaredl, so furI its entries wore cnlic.'-nod, t, be Clio be-st ...


... 1'AIS11ION AND VARIETIES. I + t or ci Oroctsre arrived at Kin-gstown I. antudn and Mrs NV H Irvine and famlily urare '4 at Xinf tgtolvn ?? fromt England. t 'to Jt;Ci:!rnd Staucy, Bishop of sai!,. U ur;ti arvived at ls-agstosA yesiterdav fro nt Cap'l ti~ George Quinnti has left K&trgstewarn for Log luznd.] Dr IJ M'We'noev, sur?aiual AssistaLnt .0ater MiE-ricord0i,e llsiioejt, w5ii Meidical ...


... TO-NIGHT'S ENTERTAINMENTS CRITERION THllATRE. (Lessee and Manager, Mr. CliAcLLES \'iND1ANIt.) EVERY EVENING, at S.45, DAVID GARRiC(K. 3i-th Pvrficmaac. Prcceded by, at 8.iS, WHY WOMEN WEEP. Door, is.on 7.43. ADELPHI THEATRE. (A. and S. GAvm, Sole Proprietors an,( Nlanaers.) TI'fS EVENING, at Eiglt, THE UNION JAC.9. Mr. Wilia.,i 'l'eirisi; ML.r. C. Cat- wright, J. D. BIaveridg,, J. i.. Shfine, ...


... T'La QIIcen describes some of the travelling go IVwns hII ich nae to he bought at the leading shops, e a;.d * ?? y acich reduced prices. Three . guincas vih azxy ;-a 'dmlirable foulard, with k enough v nto, in'! the bodice. Those who are n Journeyingy to Ems or Homburg and other gay 'sI esoras will fiud them serviceable. Here, too, are )i aoin cheaper thin striped woollens, the skirts made on ...


... DRURY-LANE THEA A-,_ The arinusl guneral irieetirrg of tie c prietors of Drury-lane Theatc was l, 1,1* I the theatre onl Saturday last, Mrl ?? 1; TIhe SE'rrl:'IsrYr read tile report oi which stated that th- gi o-s recerrt ...

Published: Saturday 28 July 1888
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 761 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... TIHE STORY OF TIHE ARMADA. AS TOLD) IN ThJE M: N VIIO D)EFEATED IT1 1-- Lof?l) ADMIRAL. fir is difficult for us, living in this age of telegraphs, express trains, and newspapers, to form an accurate idea of the agonizing suspense of the time when our ancestors looked anxiously every night for the lurid Llaze of the beacon fire which was to warn them of the arrival of the invader's fleet. ...

[ill] [ill] SHOW

... III IGULA:ND SHOW, The drawings at the Highland Show yesterday amounted to £704 17a lad, as against £1287 Is on the corresponding day of last Glasgolv show. For the three'days the drawings have been £1830 l3e, as against £2882 $s six -ears ego. m i, HIGHLAND AND AGRICULTURAL I k SOCIETY. I e The annual general meeting of the Highland and; 50 Agricultural Society was held on Wednesday after - ...


... ST ROGNVALDWALTZ. By Singe Lund. Edin- burgh and Dundee: Methven, Simpson, & Co. This is a graceful and musician-like composi- tion, within the scope of ' players of fair executive powers. There are charming themes in each of the movements which cannot fail to make the waltz a favourite. TEx TWVO-PART SONG4. Words by Edward Oxenford. Music by Franz Abt. Edin- buglh and Dundee: Methven, Simpson ...