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Jokes and Jokers

... Tokes and Jokers. The farce-seeing man is not necessarily far.-ee. ing. An elevated road-the one that leads from the tavern. Talk about the thermometer haying been low; why, it has positively been vulgar. The only thing that a miser ever loses is his ap-l petite-the cost of a meal snares it away. The man who lives on little is worshipped as an economist, while he who lives on nothing is des- ...


... I FIS NNUAL EXHIBITION AT.I CAIMCIIF. Ic THE. OPENING TO-Dxy. t WNHAT THE PICTUIEiS ARE LIKEM Art in South Wales owes much to Mr. Edwin Seward, 1LC.A., of Cardiff, who has ever evinced I the warmest interest; in its culture, and spared no pa.ins to render it successful and prosperous. it ad was mainly through nis instrumentality that thle ,se South Waebs Art Society was established eight ~ ...


... CARDIFF INTERNATIONAL I EXHIBITION. | SECOND NOTICE OF EXHIBIT. The Cardiff International Exhibition, with its varied exhjibits and aft~ernoon andieventing ooncerta& still proves a source of interest, the numoter who passed through rhe turnstiles en Tbursday monigto 6,943. Next week the execu-IV tie provides an immense attzractia great e~xpense, in Johliouo'e Blue Hungarian Bland of twelve per ...


... GRAND MSICALEISTDDFODI A T TLLANELL RESU LT OF COMPETITIOINS, Llanelly was en fete on Monday, the occasonI being the holding of the long-anticipated musical festiv~al, the proceeds of which were to be wholly devoted tO the augmentation of the funds of the 16 Lianelly Hospital. At the grand banquet givenxt by M. Burns, as chairman of thle local board, in ?? last, the hor. secretary' of the ...


... BRECONSHIRE AiGRICUL- TURAL SHIOW far backwr as 1wi connection tritha the Brecon-I arhire Agricultnmal Society, which was established sofabaka17, was held on Thu~rsday at. Tat- narth. This year the migrator- principle which I 'formerly existed was re-intro'dueed, with good results. The day was beautifully fine, and the t show was ext~ensively patronteed, among those 1 -, present beiug Capt tin ...


... I I h, , RUSSIAN NATIONTAL OPERA f II | IN CARDIFF. i A MUSIC.Ii, TTREAT. iMessrs. E. and IV. John, tie lessees of ?? Grand T'heatre and Opera House, Cardiff, are to be corn- wended upon their enterprise mi securing fnr next .veek-tihe week when Cardilt will bit dispensing Ilospitiility to the meujbers of the Associated CuliaubLis of Comuierce-the Russian Nations! Opera Cornpany, wio, by ...


... THE 3OUTH WALES ART SOCIETY. .0 OPENING OF THE EXHIBITIOIN AT CARDIFF. SPEECHE 3 BY COLONEL HIhL, 0 G.E., C. P., AND OTHERS. rho ARIT A.ND ITS YTUMANISING ept ~INFLUENM6b f thy a by, The first exhibition promoted by the SouLth is Wales Art society and ,Sketchiing Club was 00' formally opened in the Quee i-street Public. r iDe; hail), Cardf, onl Saturday afternoon, by idy Colonel E. S. Bill, C ...


... CARDIFF AM1USEMENTS. TILE ARABIAN NIGHTS' AT TUE i THIEATRlE ROYAL. t The main idea of tire excruciatingly funnyv three-act larcicat comedy, 'Til Arabian Nig I'rns ` -an intolerable mitiul-in-law arid it Toutful, t inexperieuced husbrind, who, finding hiirnelf in n awkward predicanment, lies it out with a spirit n WLrJiry of Aluaias hilniseit-is by no means new, f but thirO rre ini the ...


... OPENING DAY. 2 A MOST SUCCESSFUL GATHERING. I LIST OF AWARDS. Grand weather favoured the opening day of the i sixth annual Cardiff Horse Show. wbich now ranks second scarcely to any gathering of a like character outside London. As with its predecessors, the locate was the Sophie Gardens Park, kindig lent by Lord Bute, an admirable site, which readily lends Itself for ashow purposes. The ...


... SECOND DAY. Of RESULTS OF TEE JUmPIN, &-c. pi' Si A SUCCESSFUL Snow. y If thei attendance at the Cardiff Horse Show on 2-Wdnsa did not reach the expectations of risej Itcommittee, no: yet equal that on the firet d-ky last0 EJyatermost sanguine anticipations were fully r yo earteir onThursday, when upwards of 12,000 b 5tpersons assemrbled to witness what to the majority l of people is the most ...