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... BIJABON. HORT1CIO1ULTOAL AND INDUSTRKIAL ESXUIrllow AT WTYNN- STAT PARN.--Oa Monday ihe annual exhibition in connection with the Ruabon and Rhos E3:orticnl- tural and Industrial Society was held in a series of tents in W~yhostay Park, Rnabon, kindly placed at the dispnsal of the commnittee by Sir Watkin Williams Wynn. Badt. The weather was wretnbed, heavy showers of rain falling during a ...


... ABERG AV E.N-Y IG 1SE SHOWW. I .. I. ,-Tire fertv-foortir ar-astral ?? or tire Abet` lth ?? Homfre Show anod Agricultural Ase-i-ca- it t il, tion triok Plat-e ont Thl- rda1i llr Biley Park, Aber- ' klit g avenros-. O11ts Nsecatier, wetifri wals tisreateoirra ril il th wonin brghtnedabout. inoon, rind Uhit itil, fitlctdimeot vaslnrire. A lbrg. rnutniwr of tire i t If tr eainiltg' gentrxy Of ...


... CARDIFF AM1USEMENTS. TILE ARABIAN NIGHTS' AT TUE i THIEATRlE ROYAL. t The main idea of tire excruciatingly funnyv three-act larcicat comedy, 'Til Arabian Nig I'rns ` -an intolerable mitiul-in-law arid it Toutful, t inexperieuced husbrind, who, finding hiirnelf in n awkward predicanment, lies it out with a spirit n WLrJiry of Aluaias hilniseit-is by no means new, f but thirO rre ini the ...


... REVIEW'S. We havo receivedt lie following for the wonth of SUpLett) ?? for re. via I v PAlTS OF1 SVANDAO D ViL'[.ICgTioXS. CAsioSLL ttnd Co., LUidgate-liil, Lundon, E.C. Ali' tori', PN ?? ,o1t ?? .I . ?? . ?? 7. Techlliial Lilodrcitr ?? . . . 61. ?? Scrap Bouci. ?? , .. , bd. Owr E[Xrlfi milt i t ?? ?? . .. ?? 7d. ii ?? rI ?? ?? ?? ..ic .iTioi ?? 15. VAUD, LoCoo, ?? Co. Sutlisbuvy ...


... OPENING DAY. 2 A MOST SUCCESSFUL GATHERING. I LIST OF AWARDS. Grand weather favoured the opening day of the i sixth annual Cardiff Horse Show. wbich now ranks second scarcely to any gathering of a like character outside London. As with its predecessors, the locate was the Sophie Gardens Park, kindig lent by Lord Bute, an admirable site, which readily lends Itself for ashow purposes. The ...


... SECOND DAY. Of RESULTS OF TEE JUmPIN, &-c. pi' Si A SUCCESSFUL Snow. y If thei attendance at the Cardiff Horse Show on 2-Wdnsa did not reach the expectations of risej Itcommittee, no: yet equal that on the firet d-ky last0 EJyatermost sanguine anticipations were fully r yo earteir onThursday, when upwards of 12,000 b 5tpersons assemrbled to witness what to the majority l of people is the most ...


... A NGTJBSEY HORTIOULjTTIRAL S HS O W; The teuth annual exhibition of t~he Anglemey Horticultural Society, which held at Lilangeful on Wednesday and Thnursday, was an attractive one, and the general opiuion prevailed thlat the quality of the exhibits w as folly up to the standard of previous yearas whilet the number Was well mainitained. M\r J S Laurie was thteohairm an of the Working C ...


... TA NOTES. r i kA=,S&oW AT SPk P - o SObe ` eical ssie f 51 ?? -Bavt t*$te~1 lc p. ;Cher tc otiehis cfa, - , Qwe.Cltec cnram nin rs 9 tbr i ?? Rnklibmez sy-. a I inspeetsa new7 beauityachimmout3' e divide with ?? wy day. Ieam on the e4S i~8 e Tbough-I very mc y C, I Ael mak- msk some doze of.Fusres PVd the one I pronoliuce The hlst Fi ' i keprttuadliout.P4 str or.Rone,? t AndI a w1f btl a Bti ...


... 'THE OLD GUARD AT THE THEATRE t. ROYAL. 5, 'auquettes opera Thte Old Guard, which Will be put before the patrons of the Theatre Royal, Cardiff, during the coming week, is one of the biggest engagements of the season, und an a- idea of thle excellence of the piece and the success it has achieved may be gathered from the fact that it. has tad an unbroken run of 250 performanoies in the ...

Jokes and Jokers

... Jokes and. Jokers. A Pleasant Dinner Cotnpanion.-Miss Ethel: Who was the old gentleman. who took you in to ?? Clara : An old bachelor friernd of papa's; He was ?? Ethel : I shouldn't think you would finl a bald-headed old baohelor a very delightful oompanion at dinner.- Miss Claia: Oh, but he was; he attracted all the flies. Musio in the Night.-alies Clara (retired for the night): Ethel, wake ...