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... ART EXHIBITION AT LLAI. DILO. An exhibition of works of art took place at the Diili-liall, Llandilo, on Friday. This exhibition- tine first of its kind at Llandilo-was made in con- nection with tine recently-established drawing. class, under the mastership o1 Mr. NY. Sones; science aud art teacher, Carnmarthen. Dr. Lloyd acts as hoonorary secretary of tine local branch, and Lo him much of the ...


... TA NOTES. r i kA=,S&oW AT SPk P - o SObe ` eical ssie f 51 ?? -Bavt t*$te~1 lc p. ;Cher tc otiehis cfa, - , Qwe.Cltec cnram nin rs 9 tbr i ?? Rnklibmez sy-. a I inspeetsa new7 beauityachimmout3' e divide with ?? wy day. Ieam on the e4S i~8 e Tbough-I very mc y C, I Ael mak- msk some doze of.Fusres PVd the one I pronoliuce The hlst Fi ' i keprttuadliout.P4 str or.Rone,? t AndI a w1f btl a Bti ...


... FAIRtS TUIL SEPTEMBER. Rueith ?? 3 ?? LisLnvbythler ?? 3 1Lett~ersten ., 37 irecmanhek ?? . 4 t 'ledega r . Carmharthen ,. 0 Llanbaidy ..8 Riedwick 4 7J2aiboet ; .. 8 'Tregxron . 4 CanItol (Crdiff) . 19 HaverfordwLestLiendyasi ,9 Dry siwylt.l 7Nartrii ?? ?? I9 Cardlgait ?? ,8 9 391 IewCAsLe-Emlyll ?? 2i 31.andover y. 8 Petribroke . . 20 Prosteigne . ?? ?? C -rriro 1 . ?? 21 Talr ?? ?? , , ...


... CARDIFF AM USEMEN TS. a TH'EIEATItE ROYAL., i A very fair house assembled at the Theatre 5. Royal no londay niglht to witness tihe production t of the well-known drama by Messrs. R. C. Carton y and C. Raleigh, The Pointitnran. The plot is a well conceived, and tihe piece itself obtains full ,ostice at tbe irinds of Miss Agnes Hewitt's com- y pny; but there were several slight hitches in the ...


... On Tnesday. the Lord-lientlenant of Denbighsb ire, Colonel Cor'nwallis West, in the presence of a large assembly of the Iocal gentry, opened the frat art and industrial exhibition, which' wae the outcome of an idea originating witl Miss Msinwarinfi- to- assist and encourage the local manufacturers, artists, carvers, etc. That the idea wast readily taken up, it is only necessary to state that ...

Jokes and Jokers

... Jokes and. Jokers. A Pleasant Dinner Cotnpanion.-Miss Ethel: Who was the old gentleman. who took you in to ?? Clara : An old bachelor friernd of papa's; He was ?? Ethel : I shouldn't think you would finl a bald-headed old baohelor a very delightful oompanion at dinner.- Miss Claia: Oh, but he was; he attracted all the flies. Musio in the Night.-alies Clara (retired for the night): Ethel, wake ...