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... BIJABON. HORT1CIO1ULTOAL AND INDUSTRKIAL ESXUIrllow AT WTYNN- STAT PARN.--Oa Monday ihe annual exhibition in connection with the Ruabon and Rhos E3:orticnl- tural and Industrial Society was held in a series of tents in W~yhostay Park, Rnabon, kindly placed at the dispnsal of the commnittee by Sir Watkin Williams Wynn. Badt. The weather was wretnbed, heavy showers of rain falling during a ...


... THEATRE ROYAL. Above the ordinary run of dramas is The Shadows o' a Great City, running at the Thbatre Royal this week. The plot is a most finely-wrought one, but as it was represented upon the Cardiff boards some time last year, It will be unnecessary to do more than refreeh past memories by a sketch of it.. The robbing and consequent ruin of a family, the S&andishes, the imprisonment of an ...


... ST. A.SAPH. TUE ANNUAL FLOWVER SHIOW. t This annual event for the encouragemnent of B cottage horticulture was held in tbe National School a, on Friday last, when the room was nicely decorated o; with flowvers and plants lent by tbe Llord B3ishop, ts the Very Rev, the Dean, Major Hutton, Mr E. B. J Lnuxmore, Colonel Hore, and M~r Hulsby. The a display and arrangements wvere successfully ...

Literary Notices

... Li~terary Notices. J. I. is a nmonthly magazine admirably edited by Mrd Stephen Meozies. Toe number before us is beaut~iflly illustrated, and the letter -press tboroughly sound. Practical liants on Gas Co0nsumption is the title of a. pamphlet by Mr Joseph Shasw, Albert Works, Lockwood, Hudderefield. showing the advantages to be derived from al proper application and use of gas, and how to ...


... A NGTJBSEY HORTIOULjTTIRAL S HS O W; The teuth annual exhibition of t~he Anglemey Horticultural Society, which held at Lilangeful on Wednesday and Thnursday, was an attractive one, and the general opiuion prevailed thlat the quality of the exhibits w as folly up to the standard of previous yearas whilet the number Was well mainitained. M\r J S Laurie was thteohairm an of the Working C ...


... ABERG AV E.N-Y IG 1SE SHOWW. I .. I. ,-Tire fertv-foortir ar-astral ?? or tire Abet` lth ?? Homfre Show anod Agricultural Ase-i-ca- it t il, tion triok Plat-e ont Thl- rda1i llr Biley Park, Aber- ' klit g avenros-. O11ts Nsecatier, wetifri wals tisreateoirra ril il th wonin brghtnedabout. inoon, rind Uhit itil, fitlctdimeot vaslnrire. A lbrg. rnutniwr of tire i t If tr eainiltg' gentrxy Of ...


... CARDIFF lTERNATIONAL EXJIiTI . - ' I PREPARATIONS5 FOR OPENTIG- In a few dare tJh$ Ca:dMit krbibition stili 69e Feai tt It has heed ?? fimked forftttd ?? Wnait'ulvtlans made cC W ntiht it ia-to ,bi- to uch enest not be- epeoted. -Ti taudiff Ixbibidion is, libt ifitendsi to tri *ith these iiantld &-iflatioc-e associateA *kii h Sotd KenSidbton: dt lb ithhv b5 hecespted f*lt~p dds- siderabie ...