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Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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... ; MR IRVING IN LOUIS XL t The popularity of Mr Henry Irving and his d company has been attested during the present a engagement more fully perhaps than on the b occasion of any former visit. It is only a year Since Faust was produced at the Royalty x Theatre, so that it was not of the nature of a k novelty at this time. Moreover, this is Exhibi- F tiess year in Glasgow, and since Mr Irving ...


... SUALES AT THE EXHIBITION. f I INTERIM IN TE RDIr GRANTED. t Yesterday afternoon the application by tbe i Executive Counoil of the Exhibition to have . Mars CampbeU & Co., fruit and Japanese merchants, Glasgow, interdicted fron selling goede s at, and to ba carried away from, their stall in the Exhibition without 'special permissior came up t again before Sheriff Guthrie. His Lordship ?? t the ...


... - . ROYALTYt.- AS IN A LOOKING . T r 'Wiliam- Duck' company began ' six i 'nighta'-engagment at the Royalty Theatre last I night in Mr F. C. Groves new 'iour-aet play 5 Ias in ?? Looking-Glass. Through -its I presentation '1by Mrs Bernard-Beeres through I arrangement with whom it is produced on tho r present occasion the play is already famniliar to I the public;- aud last night it ...


... MAhUcs.-Mauchlne Flower Show wusbeld on Satur- iJ day itethe Temperance Hall. It is tea years since the lest, Show was held in Mauchline, end the endeavour to revive ) what used to be one of the finest annual exhibitions in Ayr- shire resulted in a complete success, the wet weather bemg I the only dawback. Ct fiolwers werea spleadid show, roses, pansies, and gladioh, speilly the Latter, being ...


... A URICULTUBE. -SHOW AND SALE -OF BLACKEACED sea RAMIS AN OBAN. - 1C At tile West Highlanld Auction Maert yesterday.'o :io~vory ?? weather.- Mr Corsoh- held bll gre-at annual special sale- of ?? shearlinog F as ran a ver~ysmall beginnuing, this saelashs to Tbeea yearly increasing in importanoce. andatar -prejsat is tire' largesh of the kind- in Scotland, MI :breeders of blackiafced stock, from~ ...


... fMUSIC AND THE DRAMIAS (aEomrr owls co~aBaspObiENr.) F MrEdni open doth I Sunday Night. i Bi, doni Opned.thWStrand Theatre last 'du e Ighs ihM Mark. Millard's farcical comedy 0 ,Kleptomania and Bryan's. old burlesque PI ?? refurbished. The- comedy we de- of j tribed on Jprne 18, gan although it now goes 1 Ts e far more briskly than, on the afternoonD Of its'a 7- ,oiia rdcin h fun still ...


... GLASGOW INTERNATIONAL EMIBITIOXJ. The weather yesterday was delightfully fine, aid the attendance, although not so large as 6n the previous day, -was surprisingly good. The holidays being now practically at a close, and the residents of the-western district of the city baving returned, there was a large turnout Of seafbt ticket holdrs, numbering more than. half the toal admissions There were ...


... The publi'ction of the week is the Corre- I snoadeace of Charles Kirknatrick Sharpe, Br edited by Mr Alexander Allardyca, with a mae- ld moir by the Rev. W. K. Bedford. It is in two bri! voiumes, with numerous illustrations from a drawing3 and etchings by Sharpe, and is pub- whi lisbeil by Messrs Wm. Blackwood & Sons.- the the Arother notable publication is The Maple. Th soa Memoirs (18 ...


... GLASGOW INTERNATIONAL *. EXBITIBON i The attendance at the Exhibitionl en Satur- day, despite the wretched weather, reached the gratifying total of 52,068. The figures were largely brought up by special excursions. Over 8000 persons were brought from the Vale of reven -alone. The party consisted of the I workers in Dalmonach works; Bonbill3- nuibbr- ing about 650, who were generously .provided ...


... AQUA TICS. IV SWIMMLNG ENTERTAINU1ENT AITE be Thsocuig aahl nerteast the Scottishs Amataur Swimming Association took we ?? On the Kelvin on Saturday afternoon. Tt5e,. or was again a very iargs attendance. 'The chalhn and reserved eisolosure were completely filled,vrijl, ,dthe east bank was crowded eight and tan doeel Ialong the entitre course. Rain, whichs had fa,,, daring the forenoon, ...


... Pt The first exhibition of the Inverness and North b, of Scotland Canine Society was opened to-day in In the Free Church General Assembly HlZInver- Wr uass. The number of entries was 382, ma sng theo largest show which has been held in the north for a of long series of year. Aaaong the entries are I exhibits from the principal breeders i ll b1 e parts of Scotland, and the quality is ev ...


... Anstmuther: or Illustrations of Scottish Burgh Life. By George Gourlay. (Anstrutber: George Gourlay, ?? spite of the thorough knowledge which he displays of the history of a Anstrutber, aad in spite, too, of the many a interesting incidents associated with Maggie C Lauder's towui, Mr Ggurlay ban failed to pro- c ducs aa altogether satisfactory book. The plan which he has adopted of going ...